AK Sheep, Population Observations

Is there a "danger" that the Federal Government, (who may not control game management and harvest) does control the "lands" they manage, might jump in and declare an emergency, resulting the closure of sheep hunting to protect the survival of the species.........on Federal managed lands.

Or worse......the expansion of more National Parks an Preserve Land.

Remember if put to a vote, likely 98% of Americans would like "ALL" of Alaska turned into National Park.
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I’m not gonna lie.
You come up with some stupid stuff.
After 52 years of having watched huge chunks of The Wrangell Mountains, Alaska Range, Brooks Range, Chugach Mountains, Kenai Mountain Range, turned into Parks, You learn who is "Driving The Bus".

My point which "Clearly" escaped your comprehension, is if Alaska can't handle Game Management, the Federal Government will.

Alaska may be in charge of game management, but the Federal Government controls what is "allowed" and what is prohibited on Federal Lands.

Is it beyond your comprehension. that Joe Biden, might desire to add some more chunks of Alaska into National Parks. Maybe close all hunting in the "National WILDLIFE Refuge".

Could you "not" see how convenient, and politically expedient it would be to say, "National Wildlife Refuges" should be a refuge for wildlife, and not a Trophy Hunting area.
I think that would be an easy sell, for a President looking to up his approval rating.
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You come up with some stupid stuff.
Just so we are “clear” I remember the 70s just as much as you do.
New to this site,not new to hunting.
Then again maybe you didn’t spend the 60s and 70s “Clear” which would explain a lot.
Get outside, get some oxygen.
“Clear” the air in the bunker.
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In fairness you are correct not a single one.
But that didn’t mean I wasn’t carrying a gun.
It was a few years after 72 that I could pick one up again.
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Could you "not" see how convenient, and politically expedient it would be to say, "National Wildlife Refuges" should be a refuge for wildlife, and not a Trophy Hunting area.
I think that would be an easy sell, for a President looking to up his approval rating.
his approval rating doesnt mean anything for him. He is far too old to ever run again.

also what about hunting and not "trophy" hunting.
I think we can all agree that Joe should post here more often!
For sure!

I miss seeing Joe at the gun shows in FBX. We had great discussions about various Chesapeake Retrievers we owned. Mine retrieved ducks and geese while his retrieved seals. We're fortunate that Joe is so free with all of that experience.

For all the sheep hunters with the latest gear; have Joe tell you about sheep hunting in hip boots.
For sure!

I miss seeing Joe at the gun shows in FBX. We had great discussions about various Chesapeake Retrievers we owned. Mine retrieved ducks and geese while his retrieved seals. We're fortunate that Joe is so free with all of that experience.

For all the sheep hunters with the latest gear; have Joe tell you about sheep hunting in hip boots.

Joe was measuring and plugging sheep this year here in Fairbanks when I took my ram in. I thanked him for the way he shares his knowledge, etc. His reply was "like I say in my seminars, I can't fit 40 years of mistakes into a 2 hour seminar"
A tough winter for people and a tough winter for sheep are not one in the same.

I haven't been in the alpine in southcentral since late "fall," but so far it has been relatively clear and consistently cold with some pretty significant wind events in these parts. Cold and windy are good things for sheep as the snow stays light enough to blow off of ridge tops and windward faces exposing their food sources. Lots of wet, heavy snow and mid-winter warming events that lead to melt/freeze cycles are really hard on them and usually spell a "bad" winter for sheep.

It is also hard to singularly classify a winter in Alaska since conditions change dramatically from one end of the state to the other and in the 7+ mountain ranges and sub-ranges where sheep live.

So far I'd say the winter in the Chugach and Central AK Range has been pretty good for sheep, but we have a long way to go.
Expecting a winter storm beginning tonight in the middle Tanana Valley which includes 20A and 20D [DCUA] with up to a foot of snow with some possibility of some rain........I'm hoping this rain thing doesn't occur.
So in theory, if global warming is real (and all else being equal), dall sheep populations should increase/mortality should decrease, correct? Time to roll some more coal! lol
“Warm” winters are bad for sheep. Cold winters, being what they evolved to deal with, are good for sheep.

As such, trending towards consistently warmer winters, aka global warming, will continue to be hard on sheep populations.

Until global warming reaches the point where it doesn’t snow at all up here and we are all hanging out in short pants in December that is.