Baxter state park, Maine. -Back country camping with a baby

Mar 15, 2017
My wife and I have been wanting to travel to Maine since we got married but have always ended up heading west instead. She has become more excited about camping since we got married and especially interested in back country camping. Baxter State park offers several option that we want to explore. We are eyeing the end of May or beginning of June to beat the late summer crowds and insects.

The biggest concern we have is our son, who will be around 10 months old when we would be there. We love tent camping but haven't tried with him yet. I am most concerned about the temps dipping and keeping him warm and comfortable than his ability to fall asleep in a tent. I would love feedback from those of you who have taken young children camping in cold temps. We could see lows in the mid 30's overnight.

Some of the backcountry sites have bunkhouses which are communal but also have wood stoves. That sounds like a good option but I want to be courteous of other campers and dirty diapers and middle of the night crying aren't the sounds of nature most want to hear. It's at least nice to know in an emergency there would be a structure with a stove.

I am not much of an angler but we plan on staying out for 4 days which would allow for plenty of time to try my hand with my hardly used fly rod or my trusty spinning rig. Obviously we would take daily hikes and do some general lounging around and unwinding.

If anyone has any insight for things to do In Baxter, fishing tips, or tips for camping with a 10 month old I would love some feedback. My wife an I always said we wouldn't let a baby become an excuse for staying home and it's time to walk the talk.
My son is about a year and a half old now, we have taken him camping a couple of times first time was a tent and it rained over night temps got to mid to low 40's we just layered him up with a long sleeve onesie and then a thicker sleeper and used thicker blankets to keep him warm. Second time was back in September and even in the camper with the heater it was still difficult trying to get him to sleep, Being so young once they get comfortable with a place to sleep its hard for them to sleep anywhere else, especially the first night or two. If you guys go with a bunkhouse and have the ability to take a laptop and play a movie for him that'll help 100%
I can't comment on the baby issue, but I lived in Maine for a few years and Everyone kept telling us to get a "gazeteer". I kept putting it off thinking a GPS was all i neeed. Well, i finally broke down and bought one. We used it all the time. Great for hiking, camping, fishing, road tips etc. It's great for finding access points, FS roads etc. Check it out.
Maine Atlas & Gazetteer (Delorme Atlas & Gazetteer) Maine Atlas & Gazetteer (Delorme Atlas & Gazetteer): Delorme: 9780899332826: Books
I grew up in Maine and spent a considerable amount of time in that area. I generally went up there to fish the West Branch of the Penobscot, but also some hunting in the fall. If you want to fish, there are tons of small brooks and ponds that are filled with brook trout in and out of the park. The West Branch has them too as well as it's a premier landlocked salmon fishery.

I didn't spend as much time in the park, so my direct knowledge with it is less than the surrounding areas. There are many places to camp and lots of fantastic trails to hike. I always liked Daicey Pond and Nesowadnehunk field campground. There's some easy trails that follow Nesowadnehunk Stream down to Little and Big Niagra falls. Lots of trout in the stream. Going with a baby means you'll be hanging closer to the car is my guess, but that won't stop you from having a good time. Having two kiddos myself I wouldn't worry about camping with a baby. Just bundle him up good and keep him close.

Let me know if you have any specific questions about the area.