What hunter stage are you in?

What stage are you in?

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This was my 52nd fall in the woods. As I’ve aged I’ve been blessed with multiple out of state hunts in addition to my home state. For me it has never been about the killing nor antler size. Could care less about scores. Not impressed one bit. Just appreciate and grateful for the opportunity and ability. It’s much more important to hunt well and ethically. And I’ve enjoyed mentoring the young guns these past years.
A little bit of everything depending on the situation, with an emphasis on having a good time (even if I know it'll be type 2 fun).

If I'm hunting whitetails a 1/4 mile from my house and I have a full freezer, I'm just enjoying the sit and waiting for a big buck that checks my boxes. Everything else I'll let pass by

If I'm out west looking for elk or muley, depending on the area or days left on the hunt I can change my standards drastically.

Doves, prairie dogs, coyotes, pheasant, etc are all treated differently from big game.
I'm in the go hunting with friends and if we don't get anything then that's ok stage...unless one of us gets a good tag then it's all hands on deck to volunteer for that hunt. I find helping others get their animal as or more fulfilling as getting my own. Don't get me wrong, I shoot a lot of deer for some private ranches but it's more shooting and those kind of hunts fill the freezer so I can afford to do the fun hunts with friends.
I dont quite fit that progression, I for sure recall the shooter stage, never really was all about the limit stage. I was deep in the method stage for a bit as the same time as the trophy stage and I think in many ways the two share the same motivation.

I am more in the sportsman stage I think and especially bird hunting (though with some overlap in that I am very into the dog work and dog training and would never bother shooting one without the dog).

Deer hunting is 50/50 enjoy being out but also really want venison to eat. So while I dont care that much about a trophy I do really really want to put two does in the freezer myself (partly because at our rifle deer camp there is limited success and we usually divide up the meat so most years everyone is only taking home a small portion I like to let the other guys keep my share of that and ideally supplement it with some from what I have taken solo earlier in the season).

I have not got out west yet but am starting to put in points for that. I imagine that being a bit more of a trophy pursuit in some ways.
Never had a shooting stage, or trophy stage. Kind of straight to sportsman stage.

I get mocked by friends and family for being a bad hunter.
I love duck hunting, and rarely shoot anything close to a limit (Atlantic flyway NJ). I don't shoot garbage ducks, so while others shoot 18 buffleheads/ruddy's/mergs/etc... I'll let them all pass. Not worth the ammo for something I cant eat. But I do like watching them fiddle around

With deer, i bust my ass this year deer hunting. Scouting, hang and hunts, new spots, over corn, 2 different out of state hunts. I just love being out there. Still haven't notched a tag. Maine is low odds, PA didn't see a legal buck. NJ passed up lots of does ( unlimited doe tags) and small bucks. Never got a shootable buck in 30 yards.

After the first of the year winter bow starts. Then focus on beaver and ducks and try a few times for our winter buck tag ( 6 buck tags in NJ) and I'll shoot a doe for some meat. Lots of friend days kicking brush for rabbits and squirrels. Maybe do some predator control.

There's so much to do our in the woods, it's hard to focus on just one animal, place, style. Then hunting ends march 1 and striper fishing starts. NJ gets a bad wrap, and it deserves it, but there are plenty of things to peruse year round, just have to be a lawyer to navigate it all.
I’m in the “it’s more important to have my sons with me and teach them than kill me own” stage
Fun poll, but I'm not in love with the description of the last category. To imply any other level of hunter is not a "sportsman" is a bit disrespectful. I'm still at the phase where I'm actively seeking to fill the tags in my pocket every time I go out. I don't blast things indiscriminately and I sometimes let animals simply walk by so as to observe them and admire their beauty. I hunt with purpose, both for sport and for the time afield.
Sportsman / Mentoring. I have two Grandsons that I take/teach hunting. Over the past ten years I think I have only carried a gun maybe two of those years, these last two. I'm winding down now at 75.
Remember when hunting was just hunting?
Still is if you want it to be man. Took my son out Rifle in WI this Nov and ALL deer were getting the green light so he could experience a successful deer hunt. Shot a doe second day and his excitement and enthusiasm made it one of my favorite hunting moments in 37 years. We were just hunting.
Just getting out and seeing what may come along
Red Fox, squirrel with a mouth full of
Leaves going to a their den tree.
Last weekend a first for me a fisher 15th a from the tree stand

Sure bets work
I dont think your progression of stages fits most of the born out west life long big game hunters i know

Ive been a trophy hunter for 40 years, the shooter stage went away when i was 10 and the search for big was on, always have always been a sportsman conservationist and into finding the best high quality experience available every time
OP, lots of good comments spread over 4 pages and 74 posts thus far. Myself, and others I would gather would love to hear more from you about the categories, more information on how things appear in some stages that leave things out of other stages. Many good points brought up about people feeling or not feeling like they fit a category and probably choosing one that's closest, but that misses important things.
The one absolute about hunting is, there are no absolutes.
I am in the hunter stage.
I hunt rifle only, but I try to hunt as if I’m bow hunting.
So many feelings, and they’re all different on a different day.
I don’t fall into a category that is listed here, and yet, I can be any one of them.
Every critter I’m a different stage.
Waterfowl: Stage 2. I’m doing something wrong if I’m not limiting out every trip. I don’t care about sunrises and camaraderie. It’s all about dog work.
Upland: Stage 4. Just being in the high desert good enough.
Deer: Blacktail Stage 3. Mulies Stage 5
Elk: Stage 2. My wife’s favorite food is elk

Other thoughts. I typed the word “stage” a lot. It’s a weird word. Saying it and typing it. Stage.
This is interesting. I voted sportsman, not because I am a great trophy hunter or a superb shot. I loved hunting growing up, I let it slip to the side for a bit while kids were young/are young. Last season was my first back in 4 years, what I remember I enjoyed most was the places hunting takes me, most places I go hunting I would rarely go for a day hike. No doubt, it’s all good whatever stage you are in!
I’m in a gray area that encompasses many of the attributes from trophy stage to sportsman stage. I’d refer to it as the “LIFESTYLE STAGE”

For example: I spend every second of free time hunting, fishing, scouting or thinking about all of the above. Just filling a tag has become to easy with the amount of time I spend in the outdoors.
I won’t shoot a bull under 330” because I have take several over that now and it doesn’t get me excited, 350”+ bulls still flip the switch for me though….at the same time I don’t care if holding out means I don’t fill my tag as long as I gave it 100% effort. I participate in all methods of take but do feel like some deserve the recognition of being more of an accomplishment. I love soaking up the finer details of the hunt like camp humor, mountainside conversation, wildlife observations etc, and tucking them away in the memory bank. Now that my son is old enough to hunt I love teaching him all I’ve learned and I get way more excited watching him fill his tag than I do my own.
Living in AZ, should have a non-hunting stage. LOL. If you could draw a tag maybe you could stay in the game HaHa. I still try to get out at every opportunity.