Fork in the road letter

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You eliminated the source of income for federal government, so congressman and employees couldn’t be paid anything.
I know. You make it sound like I didn't think of that. But they're also paid by others, so I'd rather not pay them if they're being paid by 3rd parties.
I know. You make it sound like I didn't think of that. But they're also paid by others, so I'd rather not pay them if they're being paid by 3rd parties.
That totally makes sense - the government, all of it, will be volunteers down to the last person.

Good job - that’s some kind of thinkin’
My friend, your tax rate just went up with those tariffs. The sneakiest tariff is the Canadian oil 10% - US refineries are set up to use the oil we are importing, so there is no domestic substitute. That’s purely to suck money out of the middle class.
No domestic substitute? There could be. There is a lot of heavy oil in the US. CA especially. This will be beneficial for domestic production. Trump should help lift the unreasonable restrictions we have on domestic production in some places so we aren't so reliant on foreign countries. Or do you think it is good to be reliant on foreign imports?
My friend, your tax rate just went up with those tariffs. The sneakiest tariff is the Canadian oil 10% - US refineries are set up to use the oil we are importing, so there is no domestic substitute. That’s purely to suck money out of the middle class.

Do you hang out with trannies, or have them living next door? I don’t even know where I’d find one if this were a scavenger hunt. I honestly don’t care who wears women’s clothing, or whatever, because it doesn’t affect me. If a hundred trannies took over a lingerie store in some city demanding something it has zero impact on my life and I’d barely look at the headline, because drumming up outrage is drumming up votes for your billionaire of the day.

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I watched your kind fuking ruin Portland, where I lived for 20 years.

It used to not be a shithole until the good idea fairy left ruined it.

I have friends who run small manufacturing businesses that are absolutely getting screwed by the Chinese right now.

If tariffs help out our local businesses, I’m all for it, I can take my lumps, it’s easier when you know you’re not getting screwed to send money to pointless foreign wars.
That’s cute you think government will function better after getting rid of experienced people and replacing them with newbies who couldn’t get hired before the shakeup, or they would have been. I can see why it’s a popular political topic - Oligarchs can bitch about it, get everyone behind it, and there are very few ways to hold them accountable for results. How do you propose to judge the results? How your tummy feels afterward? Simply the number of people fired? Or do you feel better after your Oligarch says it’s better?

I find it fascinating that so many people are all in with false hopes. If there were a lot of dead weight I’d be all for it, but all the federal employees I’ve ever know, and in Western states there are a bunch of them, they are all doing a lot of work for what they have to work with. It’s a false situation you’ve been sold. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, but you’ve been sold a clunker by a used car salesman.
Couple of things-
1. Just because someone is experienced doesn’t make them valuable or a good employee

2. There have been a ton of people hired because of nothing more than the box they checked

How about we go back to getting the best person for the job and they get to keep the job if they do it well?
He was hired to do a job which is to run the executive branch of the government. Someone needs to make decisions and they don't need to be made by consensus. Please show me in the constitution where this is stated. Nothing gets done when ruling by consensus. Why do you think that companies have CEO's. They are presented with problems, given several solutions, and make the decision which way to go. Often times using parts of many inputs. You are assuming he is making unilateral decisions without input from others. But again that is your feelings but you don't really know because you are not there. Nor do you know if you would make the same decisions based on the facts because none of us know all the facts.
Please show me in the constitution where there is one branch of government and not three. The federal government is not a business and is not run by a “CEO.” A CEO can be voted in and voted out by the shareholders. Not the case with our president. Please show me where he is working with the other branches of government to work out permanent solutions to the country’s problems. Again, he is ruling the country by executive fiat. Yes, the blue team does this as well. I hate when they do it too.

