Sportsmans shows 66 6.8W models offered from Browning, Winchester, Seekins, Fierce, and Christensen Arms. Shows 44
Models offered in 7mm PRC from Savage, Remington, Ruger, Christensen Arms; Seekins, Fierce. I am sure both will get more added as supply chains continue to loosen up but lots of good options now.
For those of you who think Hornady is better at supporting cartridges than Win you probably forget the 300 rcm, 338 rcm, 30 tc, 338 marlin express, 308 marlin express, 450 marlin and probably several not thinking of. You can still pretty easily find wsm ammo compared to any of those all introduced after the wsms. Not at all picking on Hornady as a big fan, but they are not any better/worse than others