Crazy hunting stories



Jan 25, 2023
Thank you for this story! My wife got a good laugh out of it lol. I am glad that it's been a few months that I started this thread and people are still sending their stories in. It would be awesome if people kept adding to it still! Thanks again for sharing!


Mar 6, 2019
A friend from years back told the story of a deer hunt. He had been in his deer stand when he spotted a fine deer with a Large rack. He made his shot and climbded down from his stand. He approached the deer and all seemed fine. He stood admiring the deer and began to imagine it hanging over his fireplace with his deer rifle in the antlers. So, he walked up to the deer, set his rifle in the rack, stepped back to admire what was soon to be over his fireplace, when the deer jumped up and ran away with his rifle......never to be found. He swears this is true. I don't think I would have told anyone.


Jan 25, 2023
A friend from years back told the story of a deer hunt. He had been in his deer stand when he spotted a fine deer with a Large rack. He made his shot and climbded down from his stand. He approached the deer and all seemed fine. He stood admiring the deer and began to imagine it hanging over his fireplace with his deer rifle in the antlers. So, he walked up to the deer, set his rifle in the rack, stepped back to admire what was soon to be over his fireplace, when the deer jumped up and ran away with his rifle......never to be found. He swears this is true. I don't think I would have told anyone.
😂 Yeah that one sounds hard to believe lol but anything can happen!


Oct 11, 2020
Western Pennsylvania, Lawrence County
Probably nothing compared to the wild stories some folks have, but here's my 'crazy' story.

Opening day of rifle deer season in PA. Gonna say Mid to later 90s. Buddy and I had hunted all day and not filled a tag. Just got home and started shedding gear when there was a knock. Buddy's brother-in-law hit a buck and needed help tracking.

Geared back up, grabbed a sammich and hit the trail to get this buck. Full dark and we're following TP trail along an old logging road cut in halfway up a hill. Pin points of blood every few yards. Super tough tracking, but my buddy is super good, so we're doing OK. Then, it starts to sprinkle a light rain.

So, my buddy, the best hunter of the 3 of us, starts slipping down the trail, quickly and quietly while I'm trying to find blood like he taught me.

Couple minutes later, he's back. He'd found the deer, laying along the side of the trail. So, we all moved up the trail to where this deer lay.

Deer had switched positions, turning to face us and laid back down.

The 3 of us are now faced with figuring out how to tag this clearly still alive animal that had been hit in the foreleg.

Plan #1. Gonna lasso the deer using a drag rope and me, being the biggest guy and apparently the dumbest, Gonna jump on it and cut its throat. Go ahead and laugh, we were young and DUMB

Deer jumped up as the lasso started whirling, ran a quick loop uphill, hit the trail again, came at me with its head down. I start backpedaling and going for my .357 before it jumps downhill, and lands in a pile because of the broken front leg.

Plan #2. Took my knife, tied it to a stick using a bootlace, and gave it one in the vitals. Deer jumped up again, took 2 bounds downhill and piled up again. Clear pink foam blowing out of nose and the hole in its chest. Couple minutes later, the breathing stops and we gather up the deer, I go get the car as we'd hiked probably 2 miles up the trail.


Apr 27, 2020
A friend from years back told the story of a deer hunt. He had been in his deer stand when he spotted a fine deer with a Large rack. He made his shot and climbded down from his stand. He approached the deer and all seemed fine. He stood admiring the deer and began to imagine it hanging over his fireplace with his deer rifle in the antlers. So, he walked up to the deer, set his rifle in the rack, stepped back to admire what was soon to be over his fireplace, when the deer jumped up and ran away with his rifle......never to be found. He swears this is true. I don't think I would have told anyone.
This event or one almost identical was a story in Outdoor Life about 20 years ago.


Jul 1, 2022
Was sitting with my recurve on a nice knob where I had some bucks in cam in the mountains. I was tagged out on bears. About 445 or so a big old black bear walks right past me, brushing up against my ghillie suit. Talk about code brown. That same night a squirrel ran across the blow down I was using a back cover nearly walking on my shoulders and a raccoon stepped on my boot. Gave me faith in the ghillie that’s for sure!

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Nov 20, 2016
Another funny one. Me and 2 buddies were doing some scouting for the upcoming turkey season at a huge wildlife area in Missouri. We decided to meet back up in this one spot at 10:00AM. We were discussing the situation when a WT doe comes charging at us, running directly into the sun. It realized what was going down about 10 feet from us and slams on the brakes going ass over tea kettle directly between us as we are scrambling to get out of her way. She righted the ship only to stand there for a couple seconds only 5 feet from us before taking off.


Jun 30, 2020
Two of us were pig hunting in central Ca. with a guide. The morning had a slight drizzle so I put a rain poncho in my back pack. Three of use were standing under an oak tree and across the meadow about 200 yards we saw some pigs working out of the bush headed for the meadow to have a bite. Well it started to get a little wetter so I decided to put my poncho on. I made very little noise in the process but by their expression you would have thought I fired off a round. the pigs never noticed the noise. When the pigs broke cover and I was about to bring my rifle up and take a shot, my friends cell phone started playing The national anthem, and the pigs took off back into the cover.. I looked at the guide and said, that by far trumps any noise the poncho made. All he said was, YUP. and WTF are you doing with your cell phone out here?