First off it wasn't an EO it was a memo sent out from a dept head. Second just because a judge doesn't like it doesn't mean it is illegal or unconstitutional. I agree the working could have been better and more clear. It will come back around. If you don't think there will be lawsuits for everything he does to stop the idiocracy in Washington I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you. Just because a lawsuit is brought doesn't mean something is illegal.
Fair enough.
OMB is an executive branch function. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong or illegal. If you have a better idea on how to do what he is doing run for president. It's easy to sit back and criticize without knowing all the facts.
You’re right, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong or illegal. But, why do it in this fashion? If things are being done legally, transparency should be no problem.
He was hired by Trump to do a job. In the end responsibility lies on the person on top (Trump). If he doesn't like what Musk is doing he will fire him warranted or not. Right at the moment nobody is deciding who stays and who goes it is an offer letter that most in outside the federal government would never see. The funny part is a lot of the self entitled federal employees will be getting a reduction in force with no severance pay when they refuse this. This offer is more than fair. There are $8m unfilled private sector jobs out there right now. If they dump 1m federal employees that should save the taxpayers over $150b per year it's a small but good start. Sounds like you just want the status quo and to keep that money press chugging.
Wrong. DEIA personnel have been placed on administrative leave and are soon to be RIF’d. Threats of cuts and RIFs have been the normal language and are expected at this point.

I mentioned this in an earlier post, where is the money and appropriations for this offer? We have a CR that will be up in March. The deadline to respond to the Fork email is sooner…sooo…explain how that severance package works to me. No one offering the severance seems to have an explanation how it works. So who is selling ocean front in KS?

I mentioned this also in an earlier post. I’m all for smaller and efficient government. I’m not thrilled with the way this administration is attacking the problem.
That’s cute you think government will function better after getting rid of experienced people and replacing them with newbies who couldn’t get hired before the shakeup, or they would have been. I can see why it’s a popular political topic - Oligarchs can bitch about it, get everyone behind it, and there are very few ways to hold them accountable for results. How do you propose to judge the results? How your tummy feels afterward? Simply the number of people fired? Or do you feel better after your Oligarch says it’s better?

I find it fascinating that so many people are all in with false hopes. If there were a lot of dead weight I’d be all for it, but all the federal employees I’ve ever know, and in Western states there are a bunch of them, they are all doing a lot of work for what they have to work with. It’s a false situation you’ve been sold. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, but you’ve been sold a clunker by a used car salesman.
Let me guess? You didn’t vote for Trump?

Sorry about your loss Biden and Kamala really took a beating!
Couple of things-
1. Just because someone is experienced doesn’t make them valuable or a good employee

2. There have been a ton of people hired because of nothing more than the box they checked

How about we go back to getting the best person for the job and they get to keep the job if they do it well?

Typically the worst people I deal with in government have the longest tenure..

And the DEI shit has screwed over a lot of good people. My buddy has been acting foreman at a blm facility for a couple years, has the best resume, yet can’t get the actual job because he didn’t fit the profile.

He’s taking the separation offer once it comes to be.

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Let me guess? You didn’t vote for Trump?

Sorry about your loss Biden and Kamala really took a beating!
I’m a fan of traditional Republicans - you know, the ones that make sense, that Maga ran off. Ronald Reagan couldn’t get a school board seat today.

Way back before Trump was even a reality tv personality he was well known for his business practices, and I became a never Trumper based on that. I’ve never watched a single episode of the apprentice, but my view of him based on his actions haven’t changed before or since.

I’ve never liked Kamala - when she was chosen as VP I predicted back then she wouldn’t be electable.
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Typically the worst people I deal with in government have the longest tenure..

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Thats what happens when people spend 10 years watching everyone get the same raise as you, regardless of how competent they are at their job. There is zero incentive to be better in government roles, especially the closer one gets to the top.

Finding a way to reward good employees would go a long way in government jobs and efficiency. Some are just lazy and worthless but their a plenty that start out with piss and vinegar, get after it and soon realize the reward is doing the work of the guy next to you for the same pay.
Looks like I'm going to take the offer. Did a little digging around and found
better information. Accept the deferred resignation offer and will have
until Feb. 28th to transition, return IT equipment, vehicles, keys, paperwork, etc....
March 1st will be placed on Admin Leave through Sept. which allows time to process the
VERA paperwork.
Feeling better about it now.
The 'Peter Principle' is rampant in govt hiring/employees.

If you dont know what that is, look it up.

I had one of my good friends in our agency tell me this my first 6months in and it’s only gotten more true the longer I’ve been here.
Looks like I'm going to take the offer. Did a little digging around and found
better information. Accept the deferred resignation offer and will have
until Feb. 28th to transition, return IT equipment, vehicles, keys, paperwork, etc....
March 1st will be placed on Admin Leave through Sept. which allows time to process the
VERA paperwork.
Feeling better about it now.

