If I could do it again tomorrow, I would've been on a plane the day after HS graduation to work for an outfitter or at a lodge in Alaska. Then come October I would've found another job and started piling up money while gaining life experience. Repeat for a couple of years and hunt and fish as much as possible in between. Jobs like those are great for the outdoor types, and you're meeting new clients every day (mostly very successful in their career) that will open your mind to a potential future career you've likely never even heard of. Find a job like this:
https://www.pbadventures.com/employment (that one is probably already taken)
There's a whole other thread (Texas Gun Laws) talking about what is an adult. We're asking kids with zero life experience outside of their parent's house to make a $60,000 commitment to what they want to do for the rest of their life. Most college kids can't even decide on their favorite beer. This is why we're seeing shortages in the workforce. The younger generations are quitting and changing jobs because they're not happy with the career they thought they wanted when they were 18 and not willing to tie themselves to that unhappiness for 40 years like generations before. It's also a huge factor in this student loan mess we have with kids going to school for 7 years and changing majors 4 times.
If I had an eighteen year old, I would recommend to them to gain some life experience and then decide on a career and school. I would have a conversation about the money you've saved for them and set a very strict work and life standard and timeline for them to receive it in the future to keep them motivated and on task/schedule. (I apologize for the unsolicited advice. But it checks his box on gaining adventure and experience while young without throwing your money away on a school that's not the right fit)