Anyone regret their point situation?

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Actually the game warden was spot on. I've personally seen the proof that what he said is true.
Until you can provide substantiated evidence to contradict the evidence I've personally seen....your commenting on with nothing viable....

I'll wait............

Saying 20% go to donors and non residents prior to the bonus pass doesn’t warrant a response other than he’s an idiot.
Humor us with this "proof" you speak of with a simple description since you apparently do not have possession of the material. Was the proof a part of an Arizona statute? Is there a secret organization that controls Arizona tag allotment and creates the tags for itself then makes a few for the F&G to issue through the draw? The possibilities are fascinating to ponder. Or the proof might be 80 proof in a bottle that is being emptied. Cheers.

Oh, based on the "up to 3 tags" per species F&G can provide to 501(3)C groups and the 10 total tags in the Big Game Super Raffle I can only count up 40 tags so some math using the proof you spoke of means Arizona only issues a total of under 1000 tags for big game. Fact is, the total is a bit higher than that so how do you explain this in light of your proof observed and validated? I smell booze.
Actually, saw the list of donors (not including specific dollar amount) who were awarded said tags. Additionally, seen the break down of distributed tags to the most productive GMU. Apparently you failed math. If tags are distributed prior to any 501(3)c charities, and prior to bonus point holders....20% would account for significantly more tags than your drunken math! And you claim I'm hitting the bottle?

Pot meet kettle.....
Saying 20% go to donors and non residents prior to the bonus pass doesn’t warrant a response other than he’s an idiot.

Get it right Bob, its high dollar Resident and Non-Resident donors, magazine writers and the like that get the 20% right off the top...

Where do people come up with that kind of stuff?
Actually, saw the list of donors (not including specific dollar amount) who were awarded said tags. Additionally, seen the break down of distributed tags to the most productive GMU. Apparently you failed math. If tags are distributed prior to any 501(3)c charities, and prior to bonus point holders....20% would account for significantly more tags than your drunken math! And you claim I'm hitting the bottle?

Pot meet kettle.....

Did you see that list in fantasyland?
Get it right Bob, its high dollar Resident and Non-Resident donors, magazine writers and the like that get the 20% right off the top...

Where do people come up with that kind of stuff?

Almost as good as the one from a cpl years ago; a guys buddy had a dept “friend” pull a book of tags out of his desk drawer and gave him one “every year”.

Wants to brawl? Still nothing constructive to add I see? Smh

I think you need to take a step back, what you're saying about the 20% of the tags just isn't true.

If it was, it would have to be in Arizona statute or regulation...and its not in either. Not to mention that hunters would have long ago carried pitchforks and torches to the State capitol to put a stop to it.
Not in productive areas of Arizona. While hunting fall turkey last season, I spoke to a game warden that openly admitted that the Arizona draw system is convoluted. Short version of his explanation, was that here in Az, the very first 20% of tags, ( prior to bonus point holders), goes to both financial donors and non-resident hunters. ( 10% went to resident high money donors, and the other 10% went to big money editors from hunting mags, or hunting shows. ) Upon distribution of the first 20%, then came the bonus point hunters. From what the warden said, " remaining tags in productive areas will be passed out to bonus points of usually 17 points or more". Once complete, the remaining tags per GMU will be distributed to the general public, most commonly low success units.
The sad part is that you believe this nonsense
I don't regret it one bit, I'm in for 3 states......My wife on the other hand, that's a different story, she just commented on my Wyoming points.... helps to understand debate. Which clearly you failed in school. I presented a legit conversation. I'm not the one questioning said proof. You are. It's up to you to debunk me. What, you think I'm gonna prove your argument for you? Special kind of stupid ain't ya? 😂😂😂

Oh, there’s a special kind of stupid in this thread alright, but it “ain’t” Sneaky or WapitiBob.
Actually, saw the list of donors (not including specific dollar amount) who were awarded said tags. Additionally, seen the break down of distributed tags to the most productive GMU. Apparently you failed math. If tags are distributed prior to any 501(3)c charities, and prior to bonus point holders....20% would account for significantly more tags than your drunken math! And you claim I'm hitting the bottle?

