Defund the Police?

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If this incident had occurred and there were zero protests, riots, looting, etc, I wonder if people would be so quick to place blame on Floyd for his death? It seems like peoples frustration/anger/disgust with the reaction may be contaminating their view on the initial incident.

People pointing out Floyd's actions on the day of his death as if they are remotely close to justifying the officers actions and/or giving officers the benefit of the doubt after detailed video is nothing more than validation for the basis of protesting problems within policing/society.

I see a serious problem with the mob of people claiming oppressed victim status in the US and wish there weren't so many folks out there giving them ammo to justify it.
The message gets lost in looting, rioting, Chaz, etc. Not in protesting.

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This comment needs called out.

He might have been all things you said he is but he was killed having not been tried in court of law by a jury of his peers.

If you want to live in a country where the police can murder you in the streets you should move to Venezuela.

We live in a Country that has the best justice system devised by man. It has no place for vigilante justice or extrajudicial violence.
IMO he had a heart attack perpetuated by drugs, resisting and sloppy police work. I dont buy the asphyxiation cause of death. The officers needed charged and fired. Murded 2 is going to be hard to get!
Being drunk or on drugs does not excuse any behavior. I choose not to indulge in substances that will change my behavior or thought process. In doing so, I have had nothing but respectable interactions with the Police, and have managed to keep myself out of handcuffs for about 40 years now. It is possible to do, even though many today seem to think it isn’t. That is because everyone thinks they are entitled to something or to be treated a certain way, even when they are out of line. Not taking responsibility for ones own actions is what has us here, on both sides.
What do you say to young black men who are placed in cuffs during a routine traffic stop, when the same officer would not have cuffed a young white man? Don't tell me that doesn't happen either. There was a reason the woman in Central Park described the black birdwatcher to the 911 dispatcher as "An African American man" and not just "A man." Let's not be dishonest about the facts here.
Only in America can you serve three different sentences for drugs, serve two separate sentences for armed robbery and become a hero that everyone wants more of.

And they say the American dream is dead.

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Only in America can someone steal billions from average working class people and be rewarded for it, while someone of color rots in jail for committing a petty crime.

Only in America can someone steal billions from average working class people and be rewarded for it, while someone of color rots in jail for committing a petty crime.


The real criminals are in DC, notice how this riot shit just took everyone eye off the billions that were stolen and given the rich and powerful...looks like 2008 all over again.
IMO he had a heart attack perpetuated by drugs, resisting and sloppy police work. I dont buy the asphyxiation cause of death. The officers needed charged and fired. Murded 2 is going to be hard to get!
Sounds like wishful thinking to me, but we'll see how it plays out.

The look on Chauvin's face told quite a story though.
Yes, the very racist nation, the USA, is so racist that they elected a black man to back to back presidencies of the USA.

+1 zap,
And the only country in the world where people will travel a thousand miles by any means while risking the lives of their children and themselves just to get here. You think they coming for the racism? If people got problems living here, they'd have some major problems elsewhere. Furthermore, if you don't like it here your free to leave. Like maybe head over to Somalia, Ethiopia, Venezuela, China, For the rest of us , we're tired of hearing the complaining.
Of course the Floyd thing was terrible and that cop deserves to go to jail. Not one person I've talked to disputes that.

Now the rest of the hard working citizens- that are also appalled at the situation- will have to pay for the Billions of $$ in looting and destruction.

I can tell you here in the SF Bay Area the media is negecting to show you the destruction in some areas. A shopping center in San Leandro Ca just south of Oakland BayFair mall is completely destroyed. I mean it looks like Syria type demolished. Big areas in Emeryville- destroyed.....but then Yahoo news goes out of their way to say, "Its a tiny Sliver" of protestors looting. Total hogwash.

I am so sick of the liberal progressives that put these idiot politicians in power only to let this destruction happen. This has very little to do with Floyd...its all about liberals throwing a tantrum plain and simple.

I say take one area- Minneapolis....and let them have their cops.....and have media scour that place for the inevitable disaster.....then maybe we can get rid of this Liberal ideology once and for all.

