Cold Bore Challenge Q&A Thread

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Be fun watching. I’ll have to pass, only range that would be reasonable is a 400yd square range. 10” circle from about any supported position with no other stress factors will be too easy. Even though it’s nearing the max range I’d shoot something at .
Be fun watching. I’ll have to pass, only range that would be reasonable is a 400yd square range. 10” circle from about any supported position with no other stress factors will be too easy. Even though it’s nearing the max range I’d shoot something at .
The prizes are going to make this worth the trouble. I'll most likely be driving three hours each way to my shooting spot, and I'm not even eligible.
Be fun watching. I’ll have to pass, only range that would be reasonable is a 400yd square range. 10” circle from about any supported position with no other stress factors will be too easy. Even though it’s nearing the max range I’d shoot something at .

Stand or kneel or sit cross legged ?
The prizes are going to make this worth the trouble. I'll most likely be driving three hours each way to my shooting spot, and I'm not even eligible.

I could drive similar and would if I didn’t have an infant at home.

Either way hopefully it’s a success, and continues, I can see it being doable when I’m not locked to a freezer full of breast milk.
eh...its prohibitive. 22lr division, half-size target, all of a sudden it's possible for more people to participate.
This will be fun to watch. Good for the mods putting this together!

For those of us who aren't really long range hunters, it would be fun to have a timed challenge sometime inside of 400. I enjoy shooting at distance but my focus for the last couple years had been getting faster and smoother positionally at moderate ranges. I think I've only killed one big game animal prone in the last five years, but I've had quite a few quick shots to make in awkward positions.

I can only imagine the work that goes into figuring this stuff out! As I said, I'll be watching this with interest!
Unsupported would be a challenge but honestly not realistic, as I would never shoot that range unsupported.
Right, but theoretically it could be an entirely different "style" of challenge for an additional entry that mimics a more common hunting situation. IE, on video, you start with pack on and rifle in hand as if walking in the field. Timer set at 30 seconds. Target at 300-400ish. You need to range the target, load the gun, build a seated/kneeling position supported by only pack or trekking poles, and hit the target twice before timer. Must use the same gun as the one chosen for the MER cold bore challenge (this could produce amazing video for the guys shooting the big boomers).

The cold bore challenge as it is will be awesome regardless, and I plan to participate.
eh...its prohibitive. 22lr division, half-size target, all of a sudden it's possible for more people to participate.
We’ve hashed out scenarios like this in the Cold Bow for years and in the end it’s just too complicated for the mods.

If people wanna be eligible to win $thousands in prizes, and more imporantly, test their actual hunting rifle and their true skills, this is the challenge for them.
Regardless of whether they want to "test their actual hunting rifle and true skills" a whole lotta folks dont have access to a range long-enough outside of organized matches. You guys who live in places that are tree-deficient, just dont let it go to your head if you exclude folks based on their acess to a 400 or 600-yard (or whatever) range. I'll just have to follow along on my own with a smaller circle at 200 yards in place of 10"@wherever, the longest range I have access to within a reasonable drive. Best I can do, and I wont win any prizes anyway. We'll start a different thread for the guys with trees in the way!
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Regardless of whether they want to "test their actual hunting rifle and true skills" a whole lotta folks dont have access to a range long-enough outside of organized matches. You guys who live in places that are tree-deficient, just dont get any ideas like you're better if you exclude folks based on their acess to 600-yard (or whatever) range. I'll just have to follow along on my own with a 3.3" circle at 200 yards in place of 10"@600, the longest range I have access to within a reasonable drive. Best I can do, and I wont win any prizes anyway.
The rules will exclude people in some cases and that sucks but everyone has a choice to make it work for them if they find enough value in it.

I've said this on other threads but I'll post it here as well.

It doesn't matter where you live. If you are planning to hunt at long-range this fall you better be practicing at long-range with your hunting rifle.

Shooting small targets at shorter distances is not the same thing.

This speaks to the reason we do these challenges in the first place. To help us all understand our actual limits.
Yep, I understand and I appreciate the "event". Like I said, best I can do. I plan to participate on my own the only way I can--informally, at shorter range. (and dont worry, I'm not slinging bullets at critters at long range for just that reason)
Regardless of whether they want to "test their actual hunting rifle and true skills" a whole lotta folks dont have access to a range long-enough outside of organized matches. You guys who live in places that are tree-deficient, just dont let it go to your head if you exclude folks based on their acess to a 400 or 600-yard (or whatever) range. I'll just have to follow along on my own with a smaller circle at 200 yards in place of 10"@wherever, the longest range I have access to within a reasonable drive. Best I can do, and I wont win any prizes anyway. We'll start a different thread for the guys with trees in the way!
We live in the West and many of the hunters on this site are here for Western hunting, and by default shoot farther Nothing has gone to our heads.
Going to your head was a joke. Sorry guys, did not mean to derail this. I really do appreciate you doing this, I think it's awesome, just was wondering if there was a way I can participate. There isnt. I will enjoy following along and I may just try it with my 22 or at shorter range with a hunting rifle just becasue I'm here for the same reasons, and since there isnt any other option. Keep doing what you're doing, I appreciate it.
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