I assume you are referring to the ~300 miles of ORV trails that the BLM closed West of Moab.
Have you witnessed the actual shitshow that is ORV culture in Moab? Regardless, the area is not "closed", you just can't drive through it any longer.
Also, the city of Moab attempted to restrict non street legal vehicles from driving on city streets between the hours of 11 PM and 6 am to reduce traffic noise, but were overruled by the state government. Feds overrule state on federal lands. State overrules city on city streets....
Under state law, it is legal to drive ATVs on all city and county roads outside of Salt Lake County, which means Moab can’t ban them from making noise on residential roads at night.
An effort to regulate all-terrain vehicles in Moab was killed by the Utah Legislature last week, but people on both sides of the issue say the fight isn’t over.