Covid got me good

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Glad you're on the mend! I STRONGLY believe everyone should have the right to choose to opt-out of getting vaxed.

That said, your decision and situation leaves me with questions-

When someone makes the adult decision to opt-out of getting vaxed and then ends up in the hospital, should the rest of society that made the decision to opt-in and get vaxed (and as a result, almost got never that ill) have to bear the financial burden of the cost of the un-vaxed person's hospital bill by watching their own insurance premiums go up?

As strongly as I believe everyone's right opt-out of getting vaxed, believe in my right to opt-out of paying for the adult consequences of non-vaxer's adult decisions. Would more people opt-in for getting vaxed if they knew they'd be paying the full-ride for the $20k+ Emergency Room hospital bill?


Well if we stop looking at it like its Everyone's responsibility to pay for everyone's health insurance, and make everyone responsible for themselves, then you'd have a little more consistency in your thought process

I got COVID fairly bad, I was borderline needing a hospital visit, but didn't need it. I didn't make that decision based on financials, but based on what the hospital would actually do for me. If I felt I needed medical assistance, I would have pursued it and expected to receive and pay my bill..

Where did the mentality of "nobody should die from disease and nobody should have to pay hospital bills" come from?? Your medical problems aren't my problems, so I shouldn't be paying for you and vice versa
Hi Opah, hang in there and get healed up! I have hunted with my kids - which is super fun (no grandkids yet). That 308 BAR should work good on hogs. I’ve never hunted them but they are on my bucket list.
Do be aware that many seem to die immediately post a jab, yet for statistical purposes those people are considered unvaxxed for 2 weeks post any jab.
Do be aware that this is a flat out lie and very easily confirmed as such with minimal effort. VAERS reporting requirements are codified in law and publicly available.
Do be aware that this is a flat out lie and very easily confirmed as such with minimal effort. VAERS reporting requirements are codified in law and publicly available.
I hope he doesn’t come to your house and literally bury you like the doctor would who posted a page or two back.
The only posts in this thread should be get well soon and glad you’re pulling through, sent thoughtfully to a fellow outdoorsman.

Instead we see actual personal attacks on the OP; and relentless mouth breathers turning it into another vaccine discussion. Simply because of OPs personal observation having gone through what he has.

Is this really what this community is now? Gross.

If you're referring to my post, I'd rather you come out and say it. Disinformation regarding the vaccine is getting people killed, and the OP himself mentioned wishing he'd received the vaccine (a common sentiment for those on their deathbed with Covid). Encouraging folks to do something that may end up saving their lives doesn't make someone a "mouth breather". It makes them neighborly and kind. If you weren't taking a shot at my post, then my apologies in advance.

For the guys in here hellbent of continuing to spread misinformation (such as people dying as soon as they get vaccinated), please start posting sources. Just parroting Tucker's fear-mongering segments isn't "doing your own research" either. Personal anecdotes are nice and all, but they don't supercede actual research in the field of modern medicine. Vitamins and Ivermectin are about as useful as c*m on a mustache for treating Covid-19. You can find peer-reviewed research linked at the bottom to back that up.

For those that still believe in scientific research and reason over identity politics and bandwagoning, here are some links. I'm doing this in case there are others on the fence about whether or not to get vaccinated, as well as to put some of the really bad misinformation in this thread to rest.

CDC data on Covid outcomes for unvaccinated, vaccinated, and vaccinated + booster

Washington Department of Health - Covid Data

Covid-19 Myths vs Facts - Johns Hopkins Medicine

Efficacy of Ivermectin in Covid-19 - Journal of International Medicine

CDC Vaccine Safety Data

Take care of yourselves, friends. We only get one crack at this life. Make it count.
I hope he doesn’t come to your house and literally bury you like the doctor would who posted a page or two back.
I'm sure he could figuratively bury me in bull shit. However, he did say literally; but anyone who can put in 1100-1200 hours researching a topic and get the basic framework wrong is likely to also lack the ability to carry out such a threat (its their personality).

