Conceal carry

I guess the guys in the business call it " printing" . Not worth losing your job over it in my opinion and no my nipples are not pierced . Lol
Yup - not worth losing your job over.

We have the no gun thing at work too. Not allowed in the building, company vehicles, or on the job sites. Very basic and simple to follow.

The reason is that if you are working and shoot someone, it opens the company up to lawsuits. So, someone shooting a person can financially cripple an entire company and "50" people lose their jobs. The no guns policy protects the organization... That's what it is for.
This was him right before I told him to stop walking toward me and then "asked" him to pull up his shirt and turn around for me. When he realized the police were coming he got in his car, locked the door, and cranked the radio. I had the girl run several hundred yards up and off the trail. I got in a position behind a big old oak about 30 yards from the car. I told him from the start he was free to go, but I had him on film and was armed and trained. Not a small dude. You can see he's sweating through his clothes.
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They make movies based on situations like this lol

Crazy stuff but not surprising
Yup - not worth losing your job over.

We have the no gun thing at work too. Not allowed in the building, company vehicles, or on the job sites. Very basic and simple to follow.

The reason is that if you are working and shoot someone, it opens the company up to lawsuits. So, someone shooting a person can financially cripple an entire company and "50" people lose their jobs. The no guns policy protects the organization... That's what it is for.

Sounds great on paper until a disgruntled employee comes in and attacks the office. No thanks.

Hopefully victims are suing the companies for having these no gun policies in place. maybe that would change the mindset. Company policy is not worth losing your life over. Not to me at least. Theres plenty of jobs out there. Also, you do have a choice in where you work and the workplace culture you are a part of…

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You have to be kidding? I used to work with a woman who had pierced nipples. Didn’t want to know that, but despite them being under clothing the entire time while at work it occasionally became apparent. Her piercings were about 1/3 the size of a nickel and we figured it out pretty fast - way smaller than any handgun.

no I'm not kidding. If done right, nobody knows its there. Thats the "concealed" part of concealed carry.
I live in PA and work in NY. I rarely carry. The main reason is we are constantly crossing into NY and NJ and I don't want to go to jail. If I worked in PA I would carry every day. I just take it whenever we travel or go to a movie.
make your own choices about when and where to carry. I will note, that there are a few places that prohibit carry. Have a solution (leaving it in your vehicle when needed) to accommodate.

more importantly, pick a gun or guns you would actually carry. I would rather have my hand me down 38 jframe that is actually in my waistband than my blinged up full-size Stacato 45 with all the lights and lasers that sits comfortably in my safe.

Pick soemthing or something’s you will actually carry. For me, my tricked out glock 19 with a light and RDS is a hell of a boomer but a bit more than I like to carry regularly. A p365xl is about my Goldilocks zone in terms of shootability and concealment. I do have and carry a regular p365 and a small 380 at times Like hot weather.
You have to be kidding? I used to work with a woman who had pierced nipples. Didn’t want to know that, but despite them being under clothing the entire time while at work it occasionally became apparent. Her piercings were about 1/3 the size of a nickel and we figured it out pretty fast - way smaller than any handgun.

The only reason you knew about her pierced nipples is because she wanted you to know. Women are certainly capable of hiding that quite effectively.
Sounds great on paper until a disgruntled employee comes in and attacks the office. No thanks.

Hopefully victims are suing the companies for having these no gun policies in place. maybe that would change the mindset. Company policy is not worth losing your life over. Not to me at least. Theres plenty of jobs out there. Also, you do have a choice in where you work and the workplace culture you are a part of…

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I was wondering how long this would take.

Victims can't sue over a no-gun policy, the lawyers are the reason it is there in the first place.

I did know a guy who did septic systems and some of his employees carried - one sold the boss a 9 mm he was carrying daily. The sweat had compromised the first bullet and it went pff. 2nd shot was a bang and we all learned a lesson about sealing the ammo in our carry guns and rotating newer ammo thru the magazine.

Like you said, there's plenty of jobs out there. And we get to pick and choose.
Victims can't sue over a no-gun policy, the lawyers are the reason it is there in the first place.
Well, they can........this is America, you can sue for anything. But what they should be suing for is NOT the "no gun policy"'s that the company had no safety and protection program suitable to ensure 100% safety and protection. That they absolutely could sue on.

If a company or anywhere else installs a gun-free zone, then they are accepting the responsibility and accountability for everyone's safety and protection. Either they accept that responsibility and accountability with measures that 100% ENSURE everyone's safety and protection.......or that falls back to each individual, whether they like it or not.

It's just like our border fiasco. It is 100% the federal government's responsibility to secure our borders. BUT.......when they refuse to secure them, like we have now with our current administration.......then by default they are deferring that responsibility to the states and "the people"......whether they like it or not.
Well, they can........this is America, you can sue for anything. But what they should be suing for is NOT the "no gun policy"'s that the company had no safety and protection program suitable to ensure 100% safety and protection. That they absolutely could sue on.

