This was not what the founding fathers envisioned but it keeps getting bigger which it seems you are happy with the status quo.
When have I stated the status quo is the way to go?
So you are saying he has been in office for two weeks and he hasn't worked with congress on anything? You must have some serious connections to know everything that is going on in DC.
Please, inform me of legislation he’s working to pass with them in the next two years.
President's can be voted out by the shareholders (voters).
Yes, within 4 years. Private industry has the latitude to do it much faster.
It amazes me how quickly people turn. It's been two weeks.
Well, I’m not in love with him, and I don’t think he is infallible. You only get two choices, and I voted for the better choice IMO. Should I back him lockstep on every decision? Sorry, won’t do that.
What is he not being transparent about?
Well, there is no plan me or my leadership (or anyone in the feds) has seen regarding the short and long term federal employment plan other than:
1. Here’s an offer to resign with severance. We don’t care how valuable you might be, but we want you out…because that’s just better. No one knows if it’s legal or possible, but they might or might not figure that out after the deadline.
2. We want the best of the best working for the federal government. To accomplish this, we will lord over you with fear based leadership hoping to make it miserable enough for you to go.
3. For those that stay, we will be basing federal employment on a merit based system. Only after we’ve purged the fed and you may have to do the job of several other positions.
4. Hiring freeze…when will that be over?
5. We’re considering your retirement and benefits way too generous. This needs to be reduced.
6. Because you are a federal employee, you are guilty until proven innocent.
DEIA is there with one purpose to hire based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. So you agree with this practice? If not what is your issue getting rid of the employees that are there to enforce this? Should we pay them to do nothing?
No I don’t agree with DEI. You claimed no federal employees are not being removed yet. These folks are getting removed right now. As are many FBI employees.
I don't know how the appropriations work in this case. I believe it is pretty far fetched that the government won't pay out what was promised.
I’m guessing you don’t trust the gov’t is capable of doing anything right. Just a hunch. Here you do trust them to be honest and get it right. Even after abundant proof Musk didn’t honor his deal with the former Twitter employees.
You say you're not thrilled with the way it's being handled. What would President Fireflyfishing do? Let the blob swallow you and get nothing done or do everything in your power to do what you promised to do?
Well, not lead fellow Americans under fear based leadership and stay off social media…for starters.
One more serious question. You say the dems will take back congress in two years. This may be true. If so nothing will change because they will fight anything that will help this country just so trump won't get a win. It was proven last go round. Nothing gets through congress and the senate in a year most things take many years. What are you proposing he just kicks back and do nothing?
I think he ran a great campaign. He got people behind him and his stances. Hence his resounding win. Now that he’s in office, I get the feeling he’s got a huge chip on his shoulder and he’s handling certain things like a petulant child. I know he’s been through the wringer on many things that were unjustified in the last four years. IMO, he’s going to need to lead the country rather than make the next four years revenge based.
I was astounded he brought DEI into the AA/Army helo crash.
The dems were successful getting the Affordable Care Act through. Why can’t the red side get some lasting legislation through…or even repeal the ACA?