CO Mountain Lion Ballot Initiative: Continuous Updates

10/2 UPDATE Colorado's Wildlife Deserve Better:

LIVE: Campaign videos are live and shareable on CWDB YouTube Channel.

AVAILABLE: Handout materials for organizations and businesses can be requested from CWDB. These rack cards are being spread across Colorado.

SAVE THE DATE: Colorado’s Wildlife Deserve Better No On 127 Rally: CWDB will be holding a rally on the West Steps of Colorado’s State Capitol on October 18 at 11 a.m. opposing Prop 127
DONATE: Currently CATS Aren't Trophies is outspending CWDB. We need more financial support!
Here is the current list of pickup locations for Prop 127 "Vote No" yard signs. All of these locations will be stocked by tomorrow morning 10/3. Get them while they're hot!

Also be sure to remember the businesses that support this fight when you're looking for new gear!

Davis Tent - Denver

Meat Cleaver - Denver

Steve's Meat Market - Arvada

Grandpas Pawn and Gun - Longmont

Rocky Mountain Archery - Fort Collins

Warriors Revolution - Longmont

USA Liberty Arms - Fort Collins

Rocky Mountain Shooters Supply - Fort Collins

Tacticool Arms LLC - Greeley

Dan French Taxidermy - Laporte

Cheyenne Mountain Roofing - Colorado Springs

Salida Gun Shop - Salida

Critters R Us - Craig

Traders Rendezvous - Gunnison

Prairie Sporting Goods - Pueblo West
I just received notification that my CO ballot has been mailed to me.

It’s GO TIME Colorado Roksliders. As hunters and outdoors people, this is a moment for us to UNITE. Get registered to vote if you’re not and don’t stop telling your sphere of influence to VOTE NO on Prop 127 in Colorado.

I have sent a ton of emails, talked to a ton of people and spread the word in the most meaningful ways I think are effective. I do have a yard sign in my yard but to me this is the last line of defense.

Let’s do this.
Was chatting with a non-hunter parent at a school event the other day whom I had mentioned this to previously and they said they heard something on NPR about it and said the piece wasn't in favor of the initiative. I haven't tracked it down but good to hear if true.
Was chatting with a non-hunter parent at a school event the other day whom I had mentioned this to previously and they said they heard something on NPR about it and said the piece wasn't in favor of the initiative. I haven't tracked it down but good to hear if true.
I heard something similar about a CPR/NPR bit.

There was a thread on the topic that popped up yesterday on the r/colorado subreddit and judging by upvotes/downvotes/comments a notable majority were against the proposition. We have a decent chance at defeating this.

Let’s keep up the donations and keep spreading the word! Keep it civil, stick to the facts.
Thanks for the info guys! Any chance of an add on for the excise tax for firearms or is there a separate thread for that?
There should be one that says “Trust the science. Vote no on 127”
I saw one near downtown Denver the other day that said, "Leave wildlife management to biologists. Vote No on 127" and it was right next to Harris/Walz sign. Felt like that was pretty encouraging!
I have a few good friends that are non-hunters and they all texted me asking why they were being asked to weigh in on what should be a decision l left to the agency ecologists and biologists. Fingers crossed.
Buddy and I have heard from some very liberal leaning people they will vote no. We didn't even need to make a pitch. Pretty surprised with their views. They live in boulder fwiw
I am hearing and seeing this also, particularly in Reddit forums that are generally home to mostly left-leaning voters. They have a bit different reason for voting “No”. Most seem to take a “if ain’t broken, don’t try to fix it” mentality to issues they aren’t well-informed on. Sometimes described as the precautionary principle. Don’t make changes to things if there isn’t a major problem and you don’t know much about the consequences. Some are overwhelmed by the number of propositions on the Colorado ballot and just vote “No” on anything that doesn’t address a major issue that they are already aware of ie. property taxes, guns, education, abortion. I can very much respect this approach. Very pragmatic.