Out of curiosity, I dug up the recent JAMA study, which very clearly DOES NOT SUPORT THE USE OF IVERMECTIN FOR PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 yet we have people claiming the opposite. People who have probably never read a word of the study as they did not provide any reference other than journal and topic. The DOI for anyone interested in reading the recent study on ivermectin published in JAMA

At this point, I've concluded that if people wanted the truth, they wouldn't buy the lies. Unfortunately that does not make witnessing the consequences any less gut wrenching.

And now I've gone and done what I told myself not to, like a dog returning to its vomit.
For the guys in here hellbent of continuing to spread misinformation (such as people dying as soon as they get vaccinated), please start posting sources.
It's funny how some consider facts as misinformation even when they know it's truth, just because it doesn't match the narrative that they subscribe to. Can you imagine if the government and MSM put out the same kind of information and airtime on the deaths and serious health complications from the vaccine as they do for the virus? No, we're not going to see all those facts anytime soon. But when those facts are intentionally withheld or distorted, isn't that misinformation as well? Of course it is. Most people don't need Tucker Carlson........or Dr. Fauci to understand what's going on.

And just to be clear, my own mother went into the hospital four days after her second Pfizer shot and died a few days later. She went from fully functional and active to dead in less than 10 days after getting that second shot. And I personally know of two others that died very soon after getting that second shot. So be very careful about what information you dismiss as misinformation. Someone on here said it best recently when they said "I don't have any conspiracy theories anymore, because they've all been proven true". And that's the biggest issue with this vaccine........nobody knows how safe it really is, because it's only been used/tested less than two years now. Give it 10 years and we'll see how "safe" or problematic it is/was.......maybe. It will be in a lot of folks involved best interest's if damaging data is never revealed.

Opah, I hope you recover quickly. I picked up each of the variants over the last two years, and after a year of intermittent loss of taste and smell, it all finally came back 100% a year later. And then went away again a month later after Omicron. I also still have pains in my chest fairly frequently, especially breathing in full breaths when the lungs fully expand. I've had those pains since my first bout in 2020. But I will still never take those jabs, even though I did get a flu shot this winter.

I also get winded much easier than before Covid, and exercise makes the pains worse.....for days on end. But that still won't keep me from chasing elk come September.
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It's funny how some consider facts as misinformation even when they know it's truth, just because it doesn't match the narrative that they subscribe to. Can you imagine if the government and MSM put out the same kind of information and airtime on the deaths and serious health complications from the vaccine as they do for the virus? No, we're not going to see all those facts anytime soon. But when those facts are intentionally withheld or distorted, isn't that misinformation as well? Of course it is. Most people don't need Tucker Carlson........or Dr. Fauci to understand what's going on.

And just to be clear, my own mother went into the hospital four days after her second Pfizer shot and died a few days later. She went from fully functional and active to dead in less than 10 days after getting that second shot. And I personally know of two others that died very soon after getting that second shot. So be very careful about what information you dismiss as misinformation. Someone on here said it best recently when they said "I don't have any conspiracy theories anymore, because they've all been proven true". And that's the biggest issue with this vaccine........nobody knows how safe it really is, because it's only been used/tested less than two years now. Give it 10 years and we'll see how "safe" or problematic it is/was.......maybe. It will be in a lot of folks involved best interest's if damaging data is never revealed.


My co-worker spent 5 days in the hospital due to complications from the "the shot" (it was literally never called a vaccine in the FDA submission so I won't use that term either)

One might also say that it was misinformation that the during the regular reporting of "covid deaths" there was mis-reporting and that was called out. BUT mainstream narrative said "there is no indication of false reporting"; fast forward to a ~December '21 and CDC says "oooh yeah ummm..... there was a bunch of deaths that weren't actually COVID deaths" and then proceed to give out information like "~75% of COVID deaths were people LITERALLY on deaths door because they had 3 other co-morbidities".......

