In Texas, one range yes, one range no. Out here in VA, there are only two long range facilities that I’m aware of. One is Quantico, and that’s a hard no. The other is Peacemaker, and I’ve not asked yet. They have their own steels set up and I’ve never seen anyone out on the range or setting up their own targets. I know one of the RCOs, so I can ask next month when I go up there. It’s certainly worth asking the question, and perhaps if I give them a steel plate they can set it up for me. Peacemaker only has their long range active one day per week, so it’s pretty limited, unfortunately. There’s no other place in VA or WV that I’m aware of. I did a google search and came up empty. Does anyone know if any resources to find long distance ranges: a map, or listing, search engine, etc?