Form struck someone’s nerve

Amen to this! This is what I want.

I personally am working towards building 3 nearly identical rifles.

1.) .223 trainer with 53 gr. Vmaxs to double as a coyote rig
2.) 6 Creed or PRC shooting 109 ELDMs
3.) 300 RUM to push a 208 ELDM fast and buck wind for the extended range shots.

All setup on Zermatt Origins with MDT HNT26s and topped with a high quality and reliable optic that maxes out at around 20-25 power.
Those are some nice rigs...You plan on doing some self testing on some gel?

Has anyone ever scientifically defined where small/piss-ant calibers end and large/whalloping calibers begin? Is it a matter of caliber, bullet weight, whether or not it's a magnum, or some combination?
I'll guess 300 Win Mag. That's what most people think you'll need for elk.
BULLSHIT! Packed snow and ice on the road are slicker than goose shit.
Truth! In that whole leupy thread back n forth about how if you cant stay on your feet you shouldn't be hunting yada yada all i could think about was how my drop test approved SWFA got wrecked from taking a fall on an icy road haha.

Has anyone ever scientifically defined where small/piss-ant calibers end and large/whalloping calibers begin? Is it a matter of caliber, bullet weight, whether or not it's a magnum, or some combination?

Around rokslide 6.5 creedmoor seems to be about the cuttoff
I pulled a similar move years ago and hit my head on the ice. Probably explains alot about me.
My father-in-law knocked himself out cold in his own driveway last winter. We laugh about it now, but it can get serious quick when something like that happens.
This is actually a good thing. The more that other people go out and blast Rokslide, @Ryan Avery , or @Formidilosus for things like using a smaller caliber, hunting with target bullets, and testing scopes, the more that people will come to Rokslide or listen to Shoot 2 Hunt.

If we keep this up, we may just get all the scope manufacturers to produce reliable products......
It’s going to be a long road. 99.99% of hunters do not even know RS exists.
Jvb does some variation of "What is the best caliber for _______" on about 75 podcasts and blogs a year.

What's he going to do if the answer is as simple as "6mm for everything"? Is he going to have to come up with new and compelling content?!?! WtF for?!?

He's going to ride his Bill Engvall "here's your sign!" schick 'till he's retired.
Jvb does some variation of "What is the best caliber for _______" on about 75 podcasts and blogs a year.

What's he going to do if the answer is as simple as "6mm for everything"? Is he going to have to come up with new and compelling content?!?! WtF for?!?

He's going to ride his Bill Engvall "here's your sign!" schick 'till he's retired.

Yep, it’s typical gunwriter drivel in a new format.

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I don't think a single one of those people wants to have any conversation with Ryan or Form. Let alone a recorded one.
I would LOVE it if it happened! Knowing Caylens background, my sense is they wouldn't.
I would LOVE it if it happened! Knowing Caylens background, my sense is they wouldn't.
I think Caylen went off half-cocked on the issue based on information his Leupold friend gave him. Now he's just doubling down because it would take a lot of humility to admit he's not a font of information on this topic.

It tells me what kind of teacher he is, in a way. Some control their ego and would approach this as "This sounds crazy but I should nonetheless look into it in good faith because I owe that to my students." However he seems to take it as a challenge to his authority.
I think Caylen went off half-cocked on the issue based on information his Leupold friend gave him. Now he's just doubling down because it would take a lot of humility to admit he's not a font of information on this topic.

It tells me what kind of teacher he is, in a way. Some control their ego and would approach this as "This sounds crazy but I should nonetheless look into it in good faith because I owe that to my students." However he seems to take it as a challenge to his authority.
You think or you know what kind of teacher he is? Have you taken one of his classes? Have you ever spoken at length with the man?
Nothing in my 15 years of knowing Caylen would ever let me to believe he does anything half cocked.

I have never met a so called "expert" that didn't have an ego. Those on this forum included...
You think or you know what kind of teacher he is?
I meant his attitude towards new information. I don't need to have taken a class from him to see how he's treating this topic when it challenges what he thinks he knows. Side note: while I am less interested in his classes now that Phillip Velayo left, I bet they're still fantastic.
Nothing in my 15 years of knowing Caylen would ever let me to believe he does anything half cocked.
He brought up a bunch of stuff specifically regarding the testing methodology (rings, scope base, stock/action connection, etc) that if he had actually taken even a cursory glance at the testing he would know those are controlled for. He then replied to someone in the comments of the Youtube version of this podcast episode saying "What makes you think I didn't read up on this?".

So three explanations pop out to me for him talking about those things as issues with the testing.

1. He is not very smart
2. He did not actually do his own research into this in good faith
3. He did do his research and is lying

I personally think he's reasonably smart. I haven't received any indication he's anything other than smart from my limited exposure to the videos I've seen him in. I think you can attest to him not being a liar based on knowing him. That leaves option 2, possibly with his Leupold friend poisoning the water on the little "research" he did which appears to just be asking his preferred authority figure.
I have never met an a so called "expert" that didnt have an ego. Those on this forum included...
Why would he be an expert on this topic? I think he's falling into the trap a lot of self styled "experts" get into where they think their expertise extends further than it actually does.
You see what all you piss ant shooters don't know about is the taylor knockout factor. It's a good approximation for wallop, which is a good indicator of killing authority. They are better ways to quantify effectiveness than knockdown power, which is now an antiquated unit of measure.

That's why I shoot my big game with a .375 h&h.
This is stupid. The debate is tired and annoying. The loud ones on both sides come off as giant, arrogant douches.

My summary…. You have old school, deeply-rooted hunting-based traditions on one side, and then you have new school, cool kid, tactical-shooting-based viewpoints on the other side.

This is just a glimpse into the microcosm that is society these days. Two polarized viewpoints. But this is also what I don’t understand… Like everything else that gets debated, which is pretty much everything, why is it so hard to recognize that there is merit on both sides?

Imo, the best answers lie in the middle. So we have people, mostly younger and due to growing up with the Internet and an easily accessible preponderance of information, are driven more by “data” (or worse yet, some Internet personality and their version of “data”) and less by experience. Then opposing them, we have people who did not grow up with the www at their fingertips and who instead had to rely on experience and traditions passed down from those who went before them. One side says “head stamps don’t kill animals”, bullets do, and small .22-24 caliber, well constructed bullets work best. The other side says “there is no replacement for displacement” and you should use something with “knock down power” and a big .30-.338” wide chunk of lead thrown by something with a belt around its ass. Know what? They are both effing right!

Therefore, the wise man doesn’t the dismiss either side, instead recognizes the merit from each camp, and ultimately lands in the middle.

Ergo pragmatism… use a 6.5 to 7mm, gosh maybe even a .308, go hunt, be happy and stfu.
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