Has Anybody Else Noticed a Scarcity of Hunting Videos on YouTube Lately?

Oh dang, I missed all that stuff but doesnt sound like it got to that point either way.

My question is if RS members or others knew enough to testify, why didn’t they go and turn him in 5 years ago or did they? Seems like that would of been the right thing to do.

Oh dang, I missed all that stuff but doesnt sound like it got to that point either way.

My question is if RS members or others knew enough to testify, why didn’t they go and turn him in 5 years ago or did they? Seems like that would of been the right thing to do.
I guess you'd have to ask those guys.
I even posted on that with my old username. Now that you read back on that thread and know more of the story they really don’t discuss the wolf much, almost seem upset about it, wouldn’t of caught it back then.
The way he addressed it in his podcast is more off putting than the fact he did it for me.
i haven’t noticed but I do know it’s hunting season and MY time AT work has been reduced.
Sounds like everybody had a rough year this year, and maybe lack of videos has to do with lack of filled tags. Cause, you know, gotta make sure they know you can only kill stuff by buying all the affiliate linked products and wearing the same camo, driving the same expensive rig.
Something I have noticed is seems like I’d usually get spammed emails for the up coming hunting year by now from Elk101 and BNR, I wonder if I removed myself from their lists or maybe I’m so used to junk email I just delete stuff without even knowing it.
Just so I'm clear some of yall think that they will make hunting go away? What is going to happen to all the state wildlife agencies and game wardens? How does defund Fish and game work?
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I think Randy did a great job explaining it and see it as nothing of concern.

Also I don‘t think it is all about Randy but influencers in general, they just singled him out in writing the petetion.
And the way I understand it is Randy then paid some of that money to the pile of other influencers, including Call, that he shred camp with.
And the way I understand it is Randy then paid some of that money to the pile of other influencers, including Call, that he shred camp with.
Pretty sure the time Randy shared camp with Call was at a Sitka coues hunt event, doubt he paid Call but neither you nor I know and really that doesn’t even matter, not sure why it matters if Randy paid anyone actually.
Just so I'm clear some of yall think that they will make hunting go away? What is going to happen to all the state wildlife agencies and game wardens? How does defund Fish and game work?

Actually, defund fish and game is don't buy license.

Seems that it is popular, especially if you wait til after you shoot something.
The lack of film permits, even being able to not get them if you want them may be part of the issue. I see duck hunters filming commercially in refuges video after video and Im fairly sure these guys aren't getting permits or are even aware they are needed.
The lack of film permits, even being able to not get them if you want them may be part of the issue. I see duck hunters filming commercially in refuges video after video and Im fairly sure these guys aren't getting permits or are even aware they are needed.
Gritty also got busted for that as well
I rarely watch hunting vids but enjoy Billy Molls,Jim Shockey and Brad fry. They seem to portray hunting in a positive way without being corporate bought.