Fork in the road letter

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I have 9 employees, we are all in our 50-60's. The 2 that have enough time to retire, just go to Europe and are exempt as they have not been in country a year to pay for their return.

No one else is eligible. I am 10 years into this career, after retiring with 20 in the military.

My wife also works for DOD no one she works with is taking.

Oh my country bumpkin friends, every time I hear, “drain the swamp,” I’m reminded of how innocent you are. Those are the things politicians tell people to get their votes, and they don’t actually care about it.

Same when they tell you prices will go down, but they actually go up.

Same when they say your taxes will go down, and immediately implement nationwide sales tax in the form of tariffs.

Same when they say interest rates will go down and have a long list of inflationary projects.

Same when they convince you the enemy is Canada and Mexico, our largest trading partners.

Don’t stop believing in the tooth fairy, or reality TV stars, you guys eat that up.
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No, I’m talking about the current president. He is making decisions unilaterally.
He was hired to do a job which is to run the executive branch of the government. Someone needs to make decisions and they don't need to be made by consensus. Please show me in the constitution where this is stated. Nothing gets done when ruling by consensus. Why do you think that companies have CEO's. They are presented with problems, given several solutions, and make the decision which way to go. Often times using parts of many inputs. You are assuming he is making unilateral decisions without input from others. But again that is your feelings but you don't really know because you are not there. Nor do you know if you would make the same decisions based on the facts because none of us know all the facts.
Well, judge already walked back the grant funding EO. There are many lawsuits pending on many of Trumps EOs. We shall see, but I would assume more will be walked back as well.
First off it wasn't an EO it was a memo sent out from a dept head. Second just because a judge doesn't like it doesn't mean it is illegal or unconstitutional. I agree the working could have been better and more clear. It will come back around. If you don't think there will be lawsuits for everything he does to stop the idiocracy in Washington I have some ocean front property in Kansas to sell you. Just because a lawsuit is brought doesn't mean something is illegal.
But no one else, right? Right now, OMB employees have been locked out of their access to their gov’t accounts besides basic functions like email
OMB is an executive branch function. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it wrong or illegal. If you have a better idea on how to do what he is doing run for president. It's easy to sit back and criticize without knowing all the facts.
Really? He’s deciding who stays or goes. I’m guessing he will decide who will replace who goes. It’s not a far stretch to say he will replace folks with people who can benefit his interests in the future. He is a gov’t contractor after all.
Honestly, I hope you’re right. The cynic in me says no way. He didn’t become the richest man in the world by being a nice guy and selfless philanthropist.
He was hired by Trump to do a job. In the end responsibility lies on the person on top (Trump). If he doesn't like what Musk is doing he will fire him warranted or not. Right at the moment nobody is deciding who stays and who goes it is an offer letter that most in outside the federal government would never see. The funny part is a lot of the self entitled federal employees will be getting a reduction in force with no severance pay when they refuse this. This offer is more than fair. There are $8m unfilled private sector jobs out there right now. If they dump 1m federal employees that should save the taxpayers over $150b per year it's a small but good start. Sounds like you just want the status quo and to keep that money press chugging.

Oh my country bumpkin friends, every time I hear, “drain the swamp,” I’m reminded of how innocent you are. Those are the things politicians tell people to get their votes, and they don’t actually care about it.

Same when they tell you prices will go down, but they actually go up.

Same when they say your taxes will go down, and immediately implement nationwide sales tax in the form of tariffs.

Same when they say interest rates will go down and have a long list of inflationary projects.

Same when they convince you the enemy is Canada and Mexico, our largest trading partners.

Don’t stop believing in the tooth fairy, or reality TV stars, you guys eat that up.
so we should not even try? That is what you are suggesting.

We should just keep doing what we have done in the past. Yeah, that’s the plan. It’s too hard to try, so why bother…


Oh my country bumpkin friends, every time I hear, “drain the swamp,” I’m reminded of how innocent you are. Those are the things politicians tell people to get their votes, and they don’t actually care about it.

Same when they tell you prices will go down, but they actually go up.

Same when they say your taxes will go down, and immediately implement nationwide sales tax in the form of tariffs.

Same when they say interest rates will go down and have a long list of inflationary projects.

