Crazy Big Game Draw Stories

Before Montana implemented the 7 year wait period on moose, sheep, and goat I had a friend draw a mountain goat tag. The next year he drew the same goat tag in addition to a moose tag. A few years later he drew a ram permit.

Another person I knew drew a bighorn sheep tag in a great area here in Montana. He waited the 7 years until he could apply again. The very first year he was eligible to apply he drew another ram tag for a great area about 50 miles away from his first sheep tag.

I'm friends with a guy who has drawn 3 (THREE) bighorn ram tags in Montana and killed 3 very nice rams. In addition he has drawn a ewe tag. I cannot even get drawn for a ewe!

Another good friend drew a ram tag in Montana and got a gorgeous ram with 43" horns on both sides and over 16" bases. Now this poor poor guy had to wait quite a few years to do it, but he did it and drew another ram tag for a district too far away just last year. This ram was not as large on the horn size, but still a gorgeous full curl ram that was aged at 11 1/2 years old!

It took me 33 years to draw a mountain goat tag which I never filled. The populations tanked in the Bitterroots. I hunted and scouted hard but never filled it. Had a great time from May until the end of November. Loved every minute of it. It's been 45 years in a row now and I had yet to draw a ram tag or a moose tag. This is the year!!
I have my Metis harvesting rights in AB, no tags required, no limits and no seasons. What are these 'draws' you speak of?
Well for us lowly people who didn't have special ancestors, we have to apply for certain hunting tags. There are usually more applicants than tags so they draw from the pool of applicants to see who gets a tag. That's what a draw is.
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I have my Metis harvesting rights in AB, no tags required, no limits and no seasons. What are these 'draws' you speak of?

Almost sounds like Wyoming residents and how they are guaranteed tags on a yearly basis. I think that they do have limits and seasons
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Since the thread theme is 'stories', Once upon a time in NM, it was normal to draw the same tag every year. Then, one day it changed...

It's been 22 years since I drew the same tag in back to back years. Normally it's 4 or 5 years in-between.

My kids have pulled some pretty good tags in their youth years though and one year (back in the day) we drew everything we put in for.
I can taste the salt through this post
You trolling or just dense that if everyone had the same access you do there would be nothing to hunt? Hence there are seasons and structures MOST folks have to abide to so animals aren't wiped out. No need to boast you get special access and benefit from the conservation/restraint placed on the rest of society due to your race., we're aware it is a thing in the way history has unfolded.

BTW I see you are new here, generally speaking we try to be civil and limit how much bickering/mockery goes on and act like adults. No one is thin skinned but no one wants the moronic chest beating and name calling some forums seem to thrive on. Folks that don't learn to play somewhat respectfully get shown the door.
Drew an archery elk tag in the Gila 11 times out of 12 years applying as a non resident.
Not really luck at the time but virtually impossible now...
BTW, have only drawn a tag twice since 2004.
Drawing twice since 2004 (at current odds, was probably better in 2004) would still be 1/10k odds, so your "unlucky" streak is still enviable.
No, not trolling, just don't really like being scolded on the internet from a complete stranger. people were discussing crazy draws, I never have to draw which is pretty crazy to me. But of course someone had to go down the 'special ancestors' veiled racism route, and I gave back what they gave me in the following posts. Thanks for policing the internet though, must be a very rewarding job.
There is a difference between nicely letting the new guy peacocking around know that isn't the vibe here if he wants to fit in and policing. :)

You trolled out "What are these 'draws' you speak of?" and got a reply and then want to play victim that someone replied to it? Please.
Anyways if the obnoxiousness is over... back to the thread.

I got two datapoints.
One buddy drew a CO moose tag on low points (he was like 3+3 and the other tag holder was 3+18) and then a good CO elk and CO pronghorn on a couple points lower than normal (less folks happened to apply for them that year). He had a full freezer that fall!

Another buddy drew the single NR barbary tag in NM for a hunt I told him to start applying for on his first year applying, then drew another good barbary hunt the very next year too. Ended up hunting both <9mo or so.
I know a bloke that has applied for 35+ years for a bighorn license in Montana and has never drawn- poor bastard :ROFLMAO:
There’s a dude here that has been applying for moose before the point system was implemented. He’s gotta be around mid 30s in years. 2 years ago he drew and about a month or two after, his leg went numb. He had to make a decision pretty quick and turned the tag back in because he couldn’t walk. He hasn’t draw it since.
In 1992 as a NR my dad drew WY sheep, WY moose and WY pronghorn in a high demand unit. Odds factored together were astronomical.