Hunting property and what to look for?

Very true, I think a lot of people are gonna be real surprised when they go to sell their mountain home or family cabin and NO ONE will ensure it, so no one will lend on it, so you have to find a cash buyer, 0% chance they will pay what you think it should be worth…

Yep, and it’s only going to get worse.

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For me when I was looking for property, access was one of the more important considerations. I bought a farm in my 20’s that had a mile long easement that crossed a pretty significant creek to get to my front gate. It seemed like no big deal really for a hunting property in my mind at the time. Well in the spring and during summer thunderstorms, it was a huge deal. Muddy mess to get to and then there was the raging torrent of a creek preventing me from accessing my own farm. Later it dawned on me that I could be just as easily hosed if a storm blew in while I was on the other side of the creek.