Dec 19, 2021
Central Michigan
Opening day of pheasant season, my dad, brother, and I spent a couple hours chasing birds, got a couple, then it turned into a general small game day. Got a few rabbits, then about mid-afternoon turned our attention to squirrels.

We were on my grandparents farm in a 25 acre patch of woods with a lot of big oaks. The game plan was we'd walk up to a tree, then circle it one at a time. We had a half dozen squirrels in the bag, circling a tree and I spotted a big coon about 60' up. I shot him, without telling them what I was shooting at. Then a very much alive, and very pissed off, coon hit the ground right at my dads feet!! He did one helluva dance getting away from it then I finished him off.

My dad swore his boxers were still in good shape. :ROFLMAO:


Jan 25, 2023
Probably nothing compared to the wild stories some folks have, but here's my 'crazy' story.

Opening day of rifle deer season in PA. Gonna say Mid to later 90s. Buddy and I had hunted all day and not filled a tag. Just got home and started shedding gear when there was a knock. Buddy's brother-in-law hit a buck and needed help tracking.

Geared back up, grabbed a sammich and hit the trail to get this buck. Full dark and we're following TP trail along an old logging road cut in halfway up a hill. Pin points of blood every few yards. Super tough tracking, but my buddy is super good, so we're doing OK. Then, it starts to sprinkle a light rain.

So, my buddy, the best hunter of the 3 of us, starts slipping down the trail, quickly and quietly while I'm trying to find blood like he taught me.

Couple minutes later, he's back. He'd found the deer, laying along the side of the trail. So, we all moved up the trail to where this deer lay.

Deer had switched positions, turning to face us and laid back down.

The 3 of us are now faced with figuring out how to tag this clearly still alive animal that had been hit in the foreleg.

Plan #1. Gonna lasso the deer using a drag rope and me, being the biggest guy and apparently the dumbest, Gonna jump on it and cut its throat. Go ahead and laugh, we were young and DUMB

Deer jumped up as the lasso started whirling, ran a quick loop uphill, hit the trail again, came at me with its head down. I start backpedaling and going for my .357 before it jumps downhill, and lands in a pile because of the broken front leg.

Plan #2. Took my knife, tied it to a stick using a bootlace, and gave it one in the vitals. Deer jumped up again, took 2 bounds downhill and piled up again. Clear pink foam blowing out of nose and the hole in its chest. Couple minutes later, the breathing stops and we gather up the deer, I go get the car as we'd hiked probably 2 miles up the trail.
Thanks for the great story! These are the stories you can't make up. What did you learn and what would you do different next time?


Jan 25, 2023
Was sitting with my recurve on a nice knob where I had some bucks in cam in the mountains. I was tagged out on bears. About 445 or so a big old black bear walks right past me, brushing up against my ghillie suit. Talk about code brown. That same night a squirrel ran across the blow down I was using a back cover nearly walking on my shoulders and a raccoon stepped on my boot. Gave me faith in the ghillie that’s for sure!

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One of the better "code brown" stories I've read 😂 I appreciate your input! Do you still hunt with it now?


Jul 10, 2017
I'm sure... I can still see the drawings. I think as a youngster it probably shocked me that a human had to go thru something like that.🤣 Your awesome rifle and buck both gone!


Mar 31, 2020
The Plains
If you search my posts you can find the longer version...

We (hubby & I) were 40 mikes from any town, middle of nowhere Wyoming, October deer tag. I was at camp with the dog, he shoots a big 'un right before sunset.
We use zoleo & phones for communication. I leave to go help haul, but forget the cord for my phone battery bank. He's also forgotten his.
Long story short, me & dog end up using REALLY inaccurate topo maps & get kind of lost, his phone dies, he starts back to camp (I don't know this), I get stalked by something that's too big to be a dog/cougar & too small to be a cow (fairly certain it was a wolf), started to rain 3 hours in with no rain/safety/survival gear, I figure out: #1, I can't tell directions in the dark, & #2, I walk to the left if I don't have landmarks...

By the grace of god he found me about 4 hours in, in the rain, when I had 12% battery left & was fairly uncertain where camp was. It was in the low 50's & raining at the time. I've never thought I'd be the target for a serch & rescue team, but I was AWFULLY darn close that night.

We've completely changed how we communicate & operate in the backwoods. I turn on a tracker every time I leave camp. We only carry compatible cords & power banks for phones, & have emergency supplies in all our bags.


Nov 13, 2012
My craziest hunting story-- one time when I went hunting, I killed a deer. Didn't miss, didn't get skunked, didn't see it but have it go a different direction... I killed it! But just once... :ROFLMAO: