Utah trying to take control of federal lands

I live in Utah. Very much against all these state land grab attempts. If it ever went through, it will only lead to reduced public use and enjoyment, privatization, over-development with new roads, etc. We have few enough wild places already.
The feds recently shut down areas near Moab also, so I can't say they are doing a great job either.
The feds recently shut down areas near Moab also, so I can't say they are doing a great job either.

I assume you are referring to the ~300 miles of ORV trails that the BLM closed West of Moab.
Have you witnessed the actual shitshow that is ORV culture in Moab? Regardless, the area is not "closed", you just can't drive through it any longer.

Also, the city of Moab attempted to restrict non street legal vehicles from driving on city streets between the hours of 11 PM and 6 am to reduce traffic noise, but were overruled by the state government. Feds overrule state on federal lands. State overrules city on city streets....

Under state law, it is legal to drive ATVs on all city and county roads outside of Salt Lake County, which means Moab can’t ban them from making noise on residential roads at night.

I assume you are referring to the ~300 miles of ORV trails that the BLM closed West of Moab.
Have you witnessed the actual shitshow that is ORV culture in Moab? Regardless, the area is not "closed", you just can't drive through it any longer.

Also, the city of Moab attempted to restrict non street legal vehicles from driving on city streets between the hours of 11 PM and 6 am to reduce traffic noise, but were overruled by the state government. Feds overrule state on federal lands. State overrules city on city streets....

Under state law, it is legal to drive ATVs on all city and county roads outside of Salt Lake County, which means Moab can’t ban them from making noise on residential roads at night.

Yes, I have camped back there several times and never noticed anything too crazy. I never saw excessive trash, just the occasional idiot.
I'm surprised that Cox is behind this BS. Through his term so far, I think he's been the most decent governor we've had in awhile. However, I am half guessing it's only because he's running against that $h!thead Lyman, who is the epitome of sagebrush rebellion idiocy and a wannabe Trump.

I wouldn't ever trust the Utah government with public land. Many others already hit the key points our government is concerned with. Property taxes, mineral extraction, etc. $$$.
Under state law, it is legal to drive ATVs on all city and county roads outside of Salt Lake County, which means Moab can’t ban them from making noise on residential roads at night.

They can't ban the use of one. They can certainly make you put noise suppression on one if there's a noise ordinance in place.
Like him or not, Randy Newberg has a good podcast out about this and explains everything. Its worth a listen.
Like him or not, Randy Newberg has a good podcast out about this and explains everything. Its worth a listen.
Does he go into the part about this particular lawsuit being tied to udot wanting to build a particular highway or interstate in a certain area down south that's been denied for years due to wildlife impacts?

My wife has some solid info due to formerly working in a politics-adjacent NP organization and from what she tells me, it sounds like that highway/interstate plus the obvious wanting to sell land for housing development are the primary factors.

Even if there weren't a couple of specific driving factors, I think they'd be doing it anyway because that's been Utah's history since before we were a state.
I was listening to a proposed development in another state and it all stinks. A road really is needed, so the developer wants the federal land for the road and a wide swath of right away land above and beyond what’s needed for the road to provide “infrastructure” businesses to support travel on the road, and residential housing for the people working in the area. Oh, and he will build the road if he’s allowed to make it a private toll road. Sounds like horse crap.
Does he go into the part about this particular lawsuit being tied to udot wanting to build a particular highway or interstate in a certain area down south that's been denied for years due to wildlife impacts?

My wife has some solid info due to formerly working in a politics-adjacent NP organization and from what she tells me, it sounds like that highway/interstate plus the obvious wanting to sell land for housing development are the primary factors.

Even if there weren't a couple of specific driving factors, I think they'd be doing it anyway because that's been Utah's history since before we were a state.
I listen to these while I am at work so if its really detailed, I have to listen to them a few times to get it all.

I dont remember hearing anything regarding it for a highway but they do talk about potential reasons. I dont remember them all at this point but its a really interesting listen.
I listen to these while I am at work so if its really detailed, I have to listen to them a few times to get it all.

I dont remember hearing anything regarding it for a highway but they do talk about potential reasons. I dont remember them all at this point but its a really interesting listen.
I'll look it up and listen. Thanks!
Ugh 😑 the cancer spreads…. I don’t know who needs to hear that this is a horrible awful idea. Ps, if people think they will get a ranch or a bunch of land out of this you are dead wrong. They will slow play the sales letting developers and corporations and the ultra wealthy pick the choicest parcels for themselves. They would never flood the market and cheapen the asset. Oh and after it is sold, there goes wintering grounds, and access…
Mike Lee also has a bill out there to change the designation of wilderness to allow bikes.

Purely trying to shore up a voting block that might otherwise never consider him.

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And now other states are joining in.

May not have to post threads about NR not being able to hunt federal wilderness in the near future.

Great Idahos guy spearheaded the briefing
Better be paying attention to our state next

This is the shit thing about politics in America right now
The republicans want to do a land grab and the democrat wants to tell your son he can be a girl
Great Idahos guy spearheaded the briefing
Better be paying attention to our state next

This is the shit thing about politics in America right now
The republicans want to do a land grab and the democrat wants to tell your son he can be a girl
He has been an awful politician forever. Just look at all the state money he has wasted on legal action against our own state agencies

Voting has consequences. People and politicians both need to understand that. I know when I voted this year stance on public lands was a big part of my voting decisions
Unfortunately, I don't think Utah has a chance of electing a Democrat governor. I thought Cox was pretty decent, until he backed this lawsuit. So unless we do get a D governor, we're probably completely boned on protecting the fed land in Utah. The Republicans know they're immune to land issues in Utah... I don't think there's not enough R constituents in the state that pay enough attention to the land issues or care enough that it would actually make a difference at the ballot box if they got angry about the land issues and decided to vote D.
He has been an awful politician forever. Just look at all the state money he has wasted on legal action against our own state agencies

Voting has consequences. People and politicians both need to understand that. I know when I voted this year stance on public lands was a big part of my voting decisions
Labrador is trash and represents his special interest groups over the average Idahoan’s interest. Luckily Idaho cannot sell state timber land since timber land is used to fund schools.