With the shortage of everything and the price tag attached to all good, I think it's time for manufacturing to shift back to producing products here in the USA. If you are waiting for the price of good to go back down, don't hold your breath. I live in so. Cal. uggh, and the number of container ships, last count 62, with 500k containers, waiting up to four weeks to unload is amazing. The cost to ship each container has gone up from around $2k per to $4500 on avg. Who do you think is paying that extra cost, us that's who. And it's likely to go higher in the near future. So with all that extra cost to ship from overseas, when will it become more financially beneficial to gear back up and manufacture right here in the USA. Or are we just going accept the fact that we are going to continue to be at the mercy of offshore goods, along with the increasing cost.