Are you guys sick of tipping?

I’ve tried to tip at least 30%, sometimes 50% this year purposely. If you can spend $1,000’s on gear, tags and travel, you can afford it. You never know what they are going thru. SMH………..

You guys sick of whining snowflake men who complain about tipping?
Exactly how I see it, and exactly what I try to do.

A while back a guy noticed me leave a $20 at the bar for a $12 tab. "You're making me look bad!" nah, you're doing that to yourself.
Sad thing is you need double that to share an apartment here. Just before covid hit a local coffee shop went to a no tip / pay everyone a salary of $55k and only raised prices by .50 cents a coffee.
I have guys building power lines in operator truck driver pay not making 55k a year with storms and hurricanes.
I worked as a waiter for several years. Your paid my salary because somewhere along the line the restaurant industry decided they wouldn't. I made $2.13 per hour which usually didn't even cover the taxes I had to pay and credit card fees. Australia has it figured out. You pay for the food and the cost of labor is averaged in just like every other industry out there. When's the last time you tipped the guy at home Depot?
Most ridiculous thing ever. Waiters and waitresses complaining that they only make 2.13/hour…..,so get a different ******* job and don’t agree to work for 2.13/hour. Ridiculous how the restaraunts expect customers to pay their employees for them.
Cheap bastards, leave a few bucks in cash so the government doesn’t take their cut after cutting your boss and cutting you. If you’re eating out you can afford it. She probably drove 45 minutes and has kids at the house.
“If you’re eating out you can afford it”. The only person who has any right to say what somebody can afford is the person who owns that money. Sorry, you don’t get to decide what people can afford.
I always thought tips reflected the generosity of the tipper rather than the quality of the service. At one point in my life, I scrimped on everything. Now that I can, I tip 20+% every time, even for carry out. I figure at least those folks are holding down a job.
“If you’re eating out you can afford it”. The only person who has any right to say what somebody can afford is the person who owns that money. Sorry, you don’t get to decide what people can afford.
Nah, you being cheap doesn't exempt you from the system we have.

Don't wanna tip? Don't eat or drink places with waitstaff, bartenders, or baristas.

No different than buying tags to hunt.
Nah, you being cheap doesn't exempt you from the system we have.

Don't wanna tip? Don't eat or drink places with waitstaff, bartenders, or baristas.

No different than buying tags to hunt.
Well luckily for me, there are no laws In place saying I have to tip. In this case, I can do whatever I damn well please and you can’t do anything to stop me.
True, it's not illegal to be an entitled jerk.

You're just taking advantage of other humans.
Also, if anybody is taking advantage of anybody, it’s the employers taking advantage of customers by expecting them to pay employee salaries for them.

Nobody forced a server to take that job. They agree to whatever salary they agree to. Entitled??? Seems like the waiters/servers whatever are the entitled ones, expecting tips etc.
Would that salary could allow for the misses to not have to work while living comfortably? If so I’d say that’s equivalent to $180k here.
Yes. We are very comfortable. We basically do as we please. We have a place at the lake in another state with toys. Her car is a platinum edition. We are not over the top kinda people. Minimal debt, my wife is excellent with money. I had a job offer with Black Hills electric 4 years ago in Cheyenne. Just parents age and kids and all. It would have been 25% raise in comparison to here.
Keep in mind, the employees can always screw the employers by not recording. In our state, theirs a minimum tipped wage, then a minimum wage. If they don't record enough tips, then you need to make up the difference to meet minimum.

I can tell you those waitresses make bank, but they never want to tell you about it.
If I can motivate one waiter/waitress to seek a better job to improve their life then my work is done.
Believe it or not. Most people unless they just love hospitality ( my wife) are working through school and it’s probably the most flexible job they can have. For example. In my mind I can think of, just out of the last restaurant my wife was at. Three RN, a mental health therapist, a really good beautician and a cook to restaurant owner. So it’s sometimes a necessity to get a better job when your the only source of income for yourself.
Also, if anybody is taking advantage of anybody, it’s the employers taking advantage of customers by expecting them to pay employee salaries for them.

Nobody forced a server to take that job. They agree to whatever salary they agree to. Entitled??? Seems like the waiters/servers whatever are the entitled ones, expecting tips etc.
They generally do it because they enjoy it, or as a means to an end.

And you enjoy the service they provide.

If you think they don't deserve to be compensated for providing a service that you clearly want, that says a lot about you.