If I were king for a day...
Tag allocation:
Resident- 80%
Non resident- 20%
With 10% of each held for youth
A planned increase of 2% a year to match inflation
All hunters must purchase hunting license and habitat stamp would be required to be purchased prior to applying
Entire tag fee must be paid up front at time of application, all will be refunded minus 5% of tag fee for preference point.
Moose, sheep, and goat would become once in a lifetime tags, once you harvest one you cannot apply for again
Big change:
Preference points would reset every 10 years. 2020 everybody has 0 points and you can gain up to 10, then in 2030 all points reset again.
OTC tags for non residents would be general tags like Wyoming or Montana, have to be drawn. I don’t know what the number of tags would be but it would be large enough where drawing would be easy enough
Some people say that hunting is becoming a rich mans game and it’s “not fair” and our founding fathers wanted all people to be able to go hunting and provide for their families. Which I totally agree with whole heartedly, but the wildlife in this country was determined to be held in trust by the state for the residents of that state. And correct me if I’m wrong, but there is not a state out there that doesn’t have resident tag fees that are affordable by all. If you can afford the time off work, travel across the country, And spend a week or more hunting, you can afford a reasonable tag fee, if you can’t, stay and hunt the animals in your state and don’t try and tell other states how they need to manage their wildlife to benefit you.
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That’s not a bad plan. I wonder if CPW could survive without the nonresident fee structure though? I’d imagine the ropes and pitchforks would come out if they started talking $600-some odd dollars for a resident bull tag. Maybe they could commandeer the weed tax fund to make up the difference.