2024 Cold Bore Challenge

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Mer: 675

T3x 6.5 cm, krg bravo (dremeled out to be a lefty)
Swfa 10x
Spartan bipod
tag ultralight rear bag with a bunch of material removed and re-sewed to fit my hand
Norma 143 gr at 2615 fps

I'd hoped to shoot this earlier but a family vacation stood in the way and then we all came home with covid. So I impatiently shot last night in a really tough, swirling wind which was a shot I wouldn't have taken at an animal but it was a great challenge anyway.

I wasn't ready for the CBC last year but it inspired my practice routine over the past year. I'm lucky enough to be able to shoot behind my house but it's a 1k climb to get there. So at least a couple times a week I make the climb and shoot 1-3 shots from different field positions.

This one still ****** me and I made a mess of things. I put my steel too low across the canyon, combined with a lot of recent grass growth and then I found my view blocked without enough time to go move the steel again. So I improvised a rest with by spartan bipod on top of my pack and both my bino harness and lightweight rear bag for the rear. I was really uncomfortable and awkward in this position but eventually decided to send it after a bunch of fidgeting. In hindsight, I have no clue why I didn't just use my poles in the front and pack in the rear, sitting like I practice a lot out to 500 -- my mind was stuck on prone.

Shot 1: 584 yards

Held right edge, 1 moa, of the plate for a 3/4 value 6 mph wind. Seems like it was more like an 8mph full value wind at the time of the shot.

For now, I'm calling it a miss. I can't see the trace. It looks to me like I grazed the left edge of the plate but it also looks like there could be a fresh bullet hole in the circle. it's a scrap piece of steel so the bullets pass through but usually the impacts have been pretty clear. (the previous holes are from the backside and then I painted it, so it will be clear if I did end up making a hit ... I'm going to have to go check after shot 2.)

Honestly, I was pretty relieved to catch the steel at all. Wasn't feeling confident in this shot and like I said, wouldn't have taken it at an animal but I did enjoy challenging myself. Constantly humbled by the wind in these mountains.

This is a lot of fun and I was definitely feeling a ton more pressure than my normal practice.
Thanks to RS and the sponsors for putting it on.


Shot 2: MISS

same 584 yds. Wind 3-4 mph but starting to gust from 6-8 o'clock.

I shot high. Not a good effort in this challenge, especially since ive been practicing these scenarios all year, but I confirmed/learned plenty with these two shots. I'm comfortable to 450ish off trekking poles with the pack for rear support but at this yardage my wobble zone covered most of the target and I didn't feel confident. Missing high for me is strongly suggestive of poor rear control of the gun. My misses are pretty much narrowed down to that and wind.

Takeaways: pressure added something from my normal practice and caused mental errors. I didn't get to really test my prone mer due to my errors in spot selection but did get to establish what I feel to be my sitting mer right now -- will definitely not take a shot over 500 off the poles but I've been pretty consistent under that for the last 6 months.

Even though I didn't qualify, I'm going to try to test my prone mer a bit more soon, just need to find a way to add that pressure scenario.

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MER: 600 yards

Fierce Rogue 6.5 PRC
Leica Amplus 6 3-18X44 (I love this scope!)
Hornady ELD-x 143 handload, 2970 fps
Spartan bipod
Gunwerks BR4 rangefinder
Magview for the video
Gunwerks 8IGHT suppressor

DayShot 1: conditions: 7 am, calm wind and 72 degrees. Slight breeze from the east straight on so no dialing for wind. Elevation adjustment called for 10 MOA. I hit the top of the 10" steel. Tomorrow I will dial down 0.75 MOA.

2024 Cold Bore target.jpg

cold bore challenge rifle.jpg

Day/Shot 2: 6:30 pm with perfect conditions, 85 degrees. No breeze and a cloud moved in and covered the brutal sun just before my shot. I was a little high yesterday so I made the MOA correction and adjusted a couple too many clicks. This time I hit low.

Cold Bore Challenge day 1-2.jpg

Day/Shot 3: 1004 yards

Hot temps in the 90's today. Sight breeze from the NW to the SE. I missed slightly to the right and hit the t-post holding the steel plate. Elevation was perfect and my Revic BR4 called for a 2.2 MOA adjustment for wind but I didn't dial it. I should have!

