Has Anybody Else Noticed a Scarcity of Hunting Videos on YouTube Lately?

That's classic. Almost as funny as the husband and wife Idaho residents that were there and played it off.
You are obviously referring to Ryan and I, but I think its super cute thats how you referred to us instead of calling us out by name. I think it‘s because you didn’t want us to see it in a timely manner, allowing us to defend ourselves so we look like hypocrites. For the record, @RYANAVERY AND I HAVE NEVER HUNTED WITH BRIAN CALL. Brian was sharing a hunting camp with us, as were several other people that were hunting on their own. I arrived to hunting camp hours after Brian shot the wolf, so the only information I had was what Brian told me. I really think its indicative of YOUR character that you are going to talk crap about us without even calling us out to our faces, especially since you enjoy the perks of a FREE forum that Ryan spends countless hours running. Since you are so ethically pure, perhaps you should not be on a forum you believe the owners to not have as high of hunting standards as you do. Let me know, and I will delete your account any time.
That's funny you guys were all in camp together weren't you? Wasn't Ryan subpoenaed to testify this summer if it came to it? Maybe I should put the pm up I got from Robby telling me to shut my mouth, but then stating that "people" knew about it and that he knew and didn't like what Bryan did. Did you guys get photoshopped in this pic?gritty.jpg
On an insta Q&A, Aron said “I didn’t say shit until I was subpoenaed.” My guess, the reason no one said anything is because it was a wolf. Not saying it’s right, but it’s human nature to look after our own, especially when it comes to something everyone involved sees as a net positive.

Truthfully I don’t look at him or anyone else involved differently.
That's funny you guys were all in camp together weren't you? Wasn't Ryan subpoenaed to testify this summer if it came to it? Maybe I should put the pm up I got from Robby telling me to shut my mouth, but then stating that "people" knew about it and that he knew and didn't like what Bryan did. Did you guys get photoshopped in this pic?View attachment 332729
Suspecting something and witnessing something are two very different things. Yeah, I was subpoenaed mostly for the hunt timeline. Like Tanya said we didn't hunt together so I had no actual first-hand knowledge of what happened.

The picture is at the camp... as you can see Tanya has flip-flops on not hiking boots......
Maybe I should put the pm up I got from Robby telling me to shut my mouth, but then stating that "people" knew about it and that he knew and didn't like what Bryan did. Did you guys get photoshopped in this pic?
I'll put it up, and as you can see, I didn't know anything as I wasn't there, so it was just hearsay, like you.

"about the poached wolf? If not, drop it. That is everything that is wrong with the internet.

If you do have proof, please call 208 525 7290 and report it, but blasting it everywhere with no proof is just heresay

and if he did do it, I hope he gets caught

[IMG alt="orionthehunter1"]https://forumdata.rokslide.com/file/forumdata/data/avatars/m/1/1806.jpg?1547350710[/IMG]


I didn't blast anything I'm not even the one that brought it up. Someone asked about it and I told him what happened and yeah I know people who were there and they told me what happened. I've know Aron a long time probably longer than you. I don't have to report anything if the guys that were there want to it is on them. It is not up to me to report it if they don't want to get involved. It is not hearsay you can go back to the thread where Brian defended Adam Greentree when that all came out and he threw Aron under the bus calling him a poacher for shooting a squirrel and then did the same with Rinella. That is when Brian poaching the wolf came to light. I didn't start it and I didn't keep bringing it up.

[IMG alt="robby denning"]https://forumdata.rokslide.com/file/forumdata/data/avatars/m/1/1395.jpg?1547350710[/IMG]

Then drop it. I’m sick of all the little one liners on the wolf deal. I don’t see every thread in the site but I’ve never seen Aron bring it up. And I know people who were there too but none of them are spouting off on the site about it, so let it lie. If he gets busted, it’ll be all his doing. Not the haters one liners

And to be very clear, I don’t support what he did.

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Robby that pm was over a year ago it was dated April 9, 2020. Your last sentence states you don't support what he did. Why make a statement like that if you didn't know what happened? Like I said people knew what he did and it stayed quiet until it couldn't. I wasn't blaming anyone if you go back through the thread. All I stated is that people knew and when others on the thread asked why they didn't speak up I said they would have to contact them.
Robby that pm was over a year ago it was dated April 9, 2020. Your last sentence states you don't support what he did. Why make a statement like that if you didn't know what happened? Like I said people knew what he did and it stayed quiet until it couldn't. I wasn't blaming anyone if you go back through the thread. All I stated is that people knew and when others on the thread asked why they didn't speak up I said they would have to contact them.
and my 3rd sentence said " and IF he did do it, I hope he gets caught"...

because I didn't KNOW anything, just like you didn't back in April of 2020.

If someone was on Rokslide accusing you of something via hearsay, I'd tell them to knock it off, too.

and you weren't the only one I warned on that thread.
On an insta Q&A, Aron said “I didn’t say shit until I was subpoenaed.” My guess, the reason no one said anything is because it was a wolf. Not saying it’s right, but it’s human nature to look after our own, especially when it comes to something everyone involved sees as a net positive.

Truthfully I don’t look at him or anyone else involved differently.


Its a wolf.

I would NOT have snitched on him either. Aint nothing but a different color bigger better killer coyote to me.
Robby that pm was over a year ago it was dated April 9, 2020. Your last sentence states you don't support what he did. Why make a statement like that if you didn't know what happened? Like I said people knew what he did and it stayed quiet until it couldn't. I wasn't blaming anyone if you go back through the thread. All I stated is that people knew and when others on the thread asked why they didn't speak up I said they would have to contact them.
Why are you so worked up over this gritty guy? Sounds like those at camp didn’t have first hand knowledge and that is true if they weren’t there when it happened, you made it sound like they witnessed it or maybe I miss took it as that.

Its a wolf.

I would NOT have snitched on him either. Aint nothing but a different color bigger better killer coyote to me.

It's definitely in a weird spot in the ethics debate. I wouldn't have turned him in either (not proud of that but being honest) but i wouldn't condone it and it would make me want to distance myself from him. Seems there is distance between Call and Snyder and Call and Rokslide nowadays. Maybe he's still one of the boys at MTNOPS..
Why are you so worked up over this gritty guy? Sounds like those at camp didn’t have first hand knowledge and that is true if they weren’t there when it happened, you made it sound like they witnessed it or maybe I miss took it as that.
Not worked up at all just stated that more then Brian knew what happened whether it was on the hill, in camp, or driving to get tags to CYA and people got their feathers ruffled. It's funny that some poachers get a pass because of who they are or what they poached. To me it is something that shouldn't be tolerated, but to each their own and I will leave it at that.
Not worked up at all just stated that more then Brian knew what happened whether it was on the hill, in camp, or driving to get tags to CYA and people got their feathers ruffled. It's funny that some poachers get a pass because of who they are or what they poached. To me it is something that shouldn't be tolerated, but to each their own and I will leave it at that.

Doesn’t seem to me that Brian got a pass. I couldn’t understand from his Podcast if he actually got convicted or he pleaded out of it, but seems the law won. As it it should have.

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