Anyone regret their point situation?

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Anyone regret how far down the rabbit hole they have gotten with points?

I have come to the realization that I think I would rather have not gotten to where I am but, am now in too deep to stop in a few states. I am burning 7 elk points this year on a maybe 4 point unit. Recovery from my problem is hard but its time to go hunting and not point collecting.

Maybe its because as I get older I put more value on hunting in general and less value on antlers size. I may not be the same hunter I was 10 years ago when I started putting in for western states.

Yep...………………………...I regret not starting 20 years ago, at 47 it seems hopeless, ill prolly build a few and use em over and over, i'd prolly be dead before I built up enough to use on a monster trophy unit...……….
I wouldn't say I regret it but I have started to use them up and have a different strategy moving forward. Looking to hunt more and count points less. I think hunting a decent unit on a regular basis is more effective than hoping to draw a great unit then get lucky. I've seen too many people kill a mediocre animal in a great unit and a lot of great hunters kill bombers in easy to draw units to make me feel like there is more of a correlation between being a good hunter than drawing a good unit. At least to me.
I don't understand the guys saying they wish they would've never started the point game but are unwilling to cash in their points to hunt a mid tier unit right now? So what if you have 12 points but have to put in for a unit that only needs 8 points. It's either that, or keep complaining about how you'll never get 20+ points to hunt that premier unit that you've likely never even set foot in before.

While i'm torn on if I like the points system or not, there is one benefit. While states like NM are nice because it's all draw, it makes it very hard to plan out hunts if you have a busy life/schedule. It's nice to have a mixture of states (some using points and some not) so you can at least plan a little and every few years cash in points and "know" you're gonna get a tag vs a random draw only where you might get "screwed" and either draw nothing or draw more tags than your schedule/wallet can support....
I don’t regret it at all, I figure I’ll get to hunt great tags every 5-10 years out of state, maybe more frequently than that, and I can hunt here in Colorado every year, as well as plan my draw hunts by points...I don’t drink or gamble, tags/points/raffles is my only vice!
I'm not knocking anything about the system with my comments. I'm just saying that a lot of the NR with near-max points are getting up in age, and you can't know how many will be apply in a given year. Many will not ever be able to draw and will drop off or even die before applying.

If these guys are dead set on one particular unit, and ONLY that unit, then yes.......they absolutely could die before drawing that unit. But when guys start collecting points for a 20+ unit, or even a 10 point unit........they know going in that they won't be drawing a tag anytime soon.

That's where the strategy chosen comes in.....wait for the top unit(s), or hunt less-point units more often. They chose their strategy, and they very well could die before drawing. But they could also die before drawing if they're only looking at a 2 point unit and are only 21 years old.
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Absolutely...I regret that I still have points for deer, moose, goat, and sheep in MT. Wish I would just draw the tags so they would disappear!
I'm 53 and have been a CO resident all 53 years, and those units are out of my reach as well. It's just a matter of how you want to structure your hunting years. I'd much rather hunt a limited low point unit every couple years than collect points for decades, even if it was a guarantee to draw in a certain year without point creep. There are plenty of good units to's the "getting away from people" that's the tough part.

not true, I cashed in 7 points in 2011 and hunted 61 second season. Killed a great bull. Hunted it two more times on reissue tags the first two years before they changed the system. Last year there were 20 first rifle tags on the reissue list.
Personally I’m not making my points a retirement plan, I tend to spend them early. Zero issues not holding out for the best of the best.
I only hunt the state I live in and with the exception of the big three, moose, sheep and goats I don't play with points, I spend them as soon as I can. I've quit accruing points for the big three, opting out of getting any more of the useless points and just applying with what I have for moose and sheep, won't pursue anymore points for goat, got one point last year when they were only $3.
I've started acquiring pnts in AZ and UT have about 5 ea. At 40 yo I do sometimes wonder... will it ever happen. I have started to consider some other states that have lower point draw numbers to go more regularly, but then again I go every year here in Oregon with an over the counter elk tag... So I get to go.

Just got to pick the right game. Choose a strategy and play the numbers right.
not true, I cashed in 7 points in 2011 and hunted 61 second season. Killed a great bull. Hunted it two more times on reissue tags the first two years before they changed the system. Last year there were 20 first rifle tags on the reissue list.

Not sure what you're calling "not true" from my post. A 7 point tag is nowhere near the top of the heap, and the reissue tags are a whole other ballgame unrelated to points.
I'm curious what everyone saying they want a "quality hunt" is looking for?