Day/Shot 4: 1004 yards

It was a long wait to attempt to redeem my shot from yesterday. A bit breezier today and still HOT!! I was able to hit the 10" steel plate at 1004 yards. Impact was bottom left of the plate. I dialed 2 MOA for windage but 2.25 MOA would have been perfect. WHAT A FUN CHALLENGE!!

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Mer: 450 yards
Rifle: tikka 6.5 cm
Stockys vg stock
Trijicon tenmile 3-18 mils
Unknown scope rings
Caldwell bipod
Cheap off brand rear bag
Shooting freedom munitions 123 grain hpbt at 2800 fps

First shot: A hit! It was 64 degrees with a 0-10 mph gusting wind coming from about 40 degrees to my right. Hornady app gave me a 0.2 mil wind hold and I dialed up 2.2 mils and it was almost perfect. It looks like I hit low and left a bit should have dials 2.3 or 2.4 and held a little more wind but I’ll take it.

Second shot: A big ole miss! 58 degrees with absolutely no wind today. A little mirage at the target but I can’t blame that I don’t think. It was just a touch high. I have a tendency to pull shots high and I’m sure that’s what happened to me today. Thank you rokslide sponsors and staff for this awesome ass kicking challenge. I plan on repeating it on my own a few times this summer to see if I notice any improvement in my shooting.
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Thanks to Rokslide and all the sponsors for putting this on!

I whiffed on my first attempt last year, but am more setup for success this year and got my first shot on target today. 500 yard MER

Shot was at 3:20 this afternoon, 93 degrees, 610’ elevation, 500 yards.

Stock Ruger Go Wild in 7PRC
Shooting the notoriously slow Hornady factory 175gr ELDx ammo, but it holds sub-MOA in this rifle.
Sig suppressor
Sig BDX 5-30X56
Sig range finding binos synced to scope and applied ballistics ap, giving me about a foot of wind hold; I didn’t note the MOA of holdover or windage, just used the BDX solution.
Bog pod deathgrip
Shooting from seated position using a shooting stick as rear support.
Swarovski ATX with 65mm objective
Phone scope attached with iPhone 14pro max for video
Blazing sun, lots of mirage



Shot attempt 2:

I drove out to my folk’s place today, where I have a decent range setup, a good spot is 530 yards from the gong:


Sig BDX ballistic ap screen shot:

It felt like I was between wind gusts, so I didn’t hold any wind.


Just snuck it in. I didn’t check lot numbers, but this Hornady ammo is shooting higher/faster than the boxes I originally had. I like the 7PRC so far, will probably get some dies and do some hand loads, may try the Federal ammo as well.

Edit: checked when I got home and yeah, different lot numbers from what I sighted in with to what I was shooting cold bore with. I bought them at the same time and didn’t think to check. Learning experience.


Thanks again to the Rokslide mods for putting this on and the generous prize donations. It gets your heart rate up a little when you know you just have one shot; great practice.
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MER is 500 yards this year for seated shooting off a backpack. Seated positions are something I have been experimenting with and working on. The tripod rear support is fast and fairly stable.

This rifle is completely new to me. After the CBC is over, I’m tearing it down and installing UM rings, installing a magwell pic rail on it, and doing Form’s whole “process” for degreasing and scope mounting.

Tikka T3X 6.5CM
Chopped to 18” with Scythe and DIY suppressor cover
Trijicon TenMile with Talley Rings
Shooting 143ELDX around 2605fps.

Shot 1: HIT
Shot 2: HIT

Shot Number 1: HIT 500 yards, winds were 10:30 at 2-4mph, dope was 2.9 and .2L. I was using the backpack as a front rest and a tripod as the rear rest. I wasn’t as stable as I had hoped. I had about .2-.3mil wobble, which is enough that I was distracted by it and couldn’t get super comfortable (I think I was slouched over too much). Between the wobble and the other guys shooting around the target, I forget my wind hold and came close to missing the target. It was still a hit, but not by much.


Shot #2: HIT. Much windier today. My best guess/kestrel at the shooting position was 7:30 at 4 gust 11. Dope was 2.9ish at .5L wind hold. With the gusty winds at my back, my wobble was closer to .3-.4 and it took several attempts to get stable enough for a shot. I really need to work on getting stable, faster. The shooting position was the same as #1: seated with backpack as front rest and tripod leg as improvised rear support. After my second CBC shot, I followed up with 10 more seated shots from the same position and went 9/10.




