What is YOUR Small Caliber on Big Game Experience?

Please check the response that most accurately summarizes your experience or opinion (6mm and below)

  • I have not used a small caliber rifle on big game, but I am open to it

    Votes: 104 32.0%
  • I have not used a small caliber rifle on big game and I am opposed to it

    Votes: 14 4.3%
  • I have used a small caliber rifle on big game and I am in favor of it, I will continue to do so

    Votes: 197 60.6%
  • I have used a small caliber rifle on big game and I am opposed to it, I will not do it again

    Votes: 10 3.1%

  • Total voters
So some generic cup-core lightweight soft point, and a thickly jacketed, narrow opening match bullet that needs very high velocities to fragment?

If the shot is good either of those are going to work, but they're not great bullets without some serious shot placement and impact velocity considerations. So then from that, what were the shot conditions?
Standing deer in a field. 75 to 200 yards. 1 was a buck that had been shot several days before, I wasn't deer hunting just had a rifle along in the jeep during deer season. It took several hits to finish the wounded buck. But yes, it wasn't a known sierra or anything. Think the rifle was a cz527 carbine.
I have used the 223 on Antelope and Whitetails a number of times. Maybe 15 deer total. I used various bullets, 55 gr, SP's some factory and some reloads, the 60 gr. Hornady HP and SP, the 70 gr. Speer and the last was using the 75gr. Hornady BTHP. Of the bunch the best were the 60 grain Hornady's and the 70 gr. Speer bullet. All shots under 150 yards. My conclusion is While the animals did die a bit more gun wouldn't be a bad thing. Used the 243 and 6MM on I would say a lot of deer. Better than the 22's but still lacking in some ways. Since we are allowing 25's I consider the 257 Roberts and 25-06 loaded with 120 grain Partitions and 115 gr. Ballistic Tips to be excellent deer rifles giving up nothing to bigger cartridges. That said I hunt with what I have a whim to hunt with and all are still in play.
55 sp, 75 hornady bthp

Thank you for responding. Those would definitely not be considered the type of bullet that the "small caliber fan club" has reported best effectiveness with.

If a guy reported "unfavorable results" with a .308, because the M80 ball ammo he shot some deer with didn't produce impressive terminal performance, we wouldn't conclude that .308 is not enough gun. Same here, ammo choice makes all the difference.
Thank you for responding. Those would definitely not be considered the type of bullet that the "small caliber fan club" has reported best effectiveness with.

If a guy reported "unfavorable results" with a .308, because the M80 ball ammo he shot some deer with didn't produce impressive terminal performance, we wouldn't conclude that .308 is not enough gun. Same here, ammo choice makes all the difference.
So my 69gr sierra tgk's? 55 varmegeddon, or go by 73 eldm etc?
So my 69gr sierra tgk's? 55 varmegeddon, or go by 73 eldm etc?
55 varmageddon is going to produce violent but shallow wounds.

TGK's are pretty hard, nearly equal to the hard bonded bullets we always talk about producing narrow wound channels.

The best .224 bullets suitable for AR mag length .223 rounds are the 77TMK and the 73ELDM.

80-88 ELDM/X are great, but tend to play better with 22CM, ARC, or long magazine .223/.223AI
I’ve killed a handful of elk, and quite a few deer with a boring old slow twist 243 with coreloks, and later a variety of monos. Even without magic high BC match type bullets, stuff that got hit well seemed to die without much drama. My small one now (same model seven) is now a 257 Ackley. It’s not my first choice out of the safe, as I’d rather shoot Tikkas these days.

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So my 69gr sierra tgk's? 55 varmegeddon, or go by 73 eldm etc?

The 73 grain ELDMs are more than adequate when pushed out of a gas gun. There are a couple of companies that are loading 77 TMKs (ACC and Black Hills), but they are not as readily available and if you have a general mil-spec barrel, they may not shoot as well.

Gotta run whaccha brung. Big as we have except the occasional large black bear or swamp hogs.

