Are you amortizing knives and grinders and the rifle? What if you use the gear 90+% of the time for other things? IRS pro-rata?I would like to see that cost break down. Others have told me the same but they are missing about 20 inputs
Yep it all costs and don’t forget transportation and time isn’t free either. Unless it’s a very rare circumstance it’s cheaper just to buy meat but it’s a good justification for the wife.Are you amortizing knives and grinders and the rifle? What if you use the gear 90+% of the time for other things? IRS pro-rata?
Ok, but then you also need to include the fuel and cost of your vehicle to drive to the store to buy meat. Obviously it'd still be cheaper to go to the store.Yep it all costs and don’t forget transportation and time isn’t free either. Unless it’s a very rare circumstance it’s cheaper just to buy meat but it’s a good justification for the wife.
You dont have to justify it to me at all i spend thousands of dollars getting 50 cent ribbons for my dog. I think people like to have a justification for stuff they like doing other than just liking it. Who cares how much it costs if you enjoy itOk, but then you also need to include the fuel and cost of your vehicle to drive to the store to buy meat. Obviously it'd still be cheaper to go to the store.
I count the difference in what I spent to hunt vs stay home and never hunt. It's rather minimal. Some gas, maybe specialty food depending on where we're going and how we get there, butchering supplies, the rifle, the pack.
The transportation, the clothing, the tent(all camping gear) I'm going to own if I never hunt again. They're not specialty for hunting.
I don't take time off work to hunt, so the time is free... I wouldn't get paid for that time no matter what I did with it, so it makes no sense to charge for that time.
There's a breakdown you give your accountant, and a breakdown you give your wife, and a breakdown you give your buddies. Question is which one is he referencing? lolI would like to see that cost break down. Others have told me the same but they are missing about 20 inputs
Texas passed a law a few years back allowing a handful of birds. Cities and HOA's or anyone can't stop you. We live in a neighborhood and the guy across the street has ducks, hear them quacking all the time it's hilarious. I have quail and considering getting a few laying hens but need to redo my fence first.We've wanted to get some chickens anyway and this is a good excuse so we are speaking at the city council meeting about allowing chickens in town but our city is kinda it will go exactly nowhere, I'm Sure.
It’s Trump’s fault.Should we discuss the reason for high priced chicken eggs?
Millions of birds were slaughtered because of Bird Flu?
Why doesnt Bird Flu affect ducks, geese, etc, and only chickens?
Us too. Except that 5 dozen box is $35. Versus $6 7 years ago. And, $11 last year. We still buy them. Because we like eggs and they are great for you.yea, .50c and egg now, if up from what maybe .25c, If you eat three eggs for breakfast that's .75c more, I'm not changing anything
We buy the 5 dozen box at walmart, still pretty cheap protein. With 5 of us it's probably 20-30$ more a month
We eat a 5 dozen box every 2-3 weeks I'd guess, when we had 6-8 chickens they couldn't keep up and we still bought eggs.
That's Awesome. I don't understand the noise issue. Hens make almost no noise,, okay, still not any louder than a dog, kids screaming and running around, motorcycles, or a lawn mower....noise is just part of living in town.Texas passed a law a few years back allowing a handful of birds. Cities and HOA's or anyone can't stop you. We live in a neighborhood and the guy across the street has ducks, hear them quacking all the time it's hilarious. I have quail and considering getting a few laying hens but need to redo my fence first.
I mean, okay, just say "no roosters". Even still, I don't understand the noise complaint issue. Hens make virtually no noise,, okay, still not any louder than a dog, emergency sirens, kids screaming and running around, cruising motorcycles, or a lawn mower....noise is just part of living in town. Chickens have ALWAYS been kept in towns and cities. Towns have noise. It's unreasonable to choose to live 50 feet from someone else on every side of you and then make demands on how much noise they are allowed to make in their daily life. Ironically, If they want peace and quiet, THEY are the one who ought to move to the country lolCan’t blame em tho. Nobody wants to get woken up to roosters crowing every morning. As most people get them also. They do around here. Especially when they aren’t theirs.
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I mean, okay, just say "no roosters". Even still, I don't understand the noise complaint issue. Hens make virtually no noise,, okay, still not any louder than a dog, emergency sirens, kids screaming and running around, cruising motorcycles, or a lawn mower....noise is just part of living in town. Chickens have ALWAYS been kept in towns and cities. Towns have noise. It's unreasonable to choose to live 50 feet from someone else on every side of you and then make demands on how much noise they are allowed to make in their daily life. Ironically, If they want peace and quiet, THEY are the one who ought to move to the country lol
Not feasible at the moment, but what I'm saying is that I just don't understand the noise argument against chickens, as they are much quieter than other city noise. If someone is so noise sensitive that a clucking hen is too loud, then they need to adjust their own lifestyle to get away from such ruckus as clucking birds, police sirens, motorcycles and the like lol. Saying it looks trashy would actually be a much better argument, I'd still disagree, but at least that's a subjective opinion which we are all entitled to.Wow.
Maybe it’s time to start looking for that little hobby farm.
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