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My primary hunting rifle is at Kampfeld Custom right now so this CBC lit a fire under me to assemble a 6.5 Grendel upper I've been intending to build from parts I've had for a while. I matched it up with a scope & mount I picked up on the classifieds here. I only had time for one trip to the range prior to "going for record" with day 1, so this barrel just has 52 rounds through it and I will continue to refine the zero and validate dope before hunting with it.

I haven't noticed any other ARs in this year's challenge so far, maybe there will be some in the next 50 entries.

MER: 500 yards (paper/steel targets only, 400 yards on animals due to velocity)

Rifle & setup:
Aero Precision receivers and handguard
Faxon 16" 6.5 Grendel barrel and bolt
Geissele G2S trigger
BCM stock & grip
Warne MSR mount (Thanks, @General RE LEE)
SWFA 6X MQ (Thanks, @Clark33)
Factory loaded Hornady 6.5 Grendel 123 ELD-M (I estimated velocity at 2460 fps which would drop below 1800 fps just after 400 yards, I'll shoot through my chrono and confirm in a few weeks)
Prone off day pack with rear bag
Kowa TSN-1 w/ 25X LER eyepiece on Sirui AT-125 tripod w/ AT-10 pan head
ScopeCam universal adapter with MAG-2 fixed position mag plate

June 13, 2024
Day 1: MISS
Target: 10" circle on 5' backer board at 500 yards, up 4 mils elevation.
5-10 mph wind with gusts and let offs, coming up behind me and switching between 8 O'clock and 5 O'clock. I held left .25 mils and needed to have held off more. I missed on both elevation and windage, not good. Impact was 6" high, 6.5" right.



In between Day 1 and Day 2 I was reviewing data in the Hornady 4DOF app and realized that it was set to a 1.5" sight height. I updated to reflect the 2.625" height over bore that this setup has and re-ran the numbers in 4DOF and with my Kestrel and discovered that the elevation of 4 Mils that I had used had been too high, partially contributing to the miss.

June 16, 2024
Day 2: HIT
Target: 10" circle on 5' backer board at 500 yards, up 3.7 mils elevation.
1-5 mph primarily from 11 O'clock. I held center because I believed there was a lull. Impact was a hit, 3.5" low, 2.5" right.




Thank you for hosting this challenge!
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I'm glad this is on again!!

MER: I'm going to try for 800 - for my qualifying shots ill be shooting at a 10" painted circle on a piece of plywood- if I make my qualifying shots i'll shoot at a painted steel target at 800.

I've been using this rifle the past couple hunts i've had. Description is in the video below, but i'll give a brief overview.

Savage 110 ultralite in 6.5PRC
Leupold VX5 3-15
Shooting handloads with 147 eldM and 4831 SC getting about 2980fps.

Day 1- Wind was light and variable- about 60degrees (cool for this time of year). Target was at 580 and shot was good !


Shot #2 : Looks like that's the end of the line for me! Dang! Wind was all over the map- up, down, left, right and gusty. I couldn't get a good wind hold to save my life- ended up shooting a little high and out of the circle (see the hole high and left in the white paint).


The end of the trail for me- but glad to get the gun out and get ready for this year. As usual- major props to the Rokstaff and sponsors who put this and the Cold Bow Challenge together- it's my favorite thing that's come around over the last several years- keep up the great work!!!
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MER 800

Glad to try this challenge again this year! Thank you guys for putting it on.

Shooting a Seekins Havak Element 6.5 PRC
Nightforce NX8 2.5-20x50 F1
Atlas bipod
Omega 30 silencer
Hornady factory 147eldm
Prone with a squeeze bag

Day 1 Hit
Calm wind with a little overcast
6:45 am about 60 degrees
Shooting at 593 for qualifying shots
12” plate with 10” white circle
Shot with @lak2004


Day 2 Hit
Sunny and no wind
6:15am and 50 degrees
593 yards


Day 3- miss
800 yards
Overcast and 55 degrees
Slight left to right wind

Day 4-Miss just under the gong
800 yards
Sunny and Calm 60 degrees
Shot #4.jpg
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I’m going to call my MER 750 yards this year.

