clothing made in China

It seems like some of these companies promote Vietnam manufacturing as much better than China. I suppose it is to an extent because they aren’t infiltrating our country like China, but if world war 3 starts where do they stand? Helping the Vietnamese economy is probably the same as helping China in the long run.

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I have some Sitka clothing. But the wait is over. I'll be purchasing some Origin "charlie layers" as i already have base layer stuff from XGO. 100% made in the USA.
<does not compute>
Legality is not morality/morals/ethics

Ie- holocaust.

But nice try champ

Edit-id wager you and I break as many laws as illegal Juan's. Why's it okay for you and I to break....speeding laws...but Juan isn't allowed to?

I'll say it again though.

Id rather straight exchange any illegal, working, moral/ethically decent individual for every non working, capable, legal/natural citiizen.
Legality is not morality/morals/ethics

Ie- holocaust.

But nice try champ

Edit-id wager you and I break as many laws as illegal Juan's. Why's it okay for you and I to break....speeding laws...but Juan isn't allowed to?

I'll say it again though.

Id rather straight exchange any illegal, working, moral/ethically decent individual for every non working, capable, legal/natural citiizen.

Morals are what steer people to be good. Ethics are rules for people to follow. And your flawed view of those concepts and how they relate to law is a part of why the U.S.A. is having the problems it is. Those people are illegals... because they are here illegal. Ethics are the laws. Lack of morals is what lead one to enter the country illegally.

Using your silly speeding example, while I have never willfully sped, you're right I have sped. That is very different than willfully illegally entering another country. Whether that entrance lasts for a moment - or worse - long enough to have employment.

But nice try.

Don't lose hope though. There's one thing we agree on. Your statement "But I won't spend more for an inferior product.". I'll just leave with that positive note.

Morals are what steer people to be good. Ethics are rules for people to follow. And your flawed view of those concepts and how they relate to law is a part of why the U.S.A. is having the problems it is. Those people are illegals... because they are here illegal. Ethics are the laws. Lack of morals is what lead one to enter the country illegally.

Using your silly speeding example, while I have never willfully sped, you're right I have sped. That is very different than willfully illegally entering another country. Whether that entrance lasts for a moment - or worse - long enough to have employment.

But nice try.

Don't lose hope though. There's one thing we agree on. Your statement "But I won't spend more for an inferior product.". I'll just leave with that positive note.


Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Qatar, Cuba.......

We (usa) are "ethically" there.

Ethically, WMD charade.

Ethically, covid lockdowns.

Ethically, business closures.

Ethically, mandates.


If you read or reply to any part of this post, make it this:

Ethically-legally-morally: pot & guns. Let's look at the 4473. How many have bent their ethics/legality/morality there?

I'll admit, 100%, I disagree with the 4473 in whole. I'll admit, 100%, I enjoy a toke of Marijuana.

You are now BOUND to report me, ethically, no? If you do not report me, your ethics are flawed, are they not?

I will provide you with whatever information the ATF requests from you, I will assist you with every factually piece of information needed.

My ante is my freedom, something priceless. The call, is your ethics, if you want to "raise" the ante, $1000 donation to any moderators charity of choice but in the victors name, or you can fold, and the loss is your ethical compass and membership.

Careful though, ol Teddy Roosevelt had a saying for situations like this. Are you a timid soul, or will you be the man in the arena?

Let me know, ball is in your court, IF you choose to enter the arena.


You can't legislate morality, "ethics" are subjective, as demonstrated, and history is written by the victor.

Show me a person who states their ethics are the correct one only, and I'll show you a person who has an acceptable threshold for corruption, destruction and deceit, in the name of their ethics.

Myself included.

Edit to add-
1790 naturalization act-free whites only. That was the correct ethical law, no?. 1789-all good, 1790, whites only. Sorries.

We have any Americans who happen to be black, brown, red, yellow, or just not "white" here who'd like an explanation on the ethics of that from @Rock-o ?
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some good items on sale right now- not everything is made USA that they offer, but they are transparent about it
I have some origin stuff, it hasn't fallen apart yet like most of my 'USA' made clothes. I have some base/midlayer stuff that was handmade in Alaska (Nomar) that I had to send to a local seamstress for repair. The seams were coming apart but I love the polartec windbloc fabric they're made of so much I would have paid any price to fix them right. Most of my Vietnam and eastern Europe made stuff is top notch.

This thing is awesome, completely blocks wind. Better than any of my sitka or firstlite items, and made in USA!
The 2nd eavesdropping ballon in 1 week is making me think about where I buy my clothing, As hunters I feel we have the ability to force change. Sitka says they are a global manufacturer, china, Europe, US and other countries. The only tags I see on Sitka gear is made in China. My gripe for the day
FORLOH - 100% sourced and Made in America!
FORLOH has me interested right now. I just wish I could put hands on some before I dropped the money.
We have a store in Whitefish, Montana & Austin, Texas. We also have a roadshow that travels to various shows. We are at ISE in UTAH right now and will be at NRA in Indianapolis next month. We also offer free returns within 30 days of your purchase date.