7prc just slayed the 6.8 Western

All else being equal in terms of BC and suitable bullet construction, I agree that a killing shot from one of the 3 cartridges in reference will, 99.9% of the time, be as good as a killing shot from any of them.

However, the 6.8 W and the 6.5 PRC have an equivalent fuel tank, both in terms of volume and geometry. The 7PRC has more volume and is a long action round. It will shoot a little flatter and, due to less time in flight, it will drop and be blown around a little less than the other 2 over a given distance.

I'm not sure how it got started as a direct comparison, but the 7PRC is in a different class of cartridge in a lot of ways. If the 7PRC was built in a 6.5 PRC or WSM or RCM or SAUM case, it'd be a different scenario.

This. The 7 PRC is a modernized 7 RM. If I owned a 7 RM (I own a 280AI) and was happy with it, I would not feel any need to "upgrade."
- If I was buying a new rifle in the 7RM/280AI/7PRC, I would buy a 7PRC.

- The 6.8 W is in the 270 Win class. I don't think the 6.8W is really an upgrade. I don't think many people want to shoot heavy 6.8 bullets.
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Let's not forget the fact that we're really splitting hairs here, all of the aforementioned cartridges work fine if the shooter does his/her part. There have really been no significant improvements to cartridge design since the 30-06 was developed over 115+ years ago. We've had new cases, new calibers, short, long and magnum designs. Some faster, some more efficient and some more accurate but "improvements" measured in micro changes. The 30-06 has killed every big game animal in NA (see book One Man, One Land, One Rifle), a very nice book by a GA doctor who hunted and killed every big game in NA with his Rem 700 ADL in 30-06. To my point, the 7mm PRC is just a slight improvement over the 7mm RM and IMHO represents the best of the 280, 280 AI and 7mm RM in one updated package. Consider automobiles in the last 100 years and changes/improvements compared to rifles/cartridges. The modern bolt action rifle is not very different from the 1898 (that's 18, not a typo) Mauser rifle, same to be said for the good ole 30-06. Still, life is too short not have shoot what you like, I'm going to cobble the parts to assemble a 7mm PRC just 'cause I want one (let's not confuse this with need).
I have a caliber restriction in one area that I hunt in that limits you to .277 and below so I used it as an excuse and picked up an XPR in 6.8 Western so I could use it as a do-all. Now I just need to get some load development in.
I have a caliber restriction in one area that I hunt in that limits you to .277 and below so I used it as an excuse and picked up an XPR in 6.8 Western so I could use it as a do-all. Now I just need to get some load development in.
"caliber restriction", I'm curious about that!
Regarding minimum, the 22 cal and up is allowed in most states and a 223 with proper bullets will kill any deer that walks, like any cartridge, it's up to the shooter to his/her part.
Regarding minimum, the 22 cal and up is allowed in most states and a 223 with proper bullets will kill any deer that walks, like any cartridge, it's up to the shooter to his/her part.
I wasn't curious about minimum caliber insofar as killing ability. Seems that's been beat to death on this site already! Or maybe it could still be beat a little deader with a bigger caliber?

If I read the earlier post correctly, the poster was stating that .277 was the maximum bore size allowed for a certain area in which he plans to hunt. I've only heard of minimum caliber restriction; as such, I am curious about where, for what game and for what reason there is a maximum caliber restriction. Also, .277 seems a little arbitrary as far as max, but since I don't have any other context, it's hard to say.
Speaking of caliber restriction, I have a similar one where you can only use < .275,(They allow .270, 6.5s etc) but it is for small game. It was sort of thought up along the shotgun-only areas. They didn't want too powerful? rounds being used as houses were nearby. Ironically you are limited to calibers that are being used for long-range shooting these days.
I wasn’t going to build another custom Tikka but I got a smoking deal on the stock I wanted AND there was a pre-fit barrel in stock that is exactly what I want in 6.8 Western. I get both in a week! Who would have thought you could get everything you need to build a rifle in a week?

The 284 win that I built last summer shoots laser beams. Now if I was only this lucky hunting…LOL
I like the concept of the .277 projectile, going back to the original 270wcf and the model 70. The various 6.8 cartridges that came around during the GWOT were interesting. The 6.8 Western is really the first attempt at a modern long range version of the 270…and they did it in a short action. That’s a huge leap.

That said, there is always higher performance…you can always step up in velocity, SD, and so on. The question seems to be what’s good enough for you. I think that a 6.8 in a lightweigh, short action mountain rifle is a great setup.

I plan to buy one, probably a model 70. I do wish there was more ammo and brass…
For the 6.8 Westie you can get the 165 LRAB and the 175 Gamechanger in factory ammo. Barnes makes the 155 LRX for the Western also. Retumbo and RS Magnum are good powders for the Western which I have plenty of.

The best you will be able to do for factory ammo in the 7 PRC is the 180 eld. If hand loading the 7 PRC for a Tikka action, the 180 eld is about as heavy as you will be able to go as well. The 180 hybrid is “iffy” in a 3.56” AICS mag.

The ballistics between the 6.8 Western and the 7 PRC are so close I don’t think it is worth mentioning. I suppose if you can load 190-195 low drag heavies in the 7 PRC there would be performance gains. I give the nod to the 6.8 Western because it is a more efficient powder burner and has less recoil in a short action cartridge.
Has anyone run a 6.8 Western in a long action with a BDL magazine? I was thinking of buying a barrel and bolt head for my Origin LA.