I’m shooting my 24” 7mm SAW running 162 ELD-Ms at 2800 fps.

Defiance Tenacity Action
Bartlein Carbon 24” 8.5 tw Barrel
Manners EH-1 with Area 419 ARCA
Triggertech Diamond
Leupold Mark5 5-25 PR2 reticle
KGM R30 suppressor

I’ve been working on my tripod shooting, so I’m going to push myself and shoot everything off my Leofoto LN-364C tripod.


Day 1- 596 Yards

Had a full value 20-25 MPH wind, so that made shooting and videoing a little tricky. You’ll have to excuse the shaky video. Shot was about 3” right and 2” high of dead center. I’ll take it.


Day 2- 605 yards

Pretty windy once again. 18-20 mph. My wind call was perfect this time, but shot was still about 3” high. Pretty sure it’s just me. My shots tend to favor a tad high shooting off a tripod. I guess we’ll see what I can do at 750 now.


Day 3- 748 yards

Wind at ~10mph. Sort of rushed my shot and pulled a bit low. Hit the target, but just out of the 10” circle.


Day 4- 752 yards

Wind from 12-15 mph. Wind call was off a tad, and broke the left edge of the circle. We’ll call it a hit.


Overall, I’m pretty happy for shooting the challenge off a tripod. Realistically, I probably wouldn’t shoot past ~600 yards unless I could get prone, but I wanted to push myself a bit for the challenge.
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MER of 800 (spoiler: didn't make it past 590)

Tikka T3X 6.5 Creedmoor in a rokstock, 18" barrel with Harvester Evo suppressor. Bushnell LRTS 4-18 sportsmatch rings.
140gr eldm @ 2580 fps

Shooting with @Hank .

Day 1 June 14, 2024: Target @590 yds. MISS. Around 56*F, no wind. Shooting across a draw at 7530 ft elevation. Target is a 12" gong but the 10" area is in white.
Missed about a foot right. Elevation was good, think I pulled with the rear bag, not sure. I was prone with a rear bag and using my pack for a front rest.

Day 2 June 19, 2024: Target @590yds. MISS. Around 50*F, no wind. I missed just right of the steel. Not as bad as the first shot. Need to verify my scope is setup good or if it's just me.
Shot 4 more shots and hit all 4 afterwards...Shot prone off my pack with a rear bag, not a fan of my rear bag though, open to suggestions.
Planning on lots of practice at distance and more time building positions at home and in the field.

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I finally got around to shooting!

MER: Hoping for 700. I've killed a couple animals passed that but I also used to shoot a lot more than I do now.

Shot #1
7:30 AM
DA 6720
Temp 54°
Wind 9mph at my back where I was shooting from. After that it changed direction and was headed right to left. I took a look at the grass and trees where the target was and decided to hold a full wind value.

The gun is a Remington 700 270WSM with a 28" Benchmark barrel, SWFA 5-20x50 and Stockys Stock VG. I am shooting the 170 EOL Bergers at 3050fps.

I shot from a rock with my pack on top of it. No way to get prone from the hillside I was on.

580 yards - 2.5 MIL
Wind 0.5 MIL hold to the right.

My target has a hole through the middle so I hung my 10" circle cardboard stencil on it. I need to invest in some new steel targets.


Here is shot #2. I missed, low and away. I actually hit just below where I was holding for wind. I should have held center.

Conditions were 65°, 7300 DA and wind between 4 and 12 mph. I shot when it was around 8mph. I had it figured as slightly right to left. I should have figured it was directly behind me. The shot was 595 yards and I hiked into a different spot that I havent shot from. I shot across a big rock on my pack and used my trekking pole for a rear rest but putting the rear of stock through the wrist strap. It felt pretty solid. That's how I shot the first shot as well, I think I forgot to mention that though.

I shot two more shots after since my run at the CBC was over. I dialed .1 up and held center. Hit 45° up and to the the left. The 4th shot I came back down .1 mil and held center. Took a little more time and hit pretty close to center on this one.

Thanks for the opportunity Rokslide. It was fun. If I can get some time to get my boys out we can see how they do.


