Multi Pin Sight Setup for Elk

Switched from a SH 7 pin to a Fast Eddie 3 pin, all .10. Pins set at 20, 30 and 40, but I can adjust the top pin out to 70. It’s been working great for 3 years now.
How many elk have you killed and how many have you lost due to a bad hit. I'm not a fan of the trick pin, too much room for error and it's pretty risky hitting an elk below 8/43 unless your forward of the leg bone into the heart. You are hitting the diagram if you hit POA and you better have a huge cutting head on if you want to kill one hitting it there.

Here is a shot that hit POA in you pic, the bull didn't die from this hit but I used a big cut expandable and essentially dumped his blood and guts out and he went and laid down 20 yards from where he was hit and I had to put another arrow in him after sneaking up on him and watching him suffer. IMO if I were shooting a COC fixed head the bull would have never been recovered from that shot. Back 1-2" from POA is 100% guts and forward 1-2" is a leg bone you aren't getting through.

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You don’t need use the trick pin system then. It works for me, maybe it will work for others. I have used this aiming technique on three bulls, 2 NM, and 1 WY. For the last 5 seasons or so I adapted it to deer with the 35 yard pin, and the last two seasons it is all I have used for shots under 30. Works like a charm…..for me. Good luck!
Forgot……No lost elk, I used the Slick Trick 100 Standard on those three bulls. Watched two of them fall in sight.
I reread your post, I think you miss understand the system. I do not intend for the POI to be at the POA for any shot less than 43 yards. The arrow is always going to impact a minimum of 6.25”-14” above POA, solidly in the kill zone. For ranges beyond 43 yards I always intend to range and aim traditionally with a pin (50 or 65 in my case) or gap between them.

If you think 43 yards is too close to the edge, then make the maximum yardage 40 yards, etc., for a higher POI. The trick pin system is adaptable to how ever you want to use it. It just allows the flattest part of the trajectory to work in your favor when the action is fast.

If sitting a water hole, or expected trail crossing, and you know the exact distance then by all means use the exact pin, or dial, for that distance. The trick pin system is great for times when a bull comes in unexpected at an unknown distance less than 43 yards (for me). Which is almost always hunting thicker timber, allying, etc.

It also avoids high POI, because the highest the impact will be is mid chest. I think high hits are a bigger threat than low.
I’m in the minority. 7 pin Hogg it, top 5 0.019, last 2 0.010. A lot of dead elk and no sight related issues.

Sliders seem cool. I have never shot with one.
Anybody find 4 pins a good compromise? Is 3 too few? What yardages do you go with if using less than 5 pins?

What about size of pin? Smaller, say 0.10”, for the slider pin?

I’m looking to experiment a bit this offseason to figure it out, but figured I’d ask the collective group here first…
I experimented with a 4th pin, .010 on my BG mountain ascent slider. I'm back to 3 pins.

I've also experimented with different yardages, mainly 20,30,40 and 25,40, 50.

After trying multiple things, I like 3- .019 pins at ~25,40,50. (it may not be exactly 25yd, I shoot at 20 and 30 until I'm equally high at 20 as I am low at 30) The only thinking I really have to do is adjusting aim on grouse at close yardages.
I use a two-pin verticle Boonie, and a three-pin horizontal Prüf. The Boonie is .019 and the Prüf is .019, .019 and .010 all green. I prefer the horizontal pins.
How many elk have you killed and how many have you lost due to a bad hit. I'm not a fan of the trick pin, too much room for error and it's pretty risky hitting an elk below 8/43 unless your forward of the leg bone into the heart. You are hitting the diagram if you hit POA and you better have a huge cutting head on if you want to kill one hitting it there.

Here is a shot that hit POA in you pic, the bull didn't die from this hit but I used a big cut expandable and essentially dumped his blood and guts out and he went and laid down 20 yards from where he was hit and I had to put another arrow in him after sneaking up on him and watching him suffer. IMO if I were shooting a COC fixed head the bull would have never been recovered from that shot. Back 1-2" from POA is 100% guts and forward 1-2" is a leg bone you aren't getting through.

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What expandables were you shooting? Thanks
What expandables were you shooting? Thanks
I’ve killed elk with Trypans, Dead Meat’s and the new Evolution Hyde. Currently using glue in Hyde’s and like them. I’d shoot any of the above, the OG Trypans had collar issues but the NC or the G5 T2 address that.

I’m really liking the Hyde and like that they have COC head out front.
Been using a Spot Hogg Triple stack the last 2 years and so far I like it.
For me its a best of both worlds. I have my 3 set at 20,30 & 40 mainly for around home where i do most of my hunting. But if I head west or have a longer shot I can dial.
I’ll be experimenting with 3, 4 and 5 pins this offseason with the 0.10” pin as the lowest on each. Basically going to add or subtract a pin over the next couple months to see what works, maybe experiment with the “trick pin”. But I kinda feel like keeping it simple will be best for me, 15 yd intervals feel more difficult to judge in the field. But I like the fact that the method forces you to practice and know your trajectory better than most.
As I age my eyesight just did not like all the pins and they fuzzed each other out I worked all the way down to a single pin then back up to a 3 pin but I’m a big fan of the dual trac from BG. I set my top pin at 25 and my bottom is 40. I’m pretty much nothing but an elk hunter I will kill a deer if the right one presents its self lol. But with this pin set up I don’t have to dial from 0 to 45 yards and honestly even 50 on and elk is just under the top of the back. That said I’ve never not had a situation where I did not have a second to dial. But at least I know in a pinch it’s very doable if I can’t. I’m not shooting quarters at the range I’m looking for 8 inch groups on a big animal with ample lungs. I like a lot of sight picture as well just makes it simpler for me.
3 pin BG for me. I have a single pin housing too but never use it. Top is .019 and the rest are .010. It was the best compromise I could come up with.
3 pin slider works for me. 30,40,50 are set. 475gr arrow 305 fps.
Shot a 5 pin fixed for years, tried to catch up to the times with a single pin slider and I didn’t care for it for my style of hunting (mostly run and gun Elk) the 3 pin slider has been a good compromise of fixed pins through my normal ranges and the ability to dial exact yardage for anything over 50
Spot hog double pin slider, simple as it gets. Top pin 25 bottom 40. I can place the 40 yard pin on the top of a deer back at 50 or an elk at 55 and it’s in the kill zone. All .19 pins, dark timber at last light they are still well lit.

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I shoot a single pin BG slider. Set it at 35 and forget it. Use a trick pin system for everything 40 and under. If it’s over 40 and I feel comfortable with the shot then I can dial if I want to and shoot.
the 4 pin concept of the UV Slider with the UV3XL scope has been the perfect blend for me. 3 horizontal pins on a slider for hunting sake has been optimal versatility and sight picture, with the bonus stubby 4th pin for 3D and TAC style archery shoots to squeak out just a little more range.
Great thread - I’ve been debating how many pins. I recently picked up a 3 pin BG ascent verdict but haven’t had a chance to use it much yet. Switching over from a 5 pin fixed sight I’ve used for year.

I’ve been thinking 30/40/50 for pin placement but I’m curious to see how that performs/where to hold for shots at 20 or less.

Has anyone here modified a BG sight by adding a 4th pin? Would that affect the bottom floater pin?