Where did you get this information and what department are you in if you don’t mind me asking?

Everything I’m finding is that the deferred resignation is a scam partially because of OPM issuing it and not our departments, as well as the CR not being able to guarantee pay til the end of the fiscal year.
Where did you get this information and what department are you in if you don’t mind me asking?

Everything I’m finding is that the deferred resignation is a scam partially because of OPM issuing it and not our departments, as well as the CR not being able to guarantee pay til the end of the fiscal year.
I'm not getting it from OPM, still have an email in to my Supervisor asking for further clarification.
Would still LOVE to get some official communication. But what other people are telling me sounds
legit -at least it makes sense. My OPM contact is out of the office on Monday so I'm just trying
to piece it together before Thursday.
I just wish they would have provided more info on those emails.
I’m a fan of traditional Republicans - you know, the ones that make sense, that Maga ran off. Ronald Reagan couldn’t get a school board seat today.

Way back before Trump was even a reality tv personality he was well known for his business practices, and I became a never Trumper based on that. I’ve never watched a single episode of the apprentice, but my view of him based on his actions haven’t changed before or since.

I’ve never liked Kamala - when she was chosen as VP I predicted back then she wouldn’t be electable.

As soon as Trump’s tenure began, he went to work on an issue that also resonated with Ronald Reagan: Govt Deregulation. Trump shares the same passion that Ronald Reagan had for removing big government from Americans’ daily lives. Trump, like Reagan, understands that bureaucratic red tape that regulates so many industries deprives Americans of job opportunities and stagnates the economy. All that Big Brother Govt Libs have forced on us has gotta go!

But there are more Trump/Reagan similarities on many other policy issues: Trump back religious freedom as Reagan did, both smartly agree in building a strong military, both believe in tax cuts to promote economic growth and put money back in the pockets of working-class Americans and both Reagan and Trump wisely believe limiting entitlement programs in favor of back-to-work and job-readiness initiatives. Underlying nearly all of their domestic and international positions has been a shared belief in the “America first” approach—that, first and foremost, the government should be investing in ways to keep the country safe, prosperous and growing.

So not sure how you could support Reagan and not Trump other than you’re easily offended. But if you believe in the principles Reagan believed in it’s pretty unwise to be a Never Trumper only because “Trump mean”. I guess in the end your non vote didn’t matter anyways as he easily defeated Kamala.

I voted for him though, you’re welcome.
Please show me in the constitution where there is one branch of government and not three. The federal government is not a business and is not run by a “CEO.” A CEO can be voted in and voted out by the shareholders. Not the case with our president. Please show me where he is working with the other branches of government to work out permanent solutions to the country’s problems. Again, he is ruling the country by executive fiat. Yes, the blue team does this as well. I hate when they do it too.
Who said there was one branch of government not three? I am not sure what that has to do with this conversation. EO's in general are not good. Although they have been written by every president since George Washington. Unfortunately our federal government is a business even though it shouldn't be. It is the largest employer in the U.S. This was not what the founding fathers envisioned but it keeps getting bigger which it seems you are happy with the status quo. Two weeks of controversial actions and you are already fighting for the other side. Some people are going to get screwed as cuts are made but when you are dealing with a civilian workforce of 3m people not everyone is going to be happy.

So you are saying he has been in office for two weeks and he hasn't worked with congress on anything? You must have some serious connections to know everything that is going on in DC.

President's can be voted out by the shareholders (voters).

It amazes me how quickly people turn. It's been two weeks. 😅
You’re right, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong or illegal. But, why do it in this fashion? If things are being done legally, transparency should be no problem.
What is he not being transparent about?

Again the president is the head of the executive branch and he is within his rights to cut government employees working in the executive branch if he feels it is necessary. And he doesnt need congresses approval to do so. Why is this so hard to comprehend?
Wrong. DEIA personnel have been placed on administrative leave and are soon to be RIF’d. Threats of cuts and RIFs have been the normal language and are expected at this point.

I mentioned this in an earlier post, where is the money and appropriations for this offer? We have a CR that will be up in March. The deadline to respond to the Fork email is sooner…sooo…explain how that severance package works to me. No one offering the severance seems to have an explanation how it works. So who is selling ocean front in KS?