Pot meet kettle.....

If you have all this proof that this is happening why dont you threaten to sue the state of Arizona? They couldn’t afford to have that information go public so I am sure you could convince them to give you a premium tag each year in exchange for your silence. It should be simple to add you to that list of people getting those tags every year that no one knows about.

If your not willing to do that will you please send it to me? I am.

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If you have all this proof that this is happening why dont you threaten to sue the state of Arizona? They couldn’t afford to have that information go public so I am sure you could convince them to give you a premium tag each year in exchange for your silence. It should be simple to add you to that list of people getting those tags every year that no one knows about.

If your not willing to do that will you please send it to me? I am.

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Very good point. Unfortunately I was not given the documentation for my own keeping. It was more of a friendly conversation with the warden. Didn't think much of it at the time until later. But who knows?, Maybe these other commentors are right? Maybe the officer was wrong and fabricated the paper I saw?
Very good point. Unfortunately I was not given the documentation for my own keeping. It was more of a friendly conversation with the warden. Didn't think much of it at the time until later. But who knows?, Maybe these other commentors are right? Maybe the officer was wrong and fabricated the paper I saw?

That truely is unfortunate. You could go ask to see it again. I mean he showed you once right? Or it’s typed up and distributed to the game wardens which means that it most likely was sent via email or the code for the draw system has to written to give those individuals preference. We could always freedom of information it. Push hard enough and they will have to audit the draw system. Plenty of ways to get that information.

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That truely is unfortunate. You could go ask to see it again. I mean he showed you once right? Or it’s typed up and distributed to the game wardens which means that it most likely was sent via email or the code for the draw system has to written to give those individuals preference. We could always freedom of information it. Push hard enough and they will have to audit the draw system. Plenty of ways to get that information.

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Another valid point. I guess I should have been more detailed. I thought I had stated earlier, that I was hunting at the time when I had the conversation with f&g. ( He was checking my papers) that's when I initiated the conversation about the draw system. I honestly don't have any further info on whether or not this documentation was emailed, or simply typed up. I didn't think too ask. Lesson learned ......keep what I hear to myself
Another valid point. I guess I should have been more detailed. I thought I had stated earlier, that I was hunting at the time when I had the conversation with f&g. ( He was checking my papers) that's when I initiated the conversation about the draw system. I honestly don't have any further info on whether or not this documentation was emailed, or simply typed up. I didn't think too ask. Lesson learned ......keep what I hear to myself

Or before you come into a thread with a hear say conspiracy have your shit together or be willing to take the flak and don’t tell everyone else to prove your factless claim wrong with facts.

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Regardless of state, the point system has made hunting a "rich man's" game. If you can afford the high end win. The rest of us can save points up until we die and never hunt premium land for big bulls. Hoping just to get drawn for cow.....freezer been empty for years now

WA points are fairly cheap, in the $6-11 range including for out-of-staters. I think people get in over their heads with trying to stay current in points in multiple states. Also, a key difference with WA is that you don't lose points if you miss a year or even any number of years. Other states drop your points after a year, I think that's unfair. But again the greater absurdity is there is no way to equitably burn up this backlog of points at an adequate rate.

I think it is dangerous to call hunting a "rich man's" game. Even a hunter of the most modest means is spending a good portion of his annual time hunting, thus all hunters are sufficiently affluent to pursue the activity.
When I'm given information about parts of a draw process that I haven't personally researched, I call the ones who run that draw and verify. Over the years I've learned a whole lot of people, including employees, may not know how things work. A 5 minute phone call to Amber Munig at AZGF would have been my first order of business.

To the op's point, no I don't regret my points situation, I embrace it. Every state is different and unique; temper expectations to your position in the points line, applying accordingly, and you'll hunt on a regular basis.
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