I am probably going to get flamed for this by a few that disagree with me but....her it is .. I am a huge believer there needs to be a gigantic overhaul on the way the police do their job. It needs to start at the recruiting level and it needs to go all the way to the top. I also believe that "defund the police" is a terrible slogan and will be interpreted in many ways it does not truly mean. I have a small background as a LEO and I can honestly say that my time in the Academy made me more afraid of the police than anything I have ever experienced in any interaction with other police agencies. I am about as straight edge as it gets, I am a fairly large white male and cops scare the hell out of me still. I cannot imagine being a black man in an area with really bad officers.
I went through an academy that was 100% sponsored. All 35-40 cadets had jobs, they had gone through a hiring process, background checks, psych evals etc. 15 of those individuals I would not want watching my dog. It was extremely eye opening. I thought the academy itself was sort of a joke. Having already graduated from college with a bachelors degree I can say 99% of the intellectual information was presented at about the level of an easy 100 level college course. I know other officers that teach at different academies and they all tend to agree that is pretty consistent. I can honestly say I never cracked a single book, studied or did any extra prep work for any test and I passed everything very easily, including the POST exam. Generally speaking it is not tough. The worst part about the academy was how from day one you are pretty much taught that everything can kill you. They show you videos of some super ninja attacking a guy with a ballpoint pen and use that to imply it is better to shoot first. (I know I am way oversimplifying this but that is how it feels) The use of force continuum changed from answer threat of deadly force with deadly force to answer threat of getting your uniform dirty with deadly force. There needs to be so much more training on deescalation of force.
What I continued to see since that time is that departments are all generally poorly funded, they pay crap and as such they often times get pretty crappy people as officers. Your typical 20 year old white boy who always wanted to be a cop can be a fairly scary individual. I know there are agencies that pay a little more, have far more strict hiring standards and as such they get a different grade of applicant. One agency I know of will only hire officers with four year degrees and they do not even recruit at law enforcement type events. They recruit teachers, business owners, other professionals. I also know those departments have far less legal trouble of their own down the road. Long and short of it: "defunding" the police is a terrible way to look at solving this problem. I would love to see the way police agencies spend existing money, the way they recruit and train officers and the way officers interact with the public change dramatically.
What high crime inner city PD departments recruit people with 4 year degrees? Many of the worst High crime cities require you to live in the city to work at the PD.

My major issue is the overuse of SWAT teams and the new paramilitary mentality at many PDs across the country. I have had to diffuse many situations wound up by the tactical hut hut hut d bags on PD’s.
What high crime inner city PD departments recruit people with 4 year degrees? Many of the worst High crime cities require you to live in the city to work at the PD.

My major issue is the overuse of SWAT teams and the new paramilitary mentality at many PDs across the country. I have had to diffuse many situations wound up by the tactical hut hut hut d bags on PD’s.

Cops referring to themselves as “operators”....

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My major issue is the overuse of SWAT teams and the new paramilitary mentality at many PDs across the country. I have had to diffuse many situations wound up by the tactical hut hut hut d bags on PD’s.

This made me laugh. Which was a nice relief from reading a lot of the responses in this thread.
What do you say to young black men who are placed in cuffs during a routine traffic stop, when the same officer would not have cuffed a young white man? Don't tell me that doesn't happen either. There was a reason the woman in Central Park described the black birdwatcher to the 911 dispatcher as "An African American man" and not just "A man." Let's not be dishonest about the facts here.
I've been driving TWICE with one of my best friends who is black where I (whitish) sat in the driver seat while pulled over and my buddy was told to get out of the car, once to sit on the sidewalk, once handcuffed. Both times I was pulled over for 'headlights out' that were magically back on after our names came back clear. As a teenager, getting in trouble with potato guns, myself and two asian friends, no issue, other friend with a hispanic last name (even though he's filipino) made to wait in the back of the squad car. People don't want it to be real but it is real, accept it and work to fix it.
I've been driving TWICE with one of my best friends who is black where I (whitish) sat in the driver seat while pulled over and my buddy was told to get out of the car, once to sit on the sidewalk, once handcuffed. Both times I was pulled over for 'headlights out' that were magically back on after our names came back clear. As a teenager, getting in trouble with potato guns, myself and two asian friends, no issue, other friend with a hispanic last name (even though he's filipino) made to wait in the back of the squad car. People don't want it to be real but it is real, accept it and work to fix it.

A lot of the issues have to be fixed from WITHIN the black community!

When such a small % of the population contributes to a large % of the total crimes it puts people on edge from the start. Is it right? Maybe not but it is what it is!

Yet, you hardly ever see these people ridiculing their own, they stick together no matter what and cover for each other whether right or wrong.

This country is probably the most equal there is that has the level of prosperity it does! There’s a reason The immigration of people into this country of ALL TYPES is much higher than the amount of people LEAVING!

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A lot of the issues have to be fixed from WITHIN the black community!

When such a small % of the population contributes to a large % of the total crimes it puts people on edge from the start. Is it right? Maybe not but it is what it is!

Yet, you hardly ever see these people ridiculing their own, they stick together no matter what and cover for each other whether right or wrong.

This country is probably the most equal there is that has the level of prosperity it does! There’s a reason The immigration of people into this country of ALL TYPES is much higher than the amount of people LEAVING!

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Im sure more random, broad, unfounded generalizations are what'll work....... ...............................
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