*off my soapbox
So 5milesBack, you are correct in that misinformation comes from both sides and MAYBE.... just maybe, we should not be so quick to say "OMG you're an idiot for not doing 'insert narrative talking point here' "

I said all that to say that We (as a society) have never shamed someone for how they sought medical treatment, but suddenly "OMG you don't have the XYZ treatment. YOU'RE A LEPER... SHUN THE UN-BELIEVER"

A good friend of mine literally shares 99% of the same beliefs and lifestyle yet chose to get the shot and i did not get the shot.. We talked about it and stated our POV's and moved on to something actually important in life
I'm sure he could figuratively bury me in bull shit. However, he did say literally; but anyone who can put in 1100-1200 hours researching a topic and get the basic framework wrong is likely to also lack the ability to carry out such a threat (its their personality).

Out of curiosity, I dug up the recent JAMA study, which very clearly DOES NOT SUPORT THE USE OF IVERMECTIN FOR PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 yet we have people claiming the opposite. People who have probably never read a word of the study as they did not provide any reference other than journal and topic. The DOI for anyone interested in reading the recent study on ivermectin published in JAMA

At this point, I've concluded that if people wanted the truth, they wouldn't buy the lies. Unfortunately that does not make witnessing the consequences any less gut wrenching.

And now I've gone and done what I told myself not to, like a dog returning to its vomit.
I’ll just drop this here for now.

Be sure to click the link within for better evidence of the efficacy of ivermectin.


The one above written by the most vocal doc out there who in consult with other MD’s around the world figured out vents were killing people, and against “official” policy instituted the use of steroids & blood thinners, what is currently standard treatment protocol.

People like you genuinely amaze me. This blind belief in higher authority with a simple childlike awe.

As I previously noted, you can quote MSM (and even our corrupt agencies) but what you simply cannot quote are trial data for safety as that has remained hidden. Until now.

Late yesterday the FDA released 10k pages of Pfizer data. I’m sure it will take a few days to parse out the most meaningful stuff, but so far some are already aghast at what they are seeing.

While the above post is NOT from the new data, why were these issues not discussed among all the talk of “safe & effective”? Nine pages of potential side effects! So much for “informed consent”.

One aspect (of many) of the “jabs” that has been glossed over is the overall efficacy. First we were told they were 100% effective, then 95%, then blah blah blah. This was before there were ANY long term data sets available. Now we have them, and what do we find?

Rachel Madcow and the rest of the presstitutes were anxious to tell you the virus would pass you buy if immunized yet here we are with data saying it’s wrong.

When Joe Biden was running he said anyone with as many dead on their hands as Trump should not be running for POTUS. We now have MORE dead under Biden, and his administration actually had the previous vaccines no less. Funny, huh?

The “state” and peer pressure can hold the bubble of vaccine injuries and deaths under water for only so long before it pops up elsewhere.

The attached photo of insurance company results shows multi-sigma even rises in “non-Covid” deaths

Here’s another little gem to think about… “highly inflammatory”…

We were told mRNA would not reverse transcribe in the body and yet here we are…

Now, I’m sure you’re ready to dismiss all the above because you didn’t read it on, say, Facebook…

Meanwhile if you had any real interest in this you’d look at Israeli data, probably the best in the world, for what the jabs are actually doing…

Here’s data from a publicly traded funeral home company. Banner year for them, not so much for their clients:

Of course they now work harder for their money…

I’m going to return to the attached photo.

Actuaries & insurance companies MUST be good at their jobs, or their firms fail. Unlike our government bureaucrats. The numbers shown were wholly unplanned for and came out of the “working age” segment of the population. They have never experienced such an increase in “excess deaths” as these shown before.

What could be killing all these people? The easiest answer and most probable is the vaccines. Please keep in mind that anytime someone gets jabbed, they are actually considered unvaxxed for two weeks after!

What is happening in that magical two week period? The vax is suppressing immunity while at the same time driving the innate immune system into hyperdrive to deal with the vax S-protein. This is allowing opportunistic infection and cancer to take hold. Incidentally, the vivid care docs that brought the world the iMATH+ protocol included some pretty heavy antibiotics in there. People scratch their heads saying drugs like azithromycin don’t kill viruses, which they don’t. But they DO kill opportunistic infections while the body is compromised by the actual virus.