If a company or anywhere else installs a gun-free zone, then they are accepting the responsibility and accountability for everyone's safety and protection. Either they accept that responsibility and accountability with measures that 100% ENSURE everyone's safety and protection.......or that falls back to each individual, whether they like it or not.

It's just like our border fiasco. It is 100% the federal government's responsibility to secure our borders. BUT.......when they refuse to secure them, like we have now with our current administration.......then by default they are deferring that responsibility to the states and "the people"......whether they like it or not.

Yes, you can sue your place of employment to try and force the gun issue. It is America, land of the lawsuit.

Few companies allow employees to be armed. Beginning by asking you which large companies allow folks to carry guns?

Bank of america
Ace hardware
Hone depot
Bass pro
Local grocery
Longhorn steakhouse
The local Tag office
Im pulling these outta my butt, there’s plenty more.

Which ones do? Im curious. And if they don’t why not? Why havent they been sued?

Then i want to ask how you having a ccw and gun makes you qualified for the safety of yourself and other folks at the office. Are you licensed, trained, and certified to be a defender of the work place? Remember you brought up suing the company - It has to be defensible in court and a good idea. Just thinking yer batman doesnt count.
Yes, you can sue your place of employment to try and force the gun issue. It is America, land of the lawsuit.

Few companies allow employees to be armed. Beginning by asking you which large companies allow folks to carry guns?

Bank of america
Ace hardware
Hone depot
Bass pro
Local grocery
Longhorn steakhouse
The local Tag office
Im pulling these outta my butt, there’s plenty more.

Which ones do? Im curious. And if they don’t why not? Why havent they been sued?

Then i want to ask how you having a ccw and gun makes you qualified for the safety of yourself and other folks at the office. Are you licensed, trained, and certified to be a defender of the work place? Remember you brought up suing the company - It has to be defensible in court and a good idea. Just thinking yer batman doesnt count.

Everyone is qualified to be responsible for their own safety. It is no ones responsibility to keep you safe other than yourself. Thats the most absurd question I have ever heard. Now, I can see the argument regarding the CCW being qualified/responsible for others safety. I understand you are playing devils advocate. This mentality just gets me fired up. I dont understand why people think its someone else’s job to keep individuals safe.

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Yes, you can sue your place of employment to try and force the gun issue. It is America, land of the lawsuit.

Few companies allow employees to be armed. Beginning by asking you which large companies allow folks to carry guns?

Bank of america
Ace hardware
Hone depot
Bass pro
Local grocery
Longhorn steakhouse
The local Tag office
Im pulling these outta my butt, there’s plenty more.

Which ones do? Im curious. And if they don’t why not? Why havent they been sued?

Then i want to ask how you having a ccw and gun makes you qualified for the safety of yourself and other folks at the office. Are you licensed, trained, and certified to be a defender of the work place? Remember you brought up suing the company - It has to be defensible in court and a good idea. Just thinking yer batman doesnt count.

It’s not my responsibility to defend anyone but myself. I’m not saying I wouldn’t but I’m not looking to be anyone’s defender except myself.

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I'm probably a bit "obsessive" about carrying. I've been in a couple of situations, though not overtly hostile, being armed would have made me feel much safer.
That was long ago.
I got my SDA card in 2015 and started carrying full time. A courthouse is about the only place I don't carry. Those folks get testy when "tested"! Ain't worth the headache.
I'm 73, my hands are a bit arthritic. It's hard for me to get anything in or out of my pants pockets. My youngest was given an "overshoulder" bag at work. I ended up with it.
So, I carry a "murse"! Man-purse?
(European Shoulder Bag! LOL!)
Dropping my EDC down in one of those pockets was a no brainer. Ergo, I carry everywhere I go.
Most (?) people would never guess I'm carrying.
The only reason you knew about her pierced nipples is because she wanted you to know. Women are certainly capable of hiding that quite effectively.

Yep. My wife's quiver goes from church-conservative to simulated nude, based on venue. But without an athletic wrap she still can't hide the fact that they're DDs. :-)
I often have one in the truck, but rarely carry on my person. With how much crazier things are getting where I now live, I should start carrying more often. I used to live in a small mountain town where I wasn't too concerned. But now, in a much larger place, there seems to be several incidents a week downtown.
Everyone is qualified to be responsible for their own safety. It is no ones responsibility to keep you safe other than yourself. Thats the most absurd question I have ever heard. Now, I can see the argument regarding the CCW being qualified/responsible for others safety. I understand you are playing devils advocate. This mentality just gets me fired up. I dont understand why people think its someone else’s job to keep individuals safe.

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Yes - D-advocate.

The response was to someone suing a company that doesn't allow guns. That the company was somehow supposed to guaranty safety. If the company is supposed to guaranty safety if they say no guns, then the gun carriers should guaranty safety if they sue for the right to carry at that company.

Then I listed a bunch of companies that most likely don't allow guns to be carried. It isn't something out of the ordinary. Just some guys try to make it out to be.

Some states allow more freedoms than others and we all come from diff regions and such too. Compare NY to WY for example.

I agree w you that it is not our job to protect others, unless we feel like protecting them.