Has Anybody Else Noticed a Scarcity of Hunting Videos on YouTube Lately?

I’m guessing gritty is wondering how to make a comeback after admitting his idaho wolf was illegal. I’d be fine if he never comes back and grabs himself a desk job somewhere
Yeesh. I didn't realize that happened. So that may explain why he has been MIA.

It is somewhat interesting that you are just now noticing this trend....
Cool comment. Quick clarification on an incorrect conclusion you just jumped to: that I haven't noticed the general trend of social media companies censoring content they disagree with. I'd have to have been hiding out in a cave somewhere in Serbia for the last 5 years to believe that.

My reason for bringing hunting-related censorship up here is that it seems to be something that has ramped up recently on Youtube, and I thought it might be relevant to bring up on, you know, a hunting-related forum. And since Youtube is one of the main places that most of us get any hunting related video content to enjoy.

I get that there is a lot of issues with the people putting the content out there, and the product pimping they do gets annoying. But beyond that, my worry is what they have planned, meaning the folks making these censorship decisions around hunting content. These people all walk in the same circles and if they are targeting our way of life, and the things we do for enjoyment, on that platform, what else might they have planned, and where else might they be carrying out those plans?

I guess it's just disturbing to think where else this may go.
I think that it is quite funny that guys are acting like youtube hunters have ruined hunting and that by them going away, all of a sudden the woods are going to be less busy. Keep dreaming. In all reality, the people who portray hunting in a positive way on a massive platform like YT aren't hurting a thing.
the people who portray hunting in a positive way on a massive platform like YT aren't hurting a thing.
The ones portraying it negative far outweigh the positive. There at least used to be a little bit of a veil in front of hunting. Sure the "trophy hunting" side didnt appeal to the masses but media was limited to our own outlets.

Social media outside of targeted forums like this one is the worst thing to ever happen to the world period. Everyone was much happier in their small social groups. Years ago Becky wasnt watching a goat fall off a 400' cliff after being shot with a 300 win mag. That was a good thing. Tide didnt have to worry about having a commercial on the same video, it was sponsored by nosler.
The ones portraying it negative far outweigh the positive. There at least used to be a little bit of a veil in front of hunting. Sure the "trophy hunting" side didnt appeal to the masses but media was limited to our own outlets.

Social media outside of targeted forums like this one is the worst thing to ever happen to the world period. Everyone was much happier in their small social groups. Years ago Becky wasnt watching a goat fall off a 400' cliff after being shot with a 300 win mag. That was a good thing. Tide didnt have to worry about having a commercial on the same video, it was sponsored by nosler.
Man, I can definitely see it from your perspective, and probably agree with that perspective more. I do think there is a monopoly though. YouTube (google) is definitely larger than AT&T ever was and other previously split up companies. If I owned a cake store and refused to sell to bob and jim for their gay marriage, then get f’ed over, how can Youtube do something similar with hunting or other things that they disagree with? I’m definitely pro capitalism. But the rules are not the same for everyone.
Not sure what it was I was watching but they were comparing hunting shows with Cult animal scarifies and posing the question of why let one be shown and the other not.
not sure if it was cult wanting exposure or anti hunting wanting to put an exodus on hunting programs
I think that it is quite funny that guys are acting like youtube hunters have ruined hunting and that by them going away, all of a sudden the woods are going to be less busy. Keep dreaming. In all reality, the people who portray hunting in a positive way on a massive platform like YT aren't hurting a thing.
It wouldn’t hurt anything if 98% of the hunting content on YouTube and Instagram disappeared overnight either.
Depublicize, Deglorify, Demonetize- as the good Rinella (Matt) put it. If you would do those three simple things I think you would see a decrease in hunters. I think there’s a large portion of them who don’t do it because they love hunting or being outdoors. they do it as a way to make money, get likes, become in instafamous.
Zuckerberg may not be the hero we wanted, but he will be the hero we get.
It wouldn’t hurt anything if 98% of the hunting content on YouTube and Instagram disappeared overnight either.
Depublicize, Deglorify, Demonetize- as the good Rinella (Matt) put it. If you would do those three simple things I think you would see a decrease in hunters. I think there’s a large portion of them who don’t do it because they love hunting or being outdoors. they do it as a way to make money, get likes, become in instafamous.
I mean yeah, you would see a decrease in hunters, but is that a selfish short minded desire? Looking at the longevity of hunting for future generations, increased hunter numbers(voters) is the best way to keep it around. It will never be like it was back in the day again, the landscape (physically and of hunting as a whole) has changed way too much.
Just tired of this bullshit narrative from every walk of life. Someone is always complaining that someone else is oppressing or censoring them.

Facebook is hiding conservative thoughts.... wah
The vaccine is an assault on my rights.... wah
Youtube wont pay me to kill deer ... wah
My kid isnt vaccinated but has to wear a mask... wah
Im gay and no one will bow at my feet ... wah
I dont eat meat so you cant either... wah

Its just old and getting it here from people who are supposed to be for capitalism is just bonkers

Not sure, but sounds like you are whining quite a bit. I thought you were tired of all the whining?

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I think that it is quite funny that guys are acting like youtube hunters have ruined hunting and that by them going away, all of a sudden the woods are going to be less busy. Keep dreaming. In all reality, the people who portray hunting in a positive way on a massive platform like YT aren't hurting a thing.

The nonkillers have to have something to blame their nonkilling on!

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