I’m going to stop with one final comment as I can literally do this all day long and I have better things to do with my time than educate “useful idiots”.

My final comment is this is the first major healthcare crisis we’ve ever encountered where doctors were dissuaded from pursuing all possible options of treatment in favor of magical vaccines. Those who did were threatened with loss of license and worse. This is also the first vaccine that has ever been rolled out with only a brief few months of trials data, whereas the typical vax takes roughly 8-10 years to come to market. The were a lot of “interests” involved in the confluence of “push” on these, and not all have “clean hands”.

Did the vax save some lives? I’m sure they did. Did they destroy others. I’m sure they did.

The “once size fits all” approach should never have been taken. I expect we shall see health repercussions from this mass experiment for decades to come.


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What is crazy is that anyone participating in this forum thinking they will change someone's mind. Most of us have caught one or more rounds of Covid and have formed our opinions. I have had it 3 times but only one was serious. I personally won't take the shot but could care less if others do.

To the OP, plan on 2 days of rehab/recovery for every day you were hospitalized. Focus on those hunts... time will fly by.
Do be aware that this is a flat out lie and very easily confirmed as such with minimal effort. VAERS reporting requirements are codified in law and publicly available.
I wanted to specifically address this comment.

1) VAERS is a voluntary reporting system. Either a patient or a Doc can report.

2) The CDC is well aware that VAERS captures roughly 1-2% of actual incidents occurring. It’s a slow and cumbersome system to use, and doc’s don’t get paid to report on it.

3) I’d venture a guess that at least 75% of those actually injured (or killed) by the vax have no idea VAERS even exists.

4) the actual injury/death numbers currently shown in VAERS for the current vax lot are far greater than the combined totals for all other vaccines over the past 20 years or so.

5) if these numbers actually reflect even 10% of the real world damage that has been done, the current crop of vax will be the largest self-inflicted damage the world population has experienced short of war. Then again, at the rate the war drums are being beat, we may soon forget all about the vax as we desperately seek out iodine pills and uncontaminated living spaces with lots of canned goods.

There is, however, better data than VAERS.

Of course after the data was leaked by whistleblowers, DoD rushed to “correct” it. 🤣
What is crazy is that anyone participating in this forum thinking they will change someone's mind. Most of us have caught one or more rounds of Covid and have formed our opinions. I have had it 3 times but only one was serious. I personally won't take the shot but could care less if others do.

To the OP, plan on 2 days of rehab/recovery for every day you were hospitalized. Focus on those hunts... time will fly by.
There are always some who might learn. I was foolish enough to have believed in Iraq WMD’s bullchit.

That later became my wake up call. I stopped automatically believing “official sources” on pretty much anything afterwards without concrete proof.

Unfortunately in todays social media world, “Narrative” has supplanted reality far too often.

Here’s a good lengthy read, the kind I enjoy, for those seeking greater education…

People like you genuinely amaze me. This blind belief in higher authority with a simple childlike awe.

As I previously noted, you can quote MSM (and even our corrupt agencies) but what you simply cannot quote are trial data for safety as that has remained hidden. Until now.

People have been shunning me for the last 2 years because I literally quoted fact from the FDA submissions for "the shot" where it stated that "the shot" was intended to decrease symptoms and did not prevent transmission

But that was literally overlooked and the narrative was "this will save your life and protect others around you". That same narrative is why I got COVID from someone who was "fully vaxxed". I know I got it from them because I could fully account of all the people I had any interactions with with for the week prior to getting sick. They texted me the day I came down with a fever and said "hey our whole family is COVID positive, so you should probably get that checked out"
There are 2 things that pretty much every person on earth can do to help prevent most chronic diseases and at the same time reduce the severity of complications from the China Flu and other sickness.

1. Eat healthy

2. Exercise

This has been true since the beginning of humanity, but people refuse to do it. It's easier to pop a pill & get a shot & sit on your ass in front of the TV while patting themselves on the back. Next comes a post on SM to virtue signal & vax shame. That same person will look out the window at a guy jogging without a mask on & say he's the problem.

