7 Pin Slider

My rig is 7-pins on a Tommy Hogg!

Must have pins and it's nice to be able to dial in a number on a longer shot. I will say 7 is overkill for the vast majority of all hunting situations, but only you can decide how far is too far.



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COOP is using Archer's Advantage!!!! Great way to get a new set-up dialed in and once you have it down I can build a tape in under 10 minutes and be running!!

Now here is the other question guys who use multiple pin adjustable sights. What pin are you using when you dial? I personally use my bottom pin where one of my hunting partners uses his middle pin of 5 and another his middle pin of 3.
A 7 pin sight is my favorite and up to this point it has always been a fixed pin set up. I am waiting on my CBE Tek-Hybrid to try out for 2012. It is adjustable and will be something new for me.
I've used from 1 to 5 pin on a Black Gold Ascent...This year I'm shooting the Black Gold Ascent Target with a single pin scope on it...I'm SO much more accurate with a single pin head so that's the reason I went back to one. My long range shooting really improves with a single pin.
The Ascent is a great sight, lifetime warranty, and you can customize it to the way you want it.
This is my first year running a movable sight. Running a 5 pin Spot Hogg Tommy Hogg. I think I will be changing out the large guard to a small guard so I can get more clearance on my sight so I can dial in a bit farther at the target range.
I use a Black Gold Ascent 3 pin, but unlike others I set my tape up for my top pin. One thing this does for me is if he gets beyond 40 I dial to 50 and then I am good out to 70 yards or 60/80, etc... there will be a few yards lost due to pin gap increase but it seems to work well for me.
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5 Pin Spot Hogg Boss Hogg.....If you shoot with a quiver always attached make sure you can get to the adjustments on your slider. Spot Hogg makes the Tommy Hogg and Boss Hogg, which are very similar, the Boss Hogg with the adjuster more or less to the left of your quivered arrows and the Tommy more or less on the right side...Personal preference will dictate which one on the Spot Hoggs.
You raise a good point about the backup shot, got me thinking. I also run an ascent, only with 4 pins. 4th pin is the floater. I too like the best of both worlds, but i take a weight penalty because of it.

MBG really stepped up to the plate on this one though. Iv got an ascent, w/ 4in dovetail, and vengance head. Very impressive sight.
I'm shooting the Ascent Target right now but I think I'm gonna run it as a 5 pin setup by fall...It'll be an Ascent, either Surge or Venegeance head, 5 pins ".019, .019, rest .010" and a 6" dovetail.
i like the slider /it is fun to sight in at 100 or more to just practice and play
How is the adjustability of the ascent? I've read some are smooth and some are not. Anyone have any problems with them coming loose while shooting?
How is the adjustability of the ascent? I've read some are smooth and some are not. Anyone have any problems with them coming loose while shooting?
They can be kinda tight when they are new but with some use they get smoother..That's a delrin type track they run in, it smooths up with use..No issues with them coming loose...They have a lock down lever on them to keep them from moving, but even with the lever unlocked they won't move on you.

I wasn't aware that BG made a 7 pin ascent? I thought it only came in 3 or 5?
They only advertise 1,3,5 pin versions but you can run them through the custom shop and get whatever you want, I think 9 pins is the max you can get but that's a lot on one of them....Majority of the ones I sell are 3 or 4 pins, sold a few 5 pins but most guys are whitetail hunters and don't want that many pins on one it seems like.
No problem, anything you guys need to know on the Black Gold sights feel free to ask...I know their sights very well and if I don't have the answer for you I'll try my best to get the answer.
My sight of choice is the G5 XR2. The XR2 only has two pins; one fixed and the other adjustable. I was originally looking for a seven pin sight because I enjoy shooting at longer ranges; therefore, I needed more than the five pin sight I had previously been using. After looking and trying several different seven pin sights, I came to the conclusion that a seven pin sight just wasn’t for me. With that many pins, the sight view is too busy and cluttered to suit my eye and I don’t want to be to be spending precious seconds during that moment of truth making sure I am on the correct pin.

The XR2 basically gives you the best of both worlds. You get the clean, uncluttered sight view of only two pins, but you also get the added advantage of having an adjustable pin for all of the longer distances. This in my opinion makes it a lot more versatile than a seven pin sight.

Just my $.02