Crazy Big Game Draw Stories

2018 I drew the random tag for Mountain Goat in the Beaver unit in Utah. A couple months later, Alaska added some Musk Ox tags for the September Nunivak Island season that I always put in for and asked if I wanted one of the bull tags…

I’ve drawn some great tags over the years but that was the only double in a season.
I seem to have a hard time drawing a doe antelope tag. I apply in damn near every western state, and have yet to beat long odds on anything.

I have a buddy that drew a sheep tag here in Montana a few years ago, the one and only time he has ever applied for a OIL tag. Applied last minute because his dad had a dream he drew.

A few years ago, my dad and I applied as a party in WY for a pretty long odd antelope tag, but we both had 10 points, should have had 80% odds, my brother decided to apply with zero points in the random and tag along if he got lucky. He drew, we didn't. Same brother also pulled a draw goat tag, and elk raffle in the same year. The year before he had pulled a goat raffle.

Some day I'll get my turn.
I seem to have a hard time drawing a doe antelope tag. I apply in damn near every western state, and have yet to beat long odds on anything.

I have a buddy that drew a sheep tag here in Montana a few years ago, the one and only time he has ever applied for a OIL tag. Applied last minute because his dad had a dream he drew.

A few years ago, my dad and I applied as a party in WY for a pretty long odd antelope tag, but we both had 10 points, should have had 80% odds, my brother decided to apply with zero points in the random and tag along if he got lucky. He drew, we didn't. Same brother also pulled a draw goat tag, and elk raffle in the same year. The year before he had pulled a goat raffle.

Some day I'll get my turn.
You and I seem to have the same luck.

It could be raining pussy and I would get hit with a dick.
I drew an Idaho mountain goat tag the second time I applied, and a Shiras moose tag the first time I applied. That was it, because I am 0-21 on bighorn sheep. I did draw a controlled turkey tag this year for the 4th season in a row; roughly 25% odds.
Son and dad drew a random Wyoming antelope around 3%odds. Son drew a Colorado 17pt deer tag in the return draw.
This year the $8000plus I put up for him in New Mexico should be fun. Wife was like what happens if he draws them all. Response homeschool for a semester. He is certain a big horn or ibex tag is coming his way
Story I heard on the radio several years ago.

Guy drew a OIL any elk tag here in MI. The DNR puts everyone thru a mandatory class the day before the season opens. The day before the class, his wife went into labor. The day of the class, the baby was born while the guy's FIL was sitting in the parking lot with the engine running. FIL had contacted the DNR and explained what was happening.

So mom and baby were fine, dad and FIL drove like a bat out of hell north from the Detroit area, the DNR put the guy thru the class 1 on 1 the following day, he then went out and killed a 6x6.
I drew a Tule elk tag on my first time putting in.

One year I drew a NR AZ archery elk tag and a UT Expo elk tag for the same 2 weeks. Didn’t like that overlap and felt like I settled for lesser bulls on both hunts due to the time crunch. Was hard hunting 2 out of state areas DIY and having a full time job and little kids 😂

Another year I drew a CO Rocky Sheep tag and my teenage son drew a CO Mt Goat tag the same year. That worked out well since we spent the year getting in mountain shape and scouting.

A year after I moved away from CO I drew a Shiras tag as a NR.

Had some luck with some other tags over the years but my current dream is a Desert Sheep tag!
I drew Oregon sheep, Oregon Pronghorn on points, and NR Nevada elk in the same year. It was fun.

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He is still married. I think the brand new house he built right after helped some.

Should have added that in that same time frame he flew to Sheep Show, bought 200 bucks worth of tickets (because his wife told him to) and won a musk ox hunt.
Her boyfriend must be awesome.
Not a double premium draw story but I meet and hunted with an Arizona resident who applied for 49 years before he drew a resident desert bighorn sheep tag. He killed a nice ram. That’s dedication.

Congratulations to all who draw any tags and spend time in the outdoors, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
First time party app (me and buddy) in Wyoming. Zero points. NR Type 1 elk. Less than 2% odds.
Archery. He shoots 340 bull first hour of first day. I shoot world's dumbest spike last 30 minutes of last day.
That's the way most of our hunts go except for that draw.
I've only ever drawn one tag. A Pennsylvania cow elk tag which I drew in 2006. The 'crazy' part is that, when my phone rang, I was wrangling 2 children, 3 and 5 years old to the car to go see mommy in the hospital where she was literally on death's door with severe pneumonia.

Being super excited and not having ANY chill at the time, I told her about it but, in her sick and medicated condition, she didn't care.

Later, she talked to a nurse about it who happened to know how difficult that tag is to draw and that nurse spoke about how excited THEY would be to have drawn that tag and THAT is what brought her around to supporting me taking the trip and spending the money we didn't really have to do the hunt.

So, random nurse, if you're out there and reading this: THANK YOU. I didn't fill a tag, but I had a great trip.