If the government's goal truly was "it's for your health" then they would promote a healthy lifestyle. But there's no control or money in it for them or big pharma.
There are 2 things that pretty much every person on earth can do to help prevent most chronic diseases and at the same time reduce the severity of complications from the China Flu and other sickness.

1. Eat healthy

2. Exercise

This has been true since the beginning of humanity, but people refuse to do it. It's easier to pop a pill & get a shot & sit on your ass in front of the TV while patting themselves on the back. Next comes a post on SM to virtue signal & vax shame. That same person will look out the window at a guy jogging without a mask on & say he's the problem.

If the government's goal truly was "it's for your health" then they would promote a healthy lifestyle. But there's no control or money in it for them or big pharma.

I work in healthcare, and have for about 20 years, plus some ex phys education before that. As far back as my memory allows, eating better and exercising more has been absolutely promoted. The details have changed from the exercise and various nutrition fads, but "eat better, exercise more" has literally not changed in the last 30 years.

The fact that *most* people don't do it doesn't mean it hasn't been recommended, consistently, for decades.
Can you imagine if the government and MSM put out the same kind of information and airtime on the deaths and serious health complications from the vaccine as they do for the virus? No, we're not going to see all those facts anytime soon.

They did.

This is just from 30 seconds of googling "CNN vaccine risks complications." There are tons of articles on complications. Clot risks and myocarditis were covered extensively by basically every major news network. Some spun it differently than others, but everyone covered it.

Anyone who's taken a statistics class, or has some limited numeracy, could detect which networks were spinning more aggressively. The reason the same amount of attention wasn't given to these risks as the virus is.....the risks aren't the same.

If the government's goal truly was "it's for your health" then they would promote a healthy lifestyle. But there's no control or money in it for them or big pharma.

They literally have a website that shows you what to put on your plate.

You can lead a horse to water...
Whooo Lawdy.... these cats here don't know Opah!

It ain't nothin' to EFF around with, is it!

I wish I knew about the other off-label meds like HCQ and Ivermectin when I had it.

Promethizene/Codeine cough syrup is like Gold to you rt now. Also the Benzotonate Pearls.

And also the vaporizer for your room. Drown that isht in Camphor! Only thing that helped with the lungs while sleeping.

Get ready man... once you finally break thru.... you're gonna be wharfin' up big-@$$ Quarter-sized and even 50-cent piece sized balls of Yellow/Grey Phlegm that are soo big they'll invoke your Gag reflex on their way out!
I’ll just drop this here for now.

Be sure to click the link within for better evidence of the efficacy of ivermectin.


The one above written by the most vocal doc out there who in consult with other MD’s around the world figured out vents were killing people, and against “official” policy instituted the use of steroids & blood thinners, what is currently standard treatment protocol.

People like you genuinely amaze me. This blind belief in higher authority with a simple childlike awe.

As I previously noted, you can quote MSM (and even our corrupt agencies) but what you simply cannot quote are trial data for safety as that has remained hidden. Until now.

Late yesterday the FDA released 10k pages of Pfizer data. I’m sure it will take a few days to parse out the most meaningful stuff, but so far some are already aghast at what they are seeing.

While the above post is NOT from the new data, why were these issues not discussed among all the talk of “safe & effective”? Nine pages of potential side effects! So much for “informed consent”.

One aspect (of many) of the “jabs” that has been glossed over is the overall efficacy. First we were told they were 100% effective, then 95%, then blah blah blah. This was before there were ANY long term data sets available. Now we have them, and what do we find?

Rachel Madcow and the rest of the presstitutes were anxious to tell you the virus would pass you buy if immunized yet here we are with data saying it’s wrong.

When Joe Biden was running he said anyone with as many dead on their hands as Trump should not be running for POTUS. We now have MORE dead under Biden, and his administration actually had the previous vaccines no less. Funny, huh?

The “state” and peer pressure can hold the bubble of vaccine injuries and deaths under water for only so long before it pops up elsewhere.