I mentioned this also in an earlier post. I’m all for smaller and efficient government. I’m not thrilled with the way this administration is attacking the problem
DEIA is there with one purpose to hire based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. So you agree with this practice? If not what is your issue getting rid of the employees that are there to enforce this? Should we pay them to do nothing?

I don't know how the appropriations work in this case. I believe it is pretty far fetched that the government won't pay out what was promised. The real problem is CR's. That is the congress not doing their jobs and voting on a budget. This is a plan on of politicians to never having to cut spending and using the "dreaded" government shutdown to bludgeoning the other side into submission. Shut her down I say until a budget is passed.

You say you're not thrilled with the way it's being handled. What would President Fireflyfishing do? Let the blob swallow you and get nothing done or do everything in your power to do what you promised to do?

One more serious question. You say the dems will take back congress in two years. This may be true. If so nothing will change because they will fight anything that will help this country just so trump won't get a win. It was proven last go round. Nothing gets through congress and the senate in a year most things take many years. What are you proposing he just kicks back and do nothing?
As soon as Trump’s tenure began, he went to work on an issue that also resonated with Ronald Reagan: Govt Deregulation. Trump shares the same passion that Ronald Reagan had for removing big government from Americans’ daily lives. Trump, like Reagan, understands that bureaucratic red tape that regulates so many industries deprives Americans of job opportunities and stagnates the economy. All that Big Brother Govt Libs have forced on us has gotta go!

But there are more Trump/Reagan similarities on many other policy issues: Trump back religious freedom as Reagan did, both smartly agree in building a strong military, both believe in tax cuts to promote economic growth and put money back in the pockets of working-class Americans and both Reagan and Trump wisely believe limiting entitlement programs in favor of back-to-work and job-readiness initiatives. Underlying nearly all of their domestic and international positions has been a shared belief in the “America first” approach—that, first and foremost, the government should be investing in ways to keep the country safe, prosperous and growing.

So not sure how you could support Reagan and not Trump other than you’re easily offended. But if you believe in the principles Reagan believed in it’s pretty unwise to be a Never Trumper only because “Trump mean”. I guess in the end your non vote didn’t matter anyways as he easily defeated Kamala.

I voted for him though, you’re welcome.
Regan didn’t have to cheat contractors, lie to supporters, fuc porn stars, surround himself with people in and out of prison, pardon guys who literally broke in and schit in the halls of congress, belittle the military and generals at the highest level, sell wrist watches and tennis shoes. . . I could keep going.

Regan would be embarrassed at what’s happened to the party, and offended if you were to compare what he did with Trump’s circus. He didn’t have to convince his followers they were victims.
Here me out.

Simple solution to cut federal employees and cost.

Get rid of the IRS
Audios to the ATF
So long to the CIA.

Next wee cut staffing for senators and congressman by 75% (this also will make them realize what they're pushing for vs some retard in their office)

Get rid of federal social programs, they should be at a state level not a federal level.

Knock all federal employees to 30 hour work weeks, no need to cover health insurance for them, the ones who get 40 hour work weeks are actually going above and beyond then the avg worker who is thinking they're entitled to everything.

Cut funding to other countries, (100% cut btw)

Law makers can not in the future, past or present have any stake in companies for the military complex, so we won't be spending on stupid bullshit anymore.

Give me some more time, ill come up with some more.

Oh, fire all dei hires in the last 8 years.
So don't fully staff our VA hospitals? I think not having fully staffed/full time clinic and hospitals for VA patients would be irresponsible. Investing in employees, in any business, is part of doing business. Not saying there is not room for improvement in spending but let's not hamstring the VA system. It has it flaws, but lets not make it worse.
Couple of things-
1. Just because someone is experienced doesn’t make them valuable or a good employee

2. There have been a ton of people hired because of nothing more than the box they checked

How about we go back to getting the best person for the job and they get to keep the job if they do it well?
Totally agree with all those points. But then it should be applied across the Federal system., Does RFK Jr have any qualitfiians to oversee healthcare in our country? He couldn't even answer basic policy and department questions in the hearing,....basic. Plenty of public health officials, nurses, doctors who have WAAAY more insight and experience. The Washington process has just broken down, no one holds anyone accountable or makes independent. Our political system is broken.
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