Better hope more don't migrate after their current situation.Let's just ship the libtards back to Cali and wherever else they came from.
Better hope more don't migrate after their current situation.Let's just ship the libtards back to Cali and wherever else they came from.
Wondered myself however you 1911 is safe because if i recall the law is for gas operated semi automatics. Question still valid for a number of other firearms thiugh.How do these stupid laws affect people passing through? Lets say someone from Texas driving to Wyoming? If I am stopped in CO and in possession of my 1911 what happens?
I was already thinking that and hoping they would find somewhere else to screw up.Better hope more don't migrate after their current situation.
Make sure to write in your opposition
****. Well. I wrote mine yesterday.Committee was yesterday and they passed it 3-2 last night, It is on it's way for vote in the State Senate. the tie breaking vote was Democrat Matt Ball.
"Ball served in the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, received two Bronze Stars, and continues to serve in the Army Reserves."
How do these stupid laws affect people passing through? Lets say someone from Texas driving to Wyoming? If I am stopped in CO and in possession of my 1911 what happens?
That’s a life sentenceSentenced to hard labor. You'll be needing to fix the potholes on I-70.
That’s a life sentence
You mean Canadian coyotes.The libtard state released 15 more wolves this month, this time from British Columbia.
You get captured and made a lifty at Vail.How do these stupid laws affect people passing through? Lets say someone from Texas driving to Wyoming? If I am stopped in CO and in possession of my 1911 what happens?
Sad to see that. As a fellow USASOC veteran this really troubling. I can say with some confidence that a semiautomatic weapons ban would not be popular in the halls of 1/75, 2/75, 3/75, or anywhere else there. He clearly has departed greatly from his oath to support and defend the Constitution.Committee was yesterday and they passed it 3-2 last night, It is on it's way for vote in the State Senate. the tie breaking vote was Democrat Matt Ball.
"Ball served in the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, received two Bronze Stars, and continues to serve in the Army Reserves."