Precooking some meals before hand that you can heat up in a pot or cup on camp stove always helped my family and me. Beef stroganoff or beef stew were our favorite and easy to make and store in the bottom of the ice chest frozen. You can find 5gal pails for cooking, cleaning and drinking. 20gals for 4 or us for 3 days was the aThe bottom line up front is what are some tips, tricks or hell even recipes for truck camping and staying sustained? Water storage? Cooking? Food storage?
Have a late season hunt that I plan on hunting from the truck. It’s a two week season and I really am planning on being there for around 10 days depending on if I can get it done or not. I don’t want to just buy 10 days or more of peak meals cause that can add up quickly.
I’d prefer not to head back into town and the nearest one on substance is probable an hour or so away from where I’m hunting, but it is available to a degree.
Appreciate any help.
The bottom line up front is what are some tips, tricks or hell even recipes for truck camping and staying sustained? Water storage? Cooking? Food storage?
Have a late season hunt that I plan on hunting from the truck. It’s a two week season and I really am planning on being there for around 10 days depending on if I can get it done or not. I don’t want to just buy 10 days or more of peak meals cause that can add up quickly.
I’d prefer not to head back into town and the nearest one on substance is probable an hour or so away from where I’m hunting, but it is available to a degree.
Appreciate any help.
ah i thought about those, i think i could only have one due to space limitations^^^ Sounds interesting, but hard to beat the simplicity and cost of using the square 7 gallon or taller rectangular 6 gallon jugs that are easy to move around and could be put in the vehicle if freezing was a possibility. I top them off when I treat myself to a motel room.
Thanks, when I'm eating my chicken and dumplings (which I like) next month I'm going to be tasting a juicy steak.....I just imagined a pan fried ribeye and onions vs Mountain house chicken and dumplings.