First off, it was the FDA that had to be sued, not Pfizer. Researchers, physicians, and scientists wanted rapid access to the data so that they could review it and reassure people that the vaccine was safe and effective and expedite FDA approval, given the unfortunate circumstances of being in a pandemic. The FDA was dragging its feet to prolong the process, and requested a laughable 55 years to do so. It was a stunt to keep people with one last excuse for not getting the vaccine ("bUt iT'S NOT FdA AppRoVEd"). Pfizer wanted more time for the data to be released for reasons of protecting trade secrets. The suggestion that Pfizer was attempting to hide safety data is unfounded and ridiculous.
You can reduce yourself to whataboutism until you're blue in the face. It doesn't change the data that we currently have access to right now. It's just another, "oh hey look over there" tactic for when one has nothing of value to add or has run out of logical runway.
I’ve come to the conclusion you’ll basically swallow any old bullchit the government feeds you. I actually feel sorry for people like you. So easily led astray.
The FDA was sued by Aaron Siri on behalf of multiple parties all seeking access to the data that was used to basically change the lives of the entire nation. Read for yourself:
Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri | Substack
Safeguarding individual rights demands constant legal, social, and political struggle against government censorship, coercion, and mandates. Click to read Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri, a Substack publication.
Heck you should probably read his whole Substack to get the truth. The FDA was NOT trying to protect trade secrets. They were simply burying the data.
Speaking of burying the data, the CDC is refusing to release their data as well.
Who in the f#*% do these agencies work for? It’s certainly not us.