Please show me in the constitution where there is one branch of government and not three. The federal government is not a business and is not run by a “CEO.” A CEO can be voted in and voted out by the shareholders. Not the case with our president. Please show me where he is working with the other branches of government to work out permanent solutions to the country’s problems. Again, he is ruling the country by executive fiat. Yes, the blue team does this as well. I hate when they do it too.
Who said there was one branch of government not three? I am not sure what that has to do with this conversation. EO's in general are not good. Although they have been written by every president since George Washington. Unfortunately our federal government is a business even though it shouldn't be. It is the largest employer in the U.S. This was not what the founding fathers envisioned but it keeps getting bigger which it seems you are happy with the status quo. Two weeks of controversial actions and you are already fighting for the other side. Some people are going to get screwed as cuts are made but when you are dealing with a civilian workforce of 3m people not everyone is going to be happy.
So you are saying he has been in office for two weeks and he hasn't worked with congress on anything? You must have some serious connections to know everything that is going on in DC.
President's can be voted out by the shareholders (voters).
It amazes me how quickly people turn. It's been two weeks.
You’re right, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong or illegal. But, why do it in this fashion? If things are being done legally, transparency should be no problem.
What is he not being transparent about?
Again the president is the head of the executive branch and he is within his rights to cut government employees working in the executive branch if he feels it is necessary. And he doesnt need congresses approval to do so. Why is this so hard to comprehend?
Wrong. DEIA personnel have been placed on administrative leave and are soon to be RIF’d. Threats of cuts and RIFs have been the normal language and are expected at this point.
I mentioned this in an earlier post, where is the money and appropriations for this offer? We have a CR that will be up in March. The deadline to respond to the Fork email is sooner…sooo…explain how that severance package works to me. No one offering the severance seems to have an explanation how it works. So who is selling ocean front in KS?
I mentioned this also in an earlier post. I’m all for smaller and efficient government. I’m not thrilled with the way this administration is attacking the problem
DEIA is there with one purpose to hire based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. So you agree with this practice? If not what is your issue getting rid of the employees that are there to enforce this? Should we pay them to do nothing?
I don't know how the appropriations work in this case. I believe it is pretty far fetched that the government won't pay out what was promised. The real problem is CR's. That is the congress not doing their jobs and voting on a budget. This is a plan on of politicians to never having to cut spending and using the "dreaded" government shutdown to bludgeoning the other side into submission. Shut her down I say until a budget is passed.
You say you're not thrilled with the way it's being handled. What would President Fireflyfishing do? Let the blob swallow you and get nothing done or do everything in your power to do what you promised to do?
One more serious question. You say the dems will take back congress in two years. This may be true. If so nothing will change because they will fight anything that will help this country just so trump won't get a win. It was proven last go round. Nothing gets through congress and the senate in a year most things take many years. What are you proposing he just kicks back and do nothing?