LEOs are wrong, all. the. time. It would probably be best to consult a lawyer that's familiar with property laws in WY. Then be prepared to fight any citation in court if you do get caught.If ANYONE has concrete proof, evidence or an official from Wyoming Game and Fish that will GO ON RECORD, telling me I’m good to go and that I was told wrong by that warden I would really, really appreciate contact info.
I had never thought about this, until a recent hunt in Wyoming.
I spotted and bedded a true giant buck, a top 1% type buck that was on public land, landlocked in the exact type scenario as OP posted.
After hours of deliberation, phone calls, etc to multiple agencies, I finally got the local warden. I was told in fact I would/could be cited, and that corner hopping is ILLEGAL.
If ANYONE has concrete proof, evidence or an official from Wyoming Game and Fish that will GO ON RECORD, telling me I’m good to go and that I was told wrong by that warden I would really, really appreciate contact info.
I have witnessed 4 individuals corner hop and get tickets in wyoming. I believe the GW only cited the 2 who had rifles for the trespass. No idea how it went in court.
I believe it was trespassing. I was with the landowner shooting pdogs and we saw them stop and do it from a distance. We then saw the GW truck heading down the road. Land owner jumped in truck and flagged down GW. They both went to confront the hunters. Returned and said 2 of the 4 got tickets.What was the charge?
This is the AG letter on their stance on corner crossing it is worth it to read the whole thing. I'm not sure if there has been an official change since 2004.I had never thought about this, until a recent hunt in Wyoming.
I spotted and bedded a true giant buck, a top 1% type buck that was on public land, landlocked in the exact type scenario as OP posted.
After hours of deliberation, phone calls, etc to multiple agencies, I finally got the local warden. I was told in fact I would/could be cited, and that corner hopping is ILLEGAL.
If ANYONE has concrete proof, evidence or an official from Wyoming Game and Fish that will GO ON RECORD, telling me I’m good to go and that I was told wrong by that warden I would really, really appreciate contact info.
Im going to sit in my lawn chair trick or treating night and when the next 5 year old steps off the sidwalk to my lawn Im calling the law. This is how ridiculous this argument is. Get the **** out of here. Cross that corner.
I believe it was trespassing. I was with the landowner shooting pdogs and we saw them stop and do it from a distance. We then saw the GW truck heading down the road. Land owner jumped in truck and flagged down GW. They both went to confront the hunters. Returned and said 2 of the 4 got tickets.
I'll need to dig into my diary A little deeper for this. From what I could tell it was concluded in that moment they trespassed on his PP to gain access to blm land by corner hopping. I didnt ask many questions.Did they refuse to leave?
Did they cross a fence or go beyond a no trespassing sign?
Current Wyoming law defines criminal trespassing in the following manner:
(a) A person is guilty of criminal trespass if he enters or remains on or in the land or premises of another person, knowing he is not authorized to do so, or after being notified to depart or to not trespass. For purposes of this section, notice is given by:
(i) Personal communication to the person by the owner or occupant, or his agent, or by a peace officer; or
(ii) Posting of signs reasonably likely to come to the attention of intruders.
Wyoming State Statute 6-3-303
I’m all inI think the OP should go for it.
Then, if he gets a ticket, Rokslide could start a Go Fund Me account for attorney fees![]()