Fork in the road letter

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What do you disagree with? I said the majority of voters voted for this. If you didn't vote than you weren't a voter. Pretty simple.


The implication was that this is what the gen pop wanted. I disagree with that.

But yes, if you restrict this to votes cast, then I don't disagree.
Clearing the swamp is going to ruffle some feathers. Either accept the offer or don't, but if you don't then get to work and stay out of the way of clearing the swamp and fixing the problems.

I love it when folks complain about the processes and having to spend money to fix all the problems that were created by others. Unfortunately, in a few years we'll have more idiots in power that will scrap everything that was done to make America better, and they'll do all they can do to continue pushing our nation down the drain.
Peer through your 15 flags and banners and look around. Let’s see where we are in a few months. The reality is pretty easy to see and what I said about our post covid economy is verifiable. Won’t hear it on OAN though.

Real estate and development has been stalled since 22 for new projects.

We’re seeing movement now.
Just a simple question for the blue team, why is musk so bad, but Soros and Bloomberg alright?

The guys created some massive technological breakthroughs.

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I already mentioned I am an executive at my agency. I am all for restructuring our federal workforce. There is a lot of fat to trim in several agencies. There is a chance I could be impacted and it sucks knowing that and also seeing people I care about stress about losing jobs, but this needs to be done. I could go to the private sector and make double what I do now, I know others may not have the same option. I have always been a high performer and am relatively young, so I am not too worried about this. I voted for Trump and knew things were going to get shaken up. If my job is part of it, that’s fine.
Nothing you have said has been proven false because it can't be. The only one who is claiming they can predict what will happen 6-9 months from now is you. The majority of voters voted to shut down the border, cut the size of the federal government, get men out of women's sports, no tampons needed in boys bathrooms, boys are boys and girls are girls, stay out of other people's wars, etc.
Sure. I believe many voted on these issues. I did. However, did you vote to have it completed unilaterally? Did you vote to have the swamp drained by any means necessary…perhaps unconstitutionally/illegally?

Right now we have the richest man in the world digging around in everything. Who’s accounting for his actions and the actions of his people? Is he being paid by the federal gov’t? Can he be fired? What does he stand to benefit by shaping the gov’t to his likening?

I love it when folks complain about the processes and having to spend money to fix all the problems that were created by others. Unfortunately, in a few years we'll have more idiots in power that will scrap everything that was done to make America better, and they'll do all they can do to continue pushing our nation down the drain.
I think you’re correct. Undoubtably, both houses of congress will likely swing very blue in two years. Then nothing will get done, again.
The amount is ridiculously low. Even with the increase to 1.35
Increase??? They've been $1.35 since 2019. The went down from 2018 to 2019, $1.41 to $1.35.

They've decreased since 1981, from $2.41 to $1.35. That $2.41 is prob closer to $10 now.
The blue teams does this also …that is what they are fixing.
And let’s be honest we haven’t been on the right path.

In the Podesta emails that Assange released Citi Banks CEO literally wrote who Obama cabinet picks will be. The propaganda that is our media has turned on Musk the second he red pilled, he used to be the liberal savior just a couple years ago. When the money and influence is pouring in for them the media paints them in glowing fashion. Apparently it’s worked on a bunch of you.

Why are the liberal “billionaires” and whatever stupid term that has been used lately ok but not Musk ? Why is ok for folks like the Pelosis to earn nearly a billion while making a $250K salary? I don’t understand how people can’t see the hypocrisy of the lefts talking points regarding money overall and in politics. You are supposed to hate wealth unless it benefits them only.
However, did you vote to have it completed unilaterally?
I am assuming you are talking about Musk. What makes you think he is doing anything without reporting back to the president who he reports to? CNN?
Did you vote to have the swamp drained by any means necessary…perhaps unconstitutionally/illegally?
No. What has been done unconstitutionally or illegally? Please provide examples. Here are a few- EPA, Dept of education, department of energy, HHS, etc all unconstitutional federal agencies so the jobs shouldn't be there to begin with.
Who’s accounting for his actions and the actions of his people?
The president. If he is not he is not doing his job.
Is he being paid by the federal gov’t?
Don't know don't care if you're talking about Musk. As long as he is cutting more spending than he is being paid.
Can he be fired?
Yes if you are talking about Musk.
What does he stand to benefit by shaping the gov’t to his likening?
Again just your feelings coming through. If he benefits by cutting spending and regulations back to what the federal government is supposed to be doing than we will all benefit in the end including him.
If the blue team wins the next presidential term, will it be ok for them to go crawling around our gov’t to make changes?

I’d rather see someone outside who’s been successful take a look than the current life long politicians.

I work with state and local level non elected officials as a part of my daily work. As a general rule I have nothing nice to say as there’s 0 common sense and they only care about rules and fees, many of which are unnecessary.

The implication was that this is what the gen pop wanted. I disagree with that.

But yes, if you restrict this to votes cast, then I don't disagree.
Not semantics. Facts. Your original post was I think I feel. No facts to back it up.
I am assuming you are talking about Musk. What makes you think he is doing anything without reporting back to the president who he reports to? CNN?
No, I’m talking about the current president. He is making decisions unilaterally.
No. What has been done unconstitutionally or illegally? Please provide examples. Here are a few- EPA, Dept of education, department of energy, HHS, etc all unconstitutional federal agencies so the jobs shouldn't be there to begin with.
Well, judge already walked back the grant funding EO. There are many lawsuits pending on many of Trumps EOs. We shall see, but I would assume more will be walked back as well.
The president. If he is not he is not doing his job.
But no one else, right? Right now, OMB employees have been locked out of their access to their gov’t accounts besides basic functions like email.
Again just your feelings coming through. If he benefits by cutting spending and regulations back to what the federal government is supposed to be doing than we will all benefit in the end including him.
Really? He’s deciding who stays or goes. I’m guessing he will decide who will replace who goes. It’s not a far stretch to say he will replace folks with people who can benefit his interests in the future. He is a gov’t contractor after all.
Honestly, I hope you’re right. The cynic in me says no way. He didn’t become the richest man in the world by being a nice guy and selfless philanthropist.
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