I have my most elk points ever this year, and it's 3. If I can talk myself out of applying for 1 of the several good archery tags, I may get to 4.
Not sure what you're calling "not true" from my post. A 7 point tag is nowhere near the top of the heap, and the reissue tags are a whole other ballgame unrelated to points.
I would take that seven point 61 tag over a bunch of double digit point units. You also stated that many of the units are out of reach yet they are not
Can't speak for anyone else with 20 points for deer, but it did not start as a retirement plan. I never planed to waiting this long to enter a draw. When I started, the points were free, I had option of Ranching for Wildlife even as a NR. Much has changed, and the point creep has become a greater issue than anyone could have fore seen.

On at least two occasions I reached out on MM, this sight, or a G&F biologist and was told that the mule deer heard in unit XYZ was damaged by winter kill. At that time It was recommended that I hold off. The biggest factor was having other options and species to hunt in another state or OTC with Friends. Being included in those plans required a early commitment. I do like to hunt elk a whole lot. These long time friends could not swing a yearly trip out west and it's hard t get the time off for a 2nd hunt. Limited vacation time and the expense limits most anyone to one out-of-state hunt per season. Have a friend from New Mexico (deer hunter 1st) that wants to come with me when I finally draw and also a brother who now lives in Colorado. My research network is getting much deeper. May be close to the place where my points would nearly guaranty that I will draw in my unit of choice. LaGriz
I'm curious what everyone saying they want a "quality hunt" is looking for?

I have my most elk points ever this year, and it's 3. If I can talk myself out of applying for 1 of the several good archery tags, I may get to 4.

my idea of a quality hunt is different than most. i'd like to get out and see several animals and put a good stalk on one or two without even seeing another hunter. sometimes i'm able to accomplish that. other times it seems that several of us have the same idea that day. being a meat hunter i'm not getting to choosy on an animal. i do sometimes pass on a good wall hanger just to take the better meat standing next to it. one of these days i may hunt up a good rack for the wall but it'll just be part of the whole package when the time is right. until then i'll keep after "quality hunt" dreams.
I would take that seven point 61 tag over a bunch of double digit point units. You also stated that many of the units are out of reach yet they are not

Like I've stated all depends on what you want. If you want the 7 point tag over all else........that one's easy. If you want a 4 point tag over the high point units......that's easy. If I'm sitting on 2 points and want a NW corner archery tag.........they are absolutely "out of reach". That's not even a debate.......they're out of reach with drawing with points, unless you hit the lottery hybrid draw. But that would mean continuing to keep your points and keep applying for that unicorn tag, instead of using them elsewhere.

Of course one could also buy a $15k landowner voucher, which then makes points irrelevant and makes them within reach.
Like I've stated all depends on what you want. If you want the 7 point tag over all else........that one's easy. If you want a 4 point tag over the high point units......that's easy. If I'm sitting on 2 points and want a NW corner archery tag.........they are absolutely "out of reach". That's not even a debate.......they're out of reach with drawing with points, unless you hit the lottery hybrid draw. But that would mean continuing to keep your points and keep applying for that unicorn tag, instead of using them elsewhere.

Of course one could also buy a $15k landowner voucher, which then makes points irrelevant and makes them within reach.
I am on the same page as you. A 7 or 8 point unit is not "out of reach." Although, that unit may be a 10 or 12 point unit by the time I hit 7 pts, so it could start to become out of reach. The true "trophy" or "top tier" units in states like Colorado, Arizona and Utah are completely out of reach for a guy like me, sitting on just a couple points.

That is why I made the decision to not even try to chase those units. A quality hunt, to me, does not necessarily mean 350" bulls and 200" mule deer running around everywhere. When I am searching for quality, I am just looking for something that offers me a good opportunity at seeing and harvesting less pressured animals, and seeing different country. I am perfectly willing to gather up several points in Colorado, and then go to a unit like 61 and shoot a "sub par" bull. Dumb? Maybe. But I am ok with it. If I was really chasing a giant, I would save my money and not ever buy points, then have enough money in 8-10 years to buy a landowner tag or pay for access to a nice private ranch.
A couple buddies and I have points in Colorado. We have 2 or 3 each and can draw the unit we like to hunt. We aren't going this year but instead of sending Colorado $100 for another point this year we held off. We have enough and will draw next year.
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