Are you a country or urban dweller?

Do you pee in your backyard?

  • Yes

    Votes: 185 82.6%
  • No, it would upset neighbors.

    Votes: 22 9.8%
  • Yes, but I'm on one of those lists now.

    Votes: 17 7.6%

  • Total voters
Grew up a town kid, best part of that was the availability or girls when I was a horned up teenager. Moved to the sticks after I married the best one. Pee of the front porch and shoot coyotes from the second story window.

Dirt roads make it tough to keep a vehicle clean tho.
30minutes to the sound, 60 minutes to Seattle, and 90 minutes to Mt. Rainier. Gotta love Washington!

I picked a place where I can't see the neighbors from the back yard where I have complete peeing autonomy.
I live so close to downtown that my property borders commercial property. I’m 50 yards off Main Street and about a 45 second drive/2 minute walk from my office on the courthouse square.

I pee in my backyard.

I live in a town of about 2500 people tho.

I’m about a 5 minute drive from one property I can shoot on. 10 minutes to the main one I hunt on and 20 minutes from one I hunt on a lot, in a different state.

I have lived in Birmingham and Atlanta, I’m not doing that again.
Grew up in the country, lived inside of 2 large cities (not the suburbs, but in the city). I now live “in town” of a town of less than 20,000 people, 4 hours from the nearest interstate. It’s not urban. I’d call it “town” living
One neighbor would have to look through binoculars to be bothered by what I'm doing in the yard, the others would need spotting scopes. People in Poser's area think we live the boonies, hopefully the area stays unappealing that way.

I can see six mountain ranges from the house, be in high alpine or desert in under an hour. Hope my wife or my work never make me move.
I currently live in an urban area just outside of Seattle. Looking to move somewhere rural in Montana. I hate having little land and neighbors too close especially if they report me to the fire department for having a little backyard fire.
Live in an old farmhouse (1910) just off the highway, closest neighbor is a mile or so away. Closest town has 21 people and a post office. Plan to build a shop/ office soon. Can pee and shoot guns in the driveway. 20-40 minutes to 5 different mountain ranges. 10-45 minutes to 3 rivers. Hwy is a little annoying, but good pay for me and fiber optic internet since rural development. Not bad at all!
Had a friend from west virginia . When they finially had indoor plumbing his dad thought it the most disgusting thing to go to the bathroom in the house !
Wife is Ukrainian and I'm Romanian. Went to Romania and Ukraine about a year and a half back, and mostly used outhouses with no lighting or electricity lol.
I guess I’ve always looked at it as to whether or not I could shoot guns from my front or back porch (like high power rifles), and either nobody hears it, or nobody cares because it’s legal. Unfortunately, my primary residence doesn’t allow that, but I can do it all day long at the cabin….and I have.

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We’re secluded enough to pee in yard. With a family of 4 and 1 bathroom it happens regularly. When we remodeled the bathroom, we took showers on back deck with buckets of hot water.
Absolutely... outside, off the second story deck... we live in a neighborhood in the country, we have neighbors, but far enough away and through the trees we're good to go. If fact, my sons favorite thing to do is pee on the tree(s)... taught him well apparently... but perhaps to well as my 3yr old daughter wants in on the tree-peeing action🤔
I usually walk past the bathroom to go outside to water the back 40. Anyone who may see me has either already seen it or not supposed to be there… and that’s when the target practice may come in handy.