Eggs are expensive. Have you changed your breakfast because of it? What are you eating?

We had our own hens for thirty years. They gave us so much intertainment and great eggs. Since we retired and moved to AZ it was a struggle. I've since met a young guy with his own flock. $6/dozen free range.
Are you amortizing knives and grinders and the rifle? What if you use the gear 90+% of the time for other things? IRS pro-rata?
Yep it all costs and don’t forget transportation and time isn’t free either. Unless it’s a very rare circumstance it’s cheaper just to buy meat but it’s a good justification for the wife.
Yep it all costs and don’t forget transportation and time isn’t free either. Unless it’s a very rare circumstance it’s cheaper just to buy meat but it’s a good justification for the wife.
Ok, but then you also need to include the fuel and cost of your vehicle to drive to the store to buy meat. Obviously it'd still be cheaper to go to the store.
I count the difference in what I spent to hunt vs stay home and never hunt. It's rather minimal. Some gas, maybe specialty food depending on where we're going and how we get there, butchering supplies, the rifle, the pack.
The transportation, the clothing, the tent(all camping gear) I'm going to own if I never hunt again. They're not specialty for hunting.
I don't take time off work to hunt, so the time is free... I wouldn't get paid for that time no matter what I did with it, so it makes no sense to charge for that time.
Ok, but then you also need to include the fuel and cost of your vehicle to drive to the store to buy meat. Obviously it'd still be cheaper to go to the store.
I count the difference in what I spent to hunt vs stay home and never hunt. It's rather minimal. Some gas, maybe specialty food depending on where we're going and how we get there, butchering supplies, the rifle, the pack.
The transportation, the clothing, the tent(all camping gear) I'm going to own if I never hunt again. They're not specialty for hunting.
I don't take time off work to hunt, so the time is free... I wouldn't get paid for that time no matter what I did with it, so it makes no sense to charge for that time.
You dont have to justify it to me at all i spend thousands of dollars getting 50 cent ribbons for my dog. I think people like to have a justification for stuff they like doing other than just liking it. Who cares how much it costs if you enjoy it
The egg prices/shrinkflation I'm upset about:

We've wanted to get some chickens anyway and this is a good excuse so we are speaking at the city council meeting about allowing chickens in town but our city is kinda it will go exactly nowhere, I'm Sure.
Texas passed a law a few years back allowing a handful of birds. Cities and HOA's or anyone can't stop you. We live in a neighborhood and the guy across the street has ducks, hear them quacking all the time it's hilarious. I have quail and considering getting a few laying hens but need to redo my fence first.