- Joined
- Mar 16, 2016
Because as a society we have allowed the mentality of "boxes" to take hold. Everyone is trying to put everyone in boxes. If you agree with X, then you must agree with Y, Z, AA, etc. Admitting that there is merit on the other side, removes one from the box and we cant have that. All or nothing, no fence sitting.This is stupid. The debate is tired and annoying. The loud ones on both sides come off as giant, arrogant douches.
My summary…. You have old school, deeply-rooted hunting-based traditions on one side, and then you have new school, cool kid, tactical-shooting-based viewpoints on the other side.
This is just a glimpse into the microcosm that is society these days. Two polarized viewpoints. This is what I don’t understand… Like everything else that gets debated, which is pretty much everything, why is it so hard to recognize that there is merit on both sides?
Imo, like most other things debatable, the best answers lie in the middle. So we have people, mostly younger and due to growing up with the Internet and an easily accessible preponderance of information, who are driven more by “data” and less by experience, then we have people who did not grow up with the www at their fingertips and instead had to rely on experience and traditions passed down from those who went before them. One side says “head stamps don’t kill animals”, bullets do, and small .22-24 caliber, well constructed bullets work best. The other side says “there is no replacement for displacement” and you should use something with “knock down power” and a big .30-.338” wide chunk of lead thrown by something with a belt around its ass. Know what? They are both effing right!
Therefore, the wise man doesn’t the dismiss either side, instead recognizes the merit from each camp, and ultimately lands in the middle.
Ergo pragmatism… use a 6.5 to 7mm, go hunt, be happy and stfu.
Those that can see merit in both sides generally dont say anything because the one side or the other become super annoying. Self preservation takes hold.
Largely the part that baffles me the most with this is people act like Form is telling everyone that they must run out, sell their magnum, do 10 jumping jacks, chant 15 hail marys, sell their soul to the devil and then buy a small caliber gun.
When from my standpoint, it looks more like there is just information about the capabilities of the 6MM and smaller cartridges being provided for people to consider.
If I ever get a new gun, it will probably be a 6CM, largely based on the information that has been provided by Form. Until that day comes, I will keep shooting my 7Mag or my 06.
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