I really hate being this way but the last thing this area needs is more people...but seeing as you are from SLC and a member of Rokslide, you are welcome to come!

We need to offset all these GD Californians that are coming here haha!
In all seriousness though, I have spent most of my life here and it is changing more and more with each day that passes. I saw a statistic that said there are 40 people a day on average moving here and I believe that number is accurate. I've seen the value of my home rise over 35% in just two years. I only bring that up because if you are looking to move here, you should be aware that home supply is very, very low.
The hunting used to be superb around Boise but with the population explosion, it is getting harder and harder to get away from the crowds. Unit 39 had over 13,000 hunters last year for rifle deer season. Elk had 3,500. But there are still good places to hunt...you'll just have to make the drive as others have already pointed out.
All in all, it is a good place to live even with all of the changes but it is slowly becoming like every other major city. Good luck!