Same when they convince you the enemy is Canada and Mexico, our largest trading partners.

Don’t stop believing in the tooth fairy, or reality TV stars, you guys eat that up.

Then there’s the city folks who can’t figure out simple biology, pay stupid tax rates, and somehow think the government is here to help.

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so we should not even try? That is what you are suggesting.

We should just keep doing what we have done in the past. Yeah, that’s the plan. It’s too hard to try, so why bother…

Politics haven’t changed in a thousand years - learning how to navigate between what someone says and what they do is an important skill. This used to be common sense.

There’s a big difference between holding a politician to their word, and blindly following.
For anyone not familiar with Oligarch Musk’s ideas about managing workforce costs I encourage you to look at his track record. He loves big layoffs, even if just as many new people are hired, then another big layoff. Look into it yourselves, don’t take my word for it.
Are you implying there is something wrong with coming in an laying off massively unproductive people then rebuilding with productive people?

It is WAY beyond time for a massive culture shift in this country. Way too many people just skating through life on someone else’s dime.
Still odd to blast this out to every fed employee. What is the best case scenario that gov hopes to get from this?....just get some payroll off their books with employee having the option, before they make cuts themselves against an employee wants? The 9 or 10 people I know here in town are staying put with their job.
Then there’s the city folks who can’t figure out simple biology, pay stupid tax rates, and somehow think the government is here to help.

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My friend, your tax rate just went up with those tariffs. The sneakiest tariff is the Canadian oil 10% - US refineries are set up to use the oil we are importing, so there is no domestic substitute. That’s purely to suck money out of the middle class.

Do you hang out with trannies, or have them living next door? I don’t even know where I’d find one if this were a scavenger hunt. I honestly don’t care who wears women’s clothing, or whatever, because it doesn’t affect me. If a hundred trannies took over a lingerie store in some city demanding something it has zero impact on my life and I’d barely look at the headline, because drumming up outrage is drumming up votes for your billionaire of the day.

Here me out.

Simple solution to cut federal employees and cost.

Get rid of the IRS
Audios to the ATF
So long to the CIA.

Next wee cut staffing for senators and congressman by 75% (this also will make them realize what they're pushing for vs some retard in their office)

Get rid of federal social programs, they should be at a state level not a federal level.

Knock all federal employees to 30 hour work weeks, no need to cover health insurance for them, the ones who get 40 hour work weeks are actually going above and beyond then the avg worker who is thinking they're entitled to everything.

Cut funding to other countries, (100% cut btw)

Law makers can not in the future, past or present have any stake in companies for the military complex, so we won't be spending on stupid bullshit anymore.

Give me some more time, ill come up with some more.

Oh, fire all dei hires in the last 8 years.
I think they are going to cut federal employees. I am not a federal employee and do not know any personally. I am curious as to how many will be fired before I notice it in my life. They are not going to like the private sector. They usually demand results. Better to find a state job.
There are lazy people everywhere, including the private sector. Lots of really hard working federal employees who work 60 plus hours a week to get the job done, and would likely work circles around you bud.
Are you implying there is something wrong with coming in an laying off massively unproductive people then rebuilding with productive people?

It is WAY beyond time for a massive culture shift in this country. Way too many people just skating through life on someone else’s dime.
That’s cute you think government will function better after getting rid of experienced people and replacing them with newbies who couldn’t get hired before the shakeup, or they would have been. I can see why it’s a popular political topic - Oligarchs can bitch about it, get everyone behind it, and there are very few ways to hold them accountable for results. How do you propose to judge the results? How your tummy feels afterward? Simply the number of people fired? Or do you feel better after your Oligarch says it’s better?

I find it fascinating that so many people are all in with false hopes. If there were a lot of dead weight I’d be all for it, but all the federal employees I’ve ever know, and in Western states there are a bunch of them, they are all doing a lot of work for what they have to work with. It’s a false situation you’ve been sold. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, but you’ve been sold a clunker by a used car salesman.

Get rid of the IRS

Next wee cut staffing for senators and congressman by 75% (this also will make them realize what they're pushing for vs some retard in their office)

Knock all federal employees to 30 hour work weeks…

You eliminated the source of income for federal government, so congressman and employees couldn’t be paid anything.
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