I have seen some really nice bucks killed here in SC. They are definitely not as prevalent as they are in the Midwest in terms of body-size, but a 200+lb buck isn't that uncommon.
I have personally killed hundreds and watched hundreds more deer die on depredation permits over the past 10 or 12 years. We used, almost exclusively, 223 bolt guns and a 220 swift with the occasional 22-250 sprinkled in there. This was around 2008 to 2021ish time frame and I used 55 or 64 grain pointed soft points in my 223's. I will shoot any deer in the Southeast with a 223 or 220 swift and have complete confidence in it. I hunt with a 6.5 creedmoor because I like the gun, I shoot a few every year with a 223 still just to carry the rifle. A 220 swift shooting a 55 grain moly coated vmax hornady factory load is like hitting one with a lightning bolt. 😂 we had a shooting table built for the back of a single cab Z71 that we would tuck into the bushes and shoot them across ag fields. It was almost like work at times.

Let me also say I've killed them with a 7 STW and 375 H&H but that's a completely different topic.
Voted #3 as I have seen the results.
I will also keep hunting with magnums and big bore as I am a collector and shooter.
Voted #3 as I have seen the results.
I will also keep hunting with magnums and big bore as I am a collector and shooter.
Perfect, thank you for voting. That's exactly what I had in mind for #3.

Not that you would never use large calibers again, but that you would use or would be okay using small calibers again.
i've killed 1 deer with a 223. It was a bang flop
I've killed lots of deer with a 6mm
I've killed lots of deer with a 270 cal
i've killed a few with 30 cal
i've killed maybe 2 with an 8mm
6mm Remington
Great cartridge for coyotes, antelope, and deer. Light for elk but I've taken one elk with my 6mm Remington shooting 100 gr. Nosler Partitions. For elk and game like that bullet choice is extremely important. My son has also taken one elk, deer, and 3 antelope with his 6mm Remington shooting Nosler 90 gr. E-tips. Performance for both him and me has been excellent. The elk were a spike bull I shot twice at 30 yards and his large cow was one shot at 350 yards. I'll use my 6mm Remington again on elk.

Antelope and deer numbers I have personally taken with the 6mm Remington is quite a lot. Many years we could get 3 antelope permits and 2 or 3 deer tags. I have two friends who have also taken several deer, antelope, and an elk with the 6mm Remington. Again always using great bullets such as the Nosler Partition, E-tip, and Accubond.
I didn't vote because there wasn't an option for how I feel. I've killed several deer with a 243, 5-7 but don't know for sure. I've never been impressed, and didn't use one for quite a while. After reading Rokslide all last year, I decided to use the 243 95BT combo. This was the first deer I've ever lost. IT was a mature buck. The shot felt good, the buck took off holding his onside front leg in the air. I followed blood specks for a 100 yards up hill before I lost the trail. Again I swore off the 243. After thinking about for a year, I've decided maybe it wasn't the cartridge's fault. I'm willing to try it again.

I've killed several deer, bear and antelope with the 260/6.5 CM and think that is the ideal cartridge for these animals.
I've killed around 200 whitetails with a 243. I've used 95 BT, 95 SST, 105 AMAX, 105 HPBT, 85 Speer hot cor, 80 Speer hot core. They all worked fine. I have not had any wtf moments when I made a good shot. The same is true with mechanical broadheads which get blamed for stuff all the time. Once I have recovered animals that were involved in rodeos, I have realized that the shot was not what the shooter (sometimes me, sometimes friends) thought. Given that this has been the case in 100% of circumstances, I assume it is also the case in the situations where the animal was not recovered.

There were a few times when I was in my late teens, early 20s and had no idea what I was doing where I had 70 grain BT varmint bullets grenade and cause problems from too little penetration when hitting shoulders. If you hit the ribs, even varmint bullets have no problem killing deer at super high velocities where you would think they would fail.
Would love to get more votes from the "Rokslide weekend visitor" types.

Maybe there is a correlation between time spent on RS vs caliber size takes.
I can't believe 94.5 percent of roksliders are on the small calibers for big game bandwagon.