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Day 1 MER 435 yards. I think i missed both shots last year at this distance. New gun new year. Thanks to the sponsors for the great prize list!

Tikka T3X D18 barrel
UM Tikka RIngs and level
Nightforce SHV 4-14 MOA reticle
Silencer Co Scythe TI
Magpul Bipod
Factory Hornady PH 162gr ELD-X

Used my caribou game bags for a rear rest
Iphone 14 pro, Magview adapter on a Swaro ATX 65

Shooting into the valley todays wind was about 9 mph right to left held about for about 1 moa
Cloudy and 76 degrees

Day 1 video

Day 2 conditions were 77 degrees humid and 9-15 mph wind out of my 4-5 o clock. Missed as I probably rushed and was thinking some gusts of wind felt more like they were completely across my face. I did shoot 4 more shots to finish off the box and connected on 3 of them.

Time for some practice with the .223
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Using the CBC to 'get my act together." I've been stupid busy at work the past year and been to the range less than once per month during that time.

Did an elk hunt in Nov 2023 and carried my Bergara HMR in 6.5CM, old Harris 9-inch bipod, NF C613 on a low Spuhr, Nomad on the pointy end, Answer under the back end, and factory 147 gr ELD-M. New for the CBC is a mat, 10-Inch AR500 plate, T-Post hammer, a digiscoping dohickie to connect my phone to the spotter, some editing software on an old computer, and a new YT account.

Farthest I've ever kilt a critter is 150 yrds. My club access is limited to 300 yards so I'm not practiced much beyond that. I can regularly hit the 3-inch plate from the concrete bench though. But rules ... so I also worked out a new place to shoot. I pounded in a T-Post at 420 yds from a nice overlook out in the boonies and hung a brand spanking new JC Steel plate on it (Super happy with the shipping and packaging, which I plan to reuse as targets). I live in a city so the boonies are 90 minutes away, and they're a freeking zoo on the weekend. There's elk turds on the gound out by the plate.

Got out there super early and hung the plate at nautical dawn. Wind was light 2 mph from 9:00 but half of the flight path could have been in some sort of rotor behind a hill to left. Was hitting 25 mp later that morning.

Here's the Day 1 shoot.
Planning on getting out again this weekend for Day 2.

Day 2 this morning. Nautical dawn again (my wind call skills are ... weak). DA was 1400 ft over pressure altitude this morning. Used the same t-post and launch pad and reused the same plate. Devised a way to keep the digiscope dohickie on the scope all by itself this time. Stinking coyotes howling in three directions (kinda cool but..) so I locked the dog in the truck when I wasn't paying attention to her. I'm slow setting up and shooting, gotta take a class. After shooting I made to church by 0715. Pics or it didn't happen/rules ect ...

Next shooting task is measuring dope at 100 x n for n = 1 to 10 and calibrating the app and binoculars. And yes, in the new area there are lines where I think I can safely reach out 1400 yards.

Thanks to the Slide and her sponsors for the inspiration.
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User Name : okie-hunter
Rifle brand: Bergara
Rifle Model : HMR Pro
Optic : Vortex Viper PST gen 2 5x25
Load : 6.5 creed 135gr Berger classic hunter
MER : 400
Hit (X/2) : 2/2

Stole the cold bow format. 400 is MER on game. 8” plate. I shoot further but not consistently enough to be confident making wind calls on game.
My load is a 135gr Classic Hunter moving at ~2840fps. Loaded by Eagle Eye Precision Ammo
1st shot: hit. Wind was gusty at ~10-15mph but almost perfectly 12 o’clock. Dialed 5moa and sent it.

2nd shot: hit, barely… Underestimated wind due to being tucked back in a thicket of trees and barely squeezed it in on the right edge.
Disregard top left impact as I forgot to take a pic before getting another rifle out and sending one.


