7 Pin Slider

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
I'm starting to think I'm the only guy that uses a 7 pin moveable sight....anyone else running a sight like this?

I'm using an Ascent 7 pin Montana Black Gold with my 80 yard pin as the slider.

I am a fan of the multiple pin adjustable sight BUT I do only like seeing 5 pins myself. I am shooting a CBE custom ( green .029, green .019, red .019, green .019, green .019 ) and I do have some blue fiber on the way to play with :):):) I feel that once I get past 60 yards in most cases the ball is in my court and I will have time to range and set my sight using my 60 yard pin as my main pin past 60.
7 pin Spott Hogg for me....gets me to 90 yards. Bubble and crosshair intersection gets me 104 yards.
In 2008 and 2009 I shot the Fuse Lucky 7 on my Hoyt Katera and 7 pins was to much for me personally Cmeier117. Its a personal thing...my eyes and brain naturally have the 5 pin system running through them and 7 just heaved a wrench into things. Using a Schaffer Opposition rest last year shooting 309 fps I had vane clearance at 150 yards to practice. I didn't personally practice past 120 yards except on two shots at 140 for fun because I could :)
that would confuse me, I am goin to a 3 pin slider this year. been using a 1 pin slider but would like a little more forgiveness if an animal moves after I've drawn my bow
Evan, Aaron, David and others using sliders:
I have been using the 7 pin Spot Hogg for several seasons now but intrigued by the idea of a fixed/slider combo. In your experience, after ranging the animal, how long does it take to make the adjustment to your sight prior to taking the shot? Any lost opportunities due to "operator error" when you first made the transition?
Maybe Im a dumb xxx but I dont get the slider idea. I know it nice just to look at one pin but everytime the animal moves you have to move to adjust your single pin to the yardage? Why? Wouldn't a fixed pin sight make for sense? What am I missing?......BTW I shoot a cam hanes spott hogg 7pin wrap.
Maybe Im a dumb xxx but I dont get the slider idea. I know it nice just to look at one pin but everytime the animal moves you have to move to adjust your single pin to the yardage? Why? Wouldn't a fixed pin sight make for sense? What am I missing?......BTW I shoot a cam hanes spott hogg 7pin wrap.

The reason that I shoot I single pin is that I'm left eye dominant and shoot righthanded so it helps my focus a lot with only one pin. Also I never have to worry about using the wrong pin. I practice shooting different ranges without moving the pin so I know how much to hold over if I don't have time to move the sight. Works for me.

I don't have those issues because I have 7 pins, but I know a lot of guys that prefer a 1 pin mover for its simplicity (no clutter), and they feel it makes them more accurate as well.

I can't handle using a 1 pin personally and pefer the best of both worlds (7 pin slider).
No sliders for me, too hard for walking game. I did try a Hogg Father with 3 pins with dreams of using the bottom pin out to 1000 yards (LOL) but ****canned it and got a Hogg It. After it came apart I went with the Real Deal. Bullet Proof (literally) and gang micro adjustable. You can shim the sight to your riser and the other axis isn't necessary if you don't torque your grip. 20-80 yards. Better yet, grab a recurve and forget the stupid sights. :)
Desertstalker--In MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE I have never lost an animal due to user error. I have shot both single pin and multiple pin sliders (now all you'll find on my bow is a multi-pin slider...same with aron). Honestly, if I even need to slide my sight for yardage (which isn't done until PAST 60 yds) it only takes an additional 2 seconds. The benefit of using a multiple pin slider is that under 60 (for me....under 80 for aron) is that WE AREN'T MOVING OUR SIGHTS. So if that animal does move on us we can compensate by pin gapping.

VCB--The point that you are missing with a combo multi-pin slider is that I can be more precise in my aiming at longer distances where it matters most. With your SDP Spot Hogg pins set 20-80 in 10 yd increments...shoot me an animal at 73 yards. You are going to have to GUESS where 3 is between 70 and 80. And at that distance your target isn't "filling" the pin gap like it would trying to shoot it at 43 yards. Heck...it doesn't even have to be on an animal. Lets go shoot an NFAA Field Round. 80 yards and in at odd ball increments 71, 68, 63, etc and hit an X-ring. To me thats the benefit. It is costs me a second or two I'm ok with that. I won't ever take a shot on a moving animal. So when he stops to feed..I range..set my sight..draw. As he looks up chewing I settle my pin and the shot is off as he goes back to eating never knowing what is in the air heading for his vitals.
Evan makes several great points and I agree 100%!

I don't need to shoot very far on my first arrow, BUT, if things go wrong on the initial shot and I need a follow up arrow, than all bets are off and I will drop one in him at any distance. My bow 80 is sighted in out to 120 and I will use it when needed.

My antelope hunt this year is a good example. My first shot was at 47, but he spun and I caught guts and 1 lung. He ran out to 97 and stopped, so I dialed my 80 to 97 and dropped on in his lungs to put him down quickly.

I wouldn't shoot an animal at 97 on the first arrow, but I was glad I had the option.
I understand the point of of 7 or 5 pin slider now. Now I want to try one. Aron how are the black gold sights? The prices seem OK?
I have shot a single pin slider for years. It is what I am most comfortable and confident with. I shoot it year round in tournaments and practice. I have only had to aim low with my single pin one time on an elk that was coming in to my calls. He died pretty quickly:). Since I am primarily a mule deer hunter and hunt almost exclusively spot and stalk, the single pin has worked out very well for me. As Evan mentioned, the ability to hold exactly where you want to hit builds a lot of confidence.
Yeah totally makes sense. I can see how a slider would help a lot at farther distances. Thanks for the info.
So if you have a seven pin slider...how many adjustments do you typically have 9? for the 61-69 yds for example? What 7 pin sliders do you guys shoot?....Interesting....
7 pin is WAY too much for me... Hell 5 is really pushing it too! I shoot a 3 pin Ascent slider and really like it. Thinking about changing to 4 pin but still undecided on that as I really like the open sight picture the 3 pin gives me...