Fork in the road letter

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Vote for the policy not the man. He was the only option to start digging our country out of the mess weak men with no spine got us into.

Like I said, i did my part you can thank me in 4 years when the country is better off. Then vote for someone who doesn’t hurt your feelings so much. Cause literally everything you mentioned is just an emotional response. Same reason liberals hate Trump so much, emotions.

There is a time for emotions then there is a time to step on throats and get stuff done. We were at that point. In the end he didn’t need your vote.
I didnt really expect or want a billionaire like Musk having to all out access to all the government data, start locking out agencies from doing their job, and start pulling the government purse strings....that was not in any policy, maybe the 2025 stuff but I thought Trump had distanced himself from that. Would rather put a Rokslider in that role than Elon. I got the spine and patience to see how it all plays out......I grew up a walleye fisherman😂
I don’t know…we’ve let the “experts” ….you know, our betters…..the Harvard and Yale boys….the brainiacs….run America for the last 40 years.

Where did it leave us? Almost 40 trillion in debt, one trillion more debt every 100 days, the Afghan withdrawal. Govt approval ratings in the teens and American divided. 100, 000 die from heroin and fentanyl ever year. Military recruiting at all time lows.

Maybe it’s time to try something new. Some out of the box thinking. Bring in somebody from the outside who is empowered to look under every rock no matter how many apple carts it turns over.

Hell, it would be hard to do worse that the “experts” of the last 30 years.
I don’t know…we’ve let the “experts” ….you know, our betters…..the Harvard and Yale boys….the brainiacs….run America for the last 40 years.

Where did it leave us? Almost 40 trillion in debt, one trillion more debt every 100 days, the Afghan withdrawal. Govt approval ratings in the teens and American divided. 100, 000 die from heroin and fentanyl ever year. Military recruiting at all time lows.

Maybe it’s time to try something new. Some out of the box thinking. Bring in somebody from the outside who is empowered to look under every rock no matter how many apple carts it turns over.

Hell, it would be hard to do worse that the “experts” of the last 30 years.
No argument here.
Have to chuckle at the fantasy. Probably waiting for Gandalf to wave his wand.
I just sit back and watch the drama unfold at this point. Don’t worry about me - you guys should be worried about losing control of the House. Unfortunately, instead of supporting traditional Republicans that have staying power, maga has forced them to the back of the bus. I predict we’ll lose both House and Senate because of drama.
I just sit back and watch the drama unfold at this point. Don’t worry about me - you guys should be worried about losing control of the House. Unfortunately, instead of supporting traditional Republicans that have staying power, maga has forced them to the back of the bus. I predict we’ll lose both House and Senate because of drama.

Your type is so quick to throw shit out there. But why is it so hard to narrow things down and say what you personally would do?
Bring in somebody from the outside who is empowered to look under every rock no matter how many apple carts it turns over.
Yes someone from the outside who filled their cabinet with Billionaires I’m sure has the common man’s interests at heart.
Your type is so quick to throw shit out there. But why is it so hard to narrow things down and say what you personally would do?
The voters voted - it doesn’t matter what I think. You’re up to bat - let’s see it.

The most powerful country in the world is depending on what happens next - the world is depending on what happens next. For Republicans to survive and keep the House and Senate it depends on what happens next.
That is weak and you know it. Bitch and moan about what is happening. But not a single thought about what you would do to try and fix things? Really?
You’re trying to bait me into some silly argument about something that has no bearing on what’s happening right here and now. My opinions aren’t hard to find.

You seem to be following the Project 2025 whackadoodle plan - let’s see how well you pull it off.
I don’t know…we’ve let the “experts” ….you know, our betters…..the Harvard and Yale boys….the brainiacs….run America for the last 40 years.

Where did it leave us? Almost 40 trillion in debt, one trillion more debt every 100 days, the Afghan withdrawal. Govt approval ratings in the teens and American divided. 100, 000 die from heroin and fentanyl ever year. Military recruiting at all time lows.

Maybe it’s time to try something new. Some out of the box thinking. Bring in somebody from the outside who is empowered to look under every rock no matter how many apple carts it turns over.

Hell, it would be hard to do worse that the “experts” of the last 30 years.
Exactly, that’s all I was trying to say. These new people who aren’t “qualified”, might be exactly what is needed…’s that whole insanity thing. I’m ready to do stuff we haven’t been doing.
Your type is so quick to throw shit out there. But why is it so hard to narrow things down and say what you personally would do?
To start not letting an unelected Oligarch take total control of our nation’s entire financial system with zero oversight. IMO, there is no legitimate reason for this to be happening, but lots of illegitimate ones come to mind.
To start not letting an unelected Oligarch take total control of our nation’s entire financial system with zero oversight. IMO, there is no legitimate reason for this to be happening, but lots of illegitimate ones come to mind.
How well have the elected ones done? You think because they were elected it somehow prevents bad/illegal behavior? I could make a very good argument for the opposite.

How about we take a fine tooth comb to all the NGO’s, “foreign aid”, black budgets, etc and you tell me how things could be any worse? Sh*t, we giving the fking Taliban tens of millions per week over the last 4 years. We could also start looking into every single elected officials finances… do they increase their net worth so much on a salary in the mid $100-200k? Yet, you’re worried about someone worth billions? Hilarious
You’re trying to bait me into some silly argument about something that has no bearing on what’s happening right here and now. My opinions aren’t hard to find.

You seem to be following the Project 2025 whackadoodle plan - let’s see how well you pull it off.

No argument at all. Very simple question and I am confused as to why it is so hard for you to answer.
If they unilaterally cut budgets amd pay across the board, then guess if there will be some big winners and losers, so looking forward to the autopsy on this in 10 yrs, if they succeed with all these plans.........Many are unsettled, on both sides, because many industries have federal dollars embedded.....Bank, Energy, Agriculture, Tech, Defense, housing etc, etc etc..... Not sure the river of no return is all plotted out here. Fine get rid of DEI and work from home, and then let's move on. Not sure the deficit will stop growing and all the sudden we'll all be singing kum by ah around the elk camp fire. But I guess it's time to roll the dice and find out....lets hope it works
How well have the elected ones done? You think because they were elected it somehow prevents bad/illegal behavior? I could make a very good argument for the opposite.

How about we take a fine tooth comb to all the NGO’s, “foreign aid”, black budgets, etc and you tell me how things could be any worse? Sh*t, we giving the fking Taliban tens of millions per week over the last 4 years. We could also start looking into every single elected officials finances… do they increase their net worth so much on a salary in the mid $100-200k? Yet, you’re worried about someone worth billions? Hilarious
We're supposed to be a Democratic Republic, not a parliament....none of the branches of government hold each accountable any more it seems
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