When developers are given land at a discount by municipalities, they are typically limited to deed restricted lots in some fashion. Homes may only be sold for x, to buyers who make less than x, cannot be used as rentals, etc. I've never heard of discounted/subsidized land that wasn't tied up in that fashion. That's a massive part of what HUD does fyi.
The completely unfounded hatred for real estate developers is weird to me.
Between feasibility studies, permit fees, traffic control mitigation, etc....all while paying carrying costs for dirt you can't do anything with yet...margins are way tighter than you'd think.
10 years ago I'd source dirt at 1/3 expected retail value of the build and guarantee you we'd walk away with 15-20% margin....today, we need dirt at 1/6 to 1/7 due to materials, labor, permit, interest costs...all for 10-15% margin...think about that.