
Whistle pig small batch rye

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This weekends drink.
Took me some time to warm up to it. it has mellowed down some and is pretty tasty now.
Dareringer is finished in PX sherry casks. Ive started to get tired of finished bourbon and now search for good solid bourbon instead of frilly finishing.
I dont buy the same thing twice unless it blows my socks off.

Good God Reburn! Send me coordinates and I ll be over....

Anybody tried the Boone and Crockett club whiskey? There was an 80 proof and 86 proof bourbon ($30) and 86 proof rye ($35) in Glenwood springs store. Cool but I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Cool bottle with elk skull and "tag" around neck. I ll prob get one next time. Didn't look they were moving many... Maybe get rye for old fashioned... even if its not great could mask it...

( now that I've asked the question I ll go back in this thread to see if anyone has already answered it, thanks).
I ll reply to myself here again: after searching online I ll go buy a couple bottles and report back on the taste!
Good God Reburn! Send me coordinates and I ll be over....

Anybody tried the Boone and Crockett club whiskey? There was an 80 proof and 86 proof bourbon ($30) and 86 proof rye ($35) in Glenwood springs store. Cool but I couldn't bring myself to buy it. Cool bottle with elk skull and "tag" around neck. I ll prob get one next time. Didn't look they were moving many... Maybe get rye for old fashioned... even if its not great could mask it...

( now that I've asked the question I ll go back in this thread to see if anyone has already answered it, thanks).
All those are rough. Consider it a donation to B&C and use it if you like making mixed drinks. The year before they released it they had a sampling at Sheep Show where I tried all three…did NOT go back for any seconds.