The attached photo of insurance company results shows multi-sigma even rises in “non-Covid” deaths

Here’s another little gem to think about… “highly inflammatory”…

We were told mRNA would not reverse transcribe in the body and yet here we are…

Now, I’m sure you’re ready to dismiss all the above because you didn’t read it on, say, Facebook…

Meanwhile if you had any real interest in this you’d look at Israeli data, probably the best in the world, for what the jabs are actually doing…

Here’s data from a publicly traded funeral home company. Banner year for them, not so much for their clients:

Of course they now work harder for their money…

I’m going to return to the attached photo.

Actuaries & insurance companies MUST be good at their jobs, or their firms fail. Unlike our government bureaucrats. The numbers shown were wholly unplanned for and came out of the “working age” segment of the population. They have never experienced such an increase in “excess deaths” as these shown before.

What could be killing all these people? The easiest answer and most probable is the vaccines. Please keep in mind that anytime someone gets jabbed, they are actually considered unvaxxed for two weeks after!

What is happening in that magical two week period? The vax is suppressing immunity while at the same time driving the innate immune system into hyperdrive to deal with the vax S-protein. This is allowing opportunistic infection and cancer to take hold. Incidentally, the vivid care docs that brought the world the iMATH+ protocol included some pretty heavy antibiotics in there. People scratch their heads saying drugs like azithromycin don’t kill viruses, which they don’t. But they DO kill opportunistic infections while the body is compromised by the actual virus.

I’m going to stop with one final comment as I can literally do this all day long and I have better things to do with my time than educate “useful idiots”.

My final comment is this is the first major healthcare crisis we’ve ever encountered where doctors were dissuaded from pursuing all possible options of treatment in favor of magical vaccines. Those who did were threatened with loss of license and worse. This is also the first vaccine that has ever been rolled out with only a brief few months of trials data, whereas the typical vax takes roughly 8-10 years to come to market. The were a lot of “interests” involved in the confluence of “push” on these, and not all have “clean hands”.

Did the vax save some lives? I’m sure they did. Did they destroy others. I’m sure they did.

The “once size fits all” approach should never have been taken. I expect we shall see health repercussions from this mass experiment for decades to come.
Cite actual studies (not opinions on studies). I have read the studies myself (I don't need someone to tell me what they mean). What you chose to cite, very clearly demonstrates that you lack the ability to interpret data for yourself.

I wanted to specifically address this comment.

1) VAERS is a voluntary reporting system. Either a patient or a Doc can report.

2) The CDC is well aware that VAERS captures roughly 1-2% of actual incidents occurring. It’s a slow and cumbersome system to use, and doc’s don’t get paid to report on it.

3) I’d venture a guess that at least 75% of those actually injured (or killed) by the vax have no idea VAERS even exists.

4) the actual injury/death numbers currently shown in VAERS for the current vax lot are far greater than the combined totals for all other vaccines over the past 20 years or so.

5) if these numbers actually reflect even 10% of the real world damage that has been done, the current crop of vax will be the largest self-inflicted damage the world population has experienced short of war. Then again, at the rate the war drums are being beat, we may soon forget all about the vax as we desperately seek out iodine pills and uncontaminated living spaces with lots of canned goods.

There is, however, better data than VAERS.

Of course after the data was leaked by whistleblowers, DoD rushed to “correct” it. 🤣
Provider reporting to VEARS is mandatory (and as already pointed out, codified in law, which is publicly available for any 7 year old with an internet connection). Anyway, keep telling me how you need to bring a rifle to full draw before shooting anything and how bow hunting should be banned because the bullets bows shoot are less humane.

Data on the vaccine shows that people who get it have lower all cause mortality than those who do not.

Note, reasonable people consider this an anomaly in the data (though the same anomaly appears with flu vaccines), no one reasonable is arguing that getting a COVID vaccine will reduce an individuals risk of mortality from other (non-COVID) causes. But, it certainly makes claims of increased mortality from the vaccine ludicrous.

Anyway, I'm out. The Dunning-Kruger effect is clearly at play.
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