Elk/Mule Deer draw strategy


Mar 28, 2017
I’ve put in for New Mexico Elk and few times over the past few years. I’ve also gone OTC in Colorado with no luck. I’ve considered using a tag service to apply and manage my tags in multiple states to hopefully increase my draw odds. Do any of you use one of these services? Is it worthwhile? If not, is anyone willing to chat a bit about the process of applying on your own and figuring out which units/states to apply to. I’m mostly interested in archery elk and mule deer.

High Climber

Jul 7, 2015
North Idaho
I personally don’t use one of those services, but it is a lot of stuff to keep track of. Managing points and researching hunts/units across the west has basically become my hobby over the last 15 years so I have no interest in paying someone else to do it. If you’ve got the cash to spend on it I think it would be pretty nice for a guy that doesn’t know or care to learn the ins and outs of all the states.
Dec 4, 2018
Happy to chat. Each state is very different in terms of draw process and what you can expect. Your strategy will depend on what your expectations are and how long you plan to play the game. Are you trying to find more opportunity to just go? Are you only wanting higher profile/OIL type hunts? Do you have unlimited budget? So many questions there is no one sized fits all.

App services will not “increase” your odds. Pick a state and do the research.

Epic outdoors has been a good resource for me. I do all my own apps, but they have been helpful narrowing down different units which they actually have experience in rather than the unit description pages on goHUNT or whatever. They won’t spoon feed you information on general type hunts but specific questions tend to get me good answers.

Last few phone calls with them went something like “I am considering unit X and Y. I know they are not highly sought after tags. I’m hoping to hunt somewhere that I can scout and hunt hard and at least have the opportunity to turn up a 180 type buck”.

Their info has been spot on so far. They were also super helpful when I had a OIL type deer tag in Nevada.


Jun 13, 2019
It takes a long time to figure out.

It is an investment. in your hunting future.

Use the search function, I and many others have told how to build your portfolio of points and execute your 1-3-5-10 year plans.


Jun 13, 2019
Short lesson.

1. Apply for elk tags in as many states as you can afford. Ensure seasons do not overlap, in case luck shines and you draw.
2. Some states have points programs that are necessary to make work. Play the game.
3. Spend a ton of time on research, you should know every unit you are interested in.
4. going to be years because of draught you don't apply in a unit.
Apr 4, 2024
As said before, make the research your off season hobby, narrow down on some places you’d actually enjoy to hunt and then apply, and don’t overlook cow and doe tags!
Hunt what and when you can and just enjoy the ride. I’d rather shoot a doe every year on my own then have someone apply for my tags for me. Just my opinion


May 8, 2019
It's time vs money. If you have more money use the service. I've been fortunate to have enough downtime at work to spend time researching. If you DIY, get GoHunt and Huntin Fool(free w/OnX). Spend a year or two researching heavily and making short, mid and long-term plans. Once you spend a year or two getting familiar with everything, it's autopilot after that.
Several states have predictable to draw general hunts(MT,WY,CO). Get them in a rotation or stick with an easy to get CO hunt and learn it. In states like AZ, UT, and NM I look at it like OIL trophy hunts that I may or may not draw and if I do, I'll make them work regardless of other hunts I draw.


Mar 2, 2014
Making research a hobby is a very good way to put it. It’s year round and as important as the hunt itself.

My advice, learn the application and draw processes of the states you’re interested in. Repeat, learn the application and draw process.
Feb 17, 2018
I’ve put in for New Mexico Elk and few times over the past few years. I’ve also gone OTC in Colorado with no luck. I’ve considered using a tag service to apply and manage my tags in multiple states to hopefully increase my draw odds. Do any of you use one of these services? Is it worthwhile? If not, is anyone willing to chat a bit about the process of applying on your own and figuring out which units/states to apply to. I’m mostly interested in archery elk and mule deer.
I've never used a tag service to plan my hunts. Living and primarily hunting the West, I use GoHunt, States F&G website, and onX as my primary research tools. Figure out how many Preference Points you have, which States interest you then run a filter for your species of interest. Sounds like you're fairly new to the Western points game. For someone with limited time and experience I would recommend using GoHunt or some other app for the first year. After that you should be able to figure things out by going to each State's F&G website. It really isn't that difficult or time consuming if you do this months prior to application deadlines. Fun winter project.


Jun 16, 2016
Give epic a call, do one year of all the states.. call them monthly and aborborb as much info as you can. Youl be way ahead of the curve & inmo get a decent return on your investment..look at it like an education & not a service

Good luck
Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
I will never "pay to play" using a tag service of any kind. I will also not "pay to play" using Gohunt or any of the other sites who do all the homework. Part of the fun and joy of hunting for me is figuring it out for myself and doing my own homework. No matter which state I hunt.

Here in New Mexico it's a crap shoot. All luck of the draw. Supposedly if you use an outfitter to apply, it ups your odds. They must be "paying to play"


May 8, 2019
Supposedly if you use an outfitter to apply, it ups your odds. They must be "paying to play"
The fact that you don't KNOW that the guide apps are better draw odds highlights the value of GoHunt. You can learn a lot even if you only get it for one year. I don't think anyone would agree they do all the homework for you. It's just a tool do the work.
Of course all of their draw odds data is available from the states, but they put it in a format to search and filter. The strategy articles don't change much year to year. You can also dig further than gohunt and get additional data and statistics that they don't publish.
Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
The fact that you don't KNOW that the guide apps are better draw odds highlights the value of GoHunt. You can learn a lot even if you only get it for one year. I don't think anyone would agree they do all the homework for you. It's just a tool do the work.
Of course all of their draw odds data is available from the states, but they put it in a format to search and filter. The strategy articles don't change much year to year. You can also dig further than gohunt and get additional data and statistics that they don't publish.
No thanks. I prefer to figure it out on my own. Been doing it since I started this elk hunting addiction. It's part of getting the whole experience. Don't need to "pay to play". I view that as lazy. Incidentally I've been very successful drawing tags on my own. I get the total satisfaction. From applying, to killing, to table 🙃

And yes I'm very aware of the outfitter welfare here in NM.......
Feb 17, 2013
I will never "pay to play" using a tag service of any kind. I will also not "pay to play" using Gohunt or any of the other sites who do all the homework. Part of the fun and joy of hunting for me is figuring it out for myself and doing my own homework. No matter which state I hunt.

Here in New Mexico it's a crap shoot. All luck of the draw. Supposedly if you use an outfitter to apply, it ups your odds. They must be "paying to play"
Same here! I love planning trips whether it’s a hunt or a vacation. What else do you have to do all winter besides look at maps draw odds, etc.? It’s half the fun and in the end, it plays a part in self satisfaction.


May 8, 2019
I don’t know why anyone would use an application service.
Some people have more money than time. I'm not those people, lol. But knowing how much time I spend researching and applying I can see the value for some people. I get most of my research done on the clock at work. I'd hate to have to spend my free time stuck on a computer.
Jul 21, 2020
Short lesson.

3. Spend a ton of time on research, you should know every unit you are interested in.

To me, this is probably the most interesting aspect of the whole process.

It's wild how two people can look at whats available and come up with completely different unit choices.

My wife has been building elk points for awhile. She leaves the research/planning/guiding up to me. But for fun. I had her sit down and look at what her options realistically were out of 6 possible mid tier units.

In the end her top 2 choices were different than mine. Their her points so when it comes time to burn them. Gunna let her go with her gut and find out I guess. Ha