AK Sheep, Population Observations

How are things looking in either the Brooks range or the Wrangells? I am hoping to book in one of those 2 areas in the next couple of weeks. Anything can happen from now until 23-24 for sure just trying to get an idea. The NWT is also a strong possibility, I just think of Alaska when I think Dall Sheep. Should I concentrate on the NWT more? Thanks
Central Brooks is setting the pace to have a record type of snow year. Good news is the rain that hit the central interior didn't happen in that area that I know of. The population has been hammered by weather lately so hopefully they can get a break this spring and not have any rain then 30 below
Expecting a Chinook this weekend with winds 50-70 mph through Isabel Pass. Temperatures to be warmer. Will it help the situation or just cause enough thaw to create more crust? It should be interesting either way.
Central Brooks is setting the pace to have a record type of snow year. Good news is the rain that hit the central interior didn't happen in that area that I know of. The population has been hammered by weather lately so hopefully they can get a break this spring and not have any rain then 30 below
Freezing rain and a thick ice crust is bad.
Deep snow is bad.
And over 2 months of winter left....
In the river valleys snow pillow sensors:
30 inches at Robertson River, 20-34 inches at Tok stations, 32 inches at Delta, 37 inches at Eagle
Up in the Tanana Uplands currently as high as 40 inches at Chena Dome,
90 inches at Jack Wade Junction.
Freezing rain and a thick ice crust is bad.
Deep snow is bad.
And over 2 months of winter left....
In the river valleys snow pillow sensors:
30 inches at Robertson River, 20-34 inches at Tok stations, 32 inches at Delta, 37 inches at Eagle
Up in the Tanana Uplands currently as high as 40 inches at Chena Dome,
90 inches at Jack Wade Junction.

I think that 90 inches at Jack Wade is almost certainly instrument error. But yes, not looking good. The uplands adjacent to the Steese have an ice layer covering all of the alpine vegetation, with very little open ground. The caribou do not seem to be attempting to cross the lowland areas with 35-40” of snow.

I have heard that the ridges around Black Rapids may to be fairly clear of snow/ice? Not all hope is lost. That area had another rain event recently though.

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South of Donnelly Dome the snow was knocked down by a warm Chinook blowing through. WE are hoping the bison can struggle that far and find the pea vine along the river.

Yes, it does look a bit more promising for sheep survival in the Black Rapids area if the grasses haven't froze down.
I think that 90 inches at Jack Wade is almost certainly instrument error. But yes, not looking good. The uplands adjacent to the Steese have an ice layer covering all of the alpine vegetation, with very little open ground. The caribou do not seem to be attempting to cross the lowland areas with 35-40” of snow.

I have heard that the ridges around Black Rapids may to be fairly clear of snow/ice? Not all hope is lost. That area had another rain event recently though.

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Yes I think your correct about a sensor malfunction at 90 inches, but other areas are deeper than 3 feet,
45 inches at Denali Park for example which is measured.

2 different snowmachine hunter groups got bogged down in the deep snow off the Steese and had to be air-rescued last week according to an article in the local newspaper.
it's been a couple of months since the last post, any updates? has AK F&G started any survey work yet?

In certain Alaska units, sheep are in trouble (19C is one example). So we need to look at the human component (human harvests) and deal with that, because we are not able to do predator control for non-human sheep predation (i.e. golden eagles, which are the main non-human predator). We also can't control avalanches and deep snows and winter rains etc that can lead to sheep mortalities).

Over the past two decades in 19C, nonresident sheep hunters (guided) have consistently taken 80% of the harvest. One guide who guided there for 20 years put in a proposal last year to cease all hunting for two years for everyone because of his concerns for the sheep population. He has since moved on to other areas in the state to guide sheep hunts.

This isn't rocket science. We need to limit the nonresident sheep hunters in areas like 19C to draw only with a limited allocation. We need to do the same elsewhere as well because if we don't the sheep will further decline and Alaskan residents are going to lose general sheep hunting opportunities.
Just looked up the website in your tagline- I'm not a resident but I love the message.
it's been a couple of months since the last post, any updates? has AK F&G started any survey work yet?


No survey work, but just completed 3 weeks of collaring and aerial radio telemetry work. As someone else mentioned, we do aerial surveys in July. During winter and spring months, we perform collaring and biological tasks and telemetry studies.
No survey work, but just completed 3 weeks of collaring and aerial radio telemetry work. As someone else mentioned, we do aerial surveys in July. During winter and spring months, we perform collaring and biological tasks and telemetry studies.

any general sense on how things look as far as winter kill?
I know it might be early for survey results but curious to hear how everything’s panning out thus far?

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I know it might be early for survey results but curious to hear how everything’s panning out thus far?

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This below is cut & paste from Advisory Committee newsletter:
ADF&G is gearing up to conduct the surveys in July. Once they are complete and the information analyzed, a presentation to the board will be scheduled. Boards Support will notify the public when the presentation is expected to occur.
I know it might be early for survey results but curious to hear how everything’s panning out thus far?

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I could be wrong, but I believe it was Schmalzy that's headed toward the White River country this coming fall. I flew over all that a couple days ago. Helluva lot of snow still in that country. Still looking pretty white in there.
I could be wrong, but I believe it was Schmalzy that's headed toward the White River country this coming fall. I flew over all that a couple days ago. Helluva lot of snow still in that country. Still looking pretty white in there.

Wrangells for me with Mont Mahoney.

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