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400 yards MER
Weatherby Vanguard 20"
6.5 creedmoor
85gr Hammer Hunter open tip
Stockys VG with custom 🌈
Maven RS3.2 in tps tsr rings
Talley pic rail
@HawkinsPrecision brake
Timney trigger
Spartan bipod
This is about a 2.5" 100yd rifle and laser whacks bucks at the 100yd mark. My two shots are in the upper third, I'd buy that the 100yd zero is .2-.3 mils high. The last two cartridges were shot at 100yds after the final CBC shot, and they trended slightly high. Overall, I'm pleased with a quick zero and that little parachute runs out of velocity quickly after that, so it's a genuine MER.
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400 yards MER
Weatherby Vanguard 20"
7mm -08
145 Barnes LRX
KRG Bravo
Nightmare SHVf1 in tps tsr rings
Talley pic rail
APA brake
Timney trigger
Spartan bipod

Missed cardboard 2x last year. This year 1st high and right - punchy.
Last year took a successful 110yd shot, kneeling unsupported.



Day 2
Got set up and was confident. Fiddled with my dial, reset it, and FORGOT to dual it back! Needless to say shooting at zero didn't get me close.



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MER 450

Looking in my safe, I decided I'd try out my new Seekins Element 6.5 PRC. I've had the rifle a little over a month now and it's shown some promise with factory ammo.

Seekins Element 6.5 PRC
Triggertech Special flat blade
SRS TiPro 2 port brake
NX8 2.5-20 F1
MDT Ckyepod


Norma 143 Golden Target (black friday special of $23/box shipped, so bought a whole case haha)
While breaking barrel in, I shot an entire box over the Garmin and velocity was 2716 FPS. I scoured the internet and could not find the length of the actual projectile anywhere, so I pulled a round. Measured length is 1.459" for those interested.

Day 1:
My family has a cattle ranch and my typical shooting area still held a bunch of cattle. Was definitely frustrating trying to set up and shoot safely. I wanted at least 450, but with all the cattle, I had to settle for 411 yards. Conditions were actually pretty nice, little to no wind, 74 degrees.

Here's the plate:

Here's the shooting set up:

Got lucky and barely kept it in the 10" circle.

Day 2:
I was able to set up much further this time. I wanted to push myself at 587 yards.

Wind: none
Temp: 68*

Unfortunately, it was a swing and a miss. I couldn't quite tell from the video, but it appeared to be just above the plate. Definitely a humbling experience and motivating to spend more time in the field shooting this rifle at distance.

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In the spirit of the challange I’m setting my MER to 700

Factory tikka 243 8 twist
Harris bipod
Rear bag about the size of a 16 oz can
Um tikka rings
Swfa 3-15
Stock pack
108 g. Eldm’s @3050 with h4350 in lapua brass cci 200

If some of you have been following the thread, you might be thinking you have seen me before on here which you have. On my first shot I was told by one mod that my shot counted and another that it didn’t. I figured the best thing to do was scratch it and start over. The bottom left shot was the fringe shot that is being pulled out of the comp so disregard that one.

Day one: HIT
Conditions:3-6 mph 12 o’clock wind 90 degrees mostly sunny
Target set at 603 yds



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Done. MER 600 yds
Rem 700
22" Bartlein 1/7.5, 4G
Berger 105 Hunting VLD
March FX 4.5-28x52, Vortex Pro Series Rings, EGW 20 MOA Picatinny base
YHM Resonator K

600 yds, Calm, 48F, 56% Humidity, 30.07in
6.25.2024 Shot 1:

600 yds, Calm, 50F, 58% Humidity, 30.14in
6.26.2024 Shot 2:

That was two, but in case there is questions on the plate, I did shoot again after the second as I was playing with some windage adjustments on this rifle and figured the contest was over since my two shots were up.

600 yds, Calm, 50F, 58% Humidity, 30.14in
6.26.2024 Shot 3:

Final plate results:

10 plate.jpg


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MER 650
Bergara action in XLR Atom with 18in Proof barrel. Leupold VX5 4X14.
147 ELD-M at 2812.

Day 1 583 yards.
Hiked target up above town. Shot is across canyon with a creek that bends.
4dof solution

Shot 2
Nearly identical conditions as #1 but slightly cooler which was nice.

Shot 3.
645 yards. Impact is high.
Found an old brass as packing up. Someone was shooting 223 there before the Rokslide thread!

Shot 4.
Just above paint so a second miss.
Both shots at 645 were high.
Schedule dictated that all shots were early morning. Will go back out and try evening and mid day. Winds could have been more challenging and anticipate they will during other times.
View from target. Both shooting locations were along ridge.
First morning I went up and didn